King's second element

The second chapter 338 of the king

At the same time as Eli, I sent a harass, and then the whole person was going to go out, and the black Iliya was a long hair that Li Ya's silver.

Hard students who returned Iliana in the cradle.

"Ah, it hurts, Ilia feels that he has to become bald!"

Iliya painful eyes with tears and looks quite pitiful.

Alice Philler's sold force for Eliya for various treatment, then worried about Iliya, who is being murdered by black Iliya.

"Berserker, let the essence of the satentine ~"

The Berserker, the white smooth man, stepped on the smelly pace, and slammed into the satellite, who opened an infinite sword.

The satellite and the black king is carrying out the mourning torrents, seeing the Sword of the Wei Shi Lang projected the Sword of the contract victory and pulled out the independent fantasy town in the body. During the minute, it is going to give black Gilea. Mih came to a big trick.

White Berserker is involved in the weapon flood in the satellite and black Gilgamesh.

"Ah! Berserker is dead !!"

In the dark, Iliya pain in Aliya thought about how to counterattack, while paying attention to the situation of Berserker.

Then she saw the scene that Berserker was smashed from the weapon flood.

"Hey !!"

Berserker can do more than one life, as a Berserker with Temple twelve trials unless he went to count his 12 in the day, then kill his own life, if you can't do the total Berserker within one day 13 If you live, in the case of magical supply, Berserker can reset twelve trials again, once again get twelve life.

Berserker can be said to have no death.

After the floods of the weapon, the pure white Berserker was successfully interrupted. The goal of the satellite and the black Gilgamesh.


Looking at the pure white Berserker in the battle, the black Gilgamesh made a clear action.

Although the ability to think about thinking and reason, the black king seems to tell the enemy is a friend?

"Hey !!!"

No, the black king can't distinguish! He is only a little doubtful looking at pure white Berserker recovered from death and has lived again.

The floods of the weap have been opened again. This black king will focus on the pure white Berserker.

"How can this, Gilgorch, is me, Sakura is helping you."

Duan Tong Naki looked at the black Gilgamesh actually attacked the pure white Berserker, could not help but saten, the poor look is really distressed.

But the black king that has been killed, obviously can't understand the pity, the sound of the sound of Tong Nakines, and the black king is quite too much.

"Little Sakura, have you not figured out the situation, the hero king is obviously what is controlled!"

Far from the poor Tong Sakin, but Tong Cotaico is not ignored to remind a reminder ...

"Yes, Gill brother must be unhappy because there are too many people here ~ Sakura is helping the Giji brother to clean it here."

During the tongshell, since the pure white sick mode is opened, the Tong Sakura is obviously not able to communicate.

"Rider, go to my dear sister, do it ~"

The voice of Tongcota is very gentle, but her order is a cold.

There is no slightest, and the farther has chosen strategic retreat.

"Do you escape?"

Rider does not have a slightest, colorful, the color of the color seems to be in the long-awalation of the far.

"Gem Magic · Funity!"

Rider's petrochemical eye, far from the nature, it will not be not caused, as long as Rider can't see her, then it will not be petrified.

The wisdom of the wisdom throws a gemstone in the first time of strategic retreat, and the fog was created and blocked with Rider's sight.

"Does the cat catch the mouse game?"

Rider didn't matter laughed, she didn't hesitate to rush into the fog of 0.7, and the fog fog foggy manufactured by the foggy.

"What to do, I will fight with servant, I will definitely no more winning, can be evil, archer, where is your guy to go !!"

At the key time, Red A summons fell, and the heart is in a hurry, but now the red a is not good, he is holding with Sasaki Xiaolang together in a dark time drifting.

"Ah, it is, it seems that someone is chanting me."

Red amo Mo nose.

"Your guy, don't spray your mouth on your face!"

Sasaki Xiaolan said the iron blue, but unfortunately, the posture of the two seems to be temporary.

Chapter 383 has a fifth battle to end.

Rider's nail lock chain made a buzzard of iron, the mountains of the Yuan Tibetan mountains were very broad, but they can provide far from the excessive area of ​​the strategic retreat.

How much time doesn't use, the far-sighted activity area will be completely sealed, that is, it is far from the dead.

Although I can't help but use the magic attack, I am very clear, but I will never have some hesitation.

Time passed by a second, and the situation is getting more and more crisis.


The staple head of the head lock chain is in the face of the farther side, just a little bit of the long-term long legs that wearing black stockings.

"The game is over."

It seems that the final declaration of destiny, the other end of the nail head lock chain in the hand of RIDER fines the past.

There is no way to escape, this is a desperate!



Rider attacked the nail head to be flying.

"Oh, oh, I have been going to get off work late, it is the right choice, Miss ~"

One eye is smashed, a closed lancer appears! twenty one

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