King's second element

Wang's second chapter 629


The black rabbit said that the black rabbit is very weak. She feels that the whole body is overtaking, and the whole person has peerned.

Why, why is you calling, there is a problem for children! ! Wait, Gilgamesh's words, problems youth! Why can't you consider how much the black rabbit is considered? Black rabbit is very fortunate!

"The end of the world ... No, no good! 'The world's end" there is a fascinating beast for a gift game !! "

Compared with the mourning of the black rabbit, Ginn's reaction is bigger, and the imperi-theorel, as a local resident of the box, he is quite understanding of the horror of the beast!

"Does the energetic beast?"

Gilgamesh sinking a moment, between the Eudemon and the Eudemon, it is like a person and a person, the combat power is quite big, even if the Gilgamesh can't guess the reverse returned to sixteen nights. What kind of illusion, unless Gorgamus take the initiative to open his "Almighty Trinity Star", but it is clear that Gilgamesh will not be trouble yourself for this little thing.

"What is the Essential beast? What is the difference between the beast?"

Longyuan birds and spring sideways have no concepts for illusion.

"The Eudemon is actually the beast with gifts, especially the Eudemon at the end of the world, all of which have extremely powerful gifts! As long as there is, it is definitely not the average person can deal with it!"

Jin En said that the tone is quite heavy. In the golden idea, if you don't accident, the man named reversal back to the sixteen night, should be killed under the claws of the Eudemon.

"Ah, it is really regrettable, it seems that he is in this world."

A long-term flying bird seems to have a bit of a gloating, there is no more than half of the so-called nervous companions, oh, it is, they just have just met the three hours of strangers.

"After dead, return to the original world?"

The Spring Festival is also no longer lung.

"Is the rebound sixteen night really like a street? He can be playing with the golden flanks."

It is far from the far away, and it is not so pessimistic about the situation of the sixteen night. Of course, this is not far from the strength of the sixteen night, but she believes in Gilgamesh's strength.

Even if the strength of your fists, far-fry, I don't think Gilgamesh will lose the so-called Eudemon of this world.

"No matter what to say ... call! Golden Master, they will give you a road, can you?"

The black rabbit is very mourning, but life will not stop, and the black rabbit of the moment is re-burning new fighting.

The reason is very simple, because the black rabbit will go to the end of the world, grab it back in the world, caught back!

"I understand."

Jin En nodded, he knows the meaning of the black rabbit.


"The pet of this king, where do you want to go?"

Feeling the power of the hand whose ear, the black rabbit could not help himself, just wanted to catch back against the sixten night, the child, actually forgot this black rabbit, she is not free, her identity today But Gilgamesh's pet!


Ginn is a little confused, he is doing not understanding the relationship between the black rabbit and Gilgamesh.

"That, this ... I am the most dearest, kind master, please allow me to bring back the child's child."

Black rabbit has a smile to Gilgamen, she kicks up, pleases, please, the black rabbit is still in the rabbit ears in Gilgamesh, facing Gilgame Gamme launched a sold cute attack!

"Don't forget your identity today, black rabbit. Give this king as soon as possible."

Gilgamesh still did not stop the black rabbit to look for reversal sixteen night, not Gilgamesh will worry about the reverse 16 nights, the reason why the release is due to the bottom of the faded or because of the sale of Gilgamesh, then A hope that comes from the eyes.

"Yes! My master, most half an hour, the black rabbit will definitely take questions with a problem."

The black rabbit returned two steps, then gigabonded a squid, guarantee.

"You will come back to see this king, this king does not like men."

Gilgamesh turned over the eye, waving the black rabbit, indicating that the black rabbit can leave.

Chapter 690 hates a child? (Ask for flowers, ask for subscription ~)

"Oh! It's time to let the child understand how the black rabbits who have been praised as" boxing aristocrat "! "

Get the first Kelgamesh, the black rabbit suddenly became full, the meat ~ The gas visible from the black rabbit broke out, the original blue long hair will be made into a touch of pink, with the help Several pillars next to the outside, there are several jumping after the black rabbit, they disappeared from everyone's field of view.

"The rabbit will be discolored, the gold sparkles, your pet is good."

A long time flying bird took a black show that was blown by the wind that was brought by the black rabbit, and the standard Miss-style smile in Gilgamene.

"If you don't show this formatted smile, Miss Flying Bird, you will be a very good beauty."

In addition to arrogant words, Ski's words are actually said, but this wave of sisters seem to be lost.

"Ah, in front of your partner, I don't have any questions, don't have a problem, you are a thin man."

"No problem, I have been used to it."

Far from the wind.

"Nonono, this king is not a thin man, this king is fraternity, give up the king of lonely, attacking the king of the love, this king can really ..."

"Ah, this little brother is called Jin En? Since the black rabbit lets you bring the road for us before leaving, then you will be able to take us into the box, as a lady's bodyguard."

The long-term flying bird does not want to discuss with Gilgamesh or to discuss any lonely or fraternity, she is very strange, how can she have a man like a temperament like this, even if she is a man like Gilgamesh, even if she has a strong strength? It is also not able to represent the man who will be able to settle himself to three people.

"Oh, ah? Ming, understand! Official self-introduction, I am Jin En, Russell, who is the first leader of the Community. This year is 11 years old, please take care! And it is, please ask a few name?"

"Longyuan bird."

"Spring Day."

"Far, this is Gilgamesh, you can call him gold."


Jin En Binbin has a self-introduction, but the Gilgamesh mood who is deliberated and ignored is very bad. In the case, it is that Gilgamesh does not have any place to pay attention to the place, so he Ginn's attitude is very general.

"Well, we advance the box. Oh, yes, if you can ask me something to eat, I think I will be very happy."

"me too."

"Ah, I feel that I am also hungry."

A long time flying birds pulled up golden, first stepped into the door of the box, the Spring Festival, and the farther followed.

"This world is really interesting, everywhere is the smell of God Buddha, step on their faces to become the only king of this world, it seems that this is the reason why this king came to this world. This world needs a real king "

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