Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 126: It's a dead end

Qianfan Villa.

When Ji Shiting came back, the servants in the villa were startled. After all, Ji Shiting never came back so early.


"I'm leaving right away, I don't have to prepare lunch." Ji Shiting ordered lightly, "Young Lady is still sleeping?"

"Yes, I just went in and took a look. The young lady was sleeping deeply." Sister Xiu said, thinking she was really for the young lady.

Ji Shiting coldly raised his lips. Tossed by him until five in the morning, it would be nice for her to wake up before dinner.

Without even taking off his coat, he went directly to the second floor and pushed open the door of the master bedroom and walked in.

The woman was still lying on her side, her body curled up, and she was still asleep, but she was not sleeping well.

Ji Shiting stretched out her hand to caress her cheeks, looking at her pale complexion and trembling eyelashes, her eyes darkened.

He pressed his lips tightly, lifted the quilt, and saw the traces of blue and purple on her body, as well as a private part that had been red and swollen, and a hate mixed with pain and guilt rose to his heart.

She could bear it, even if it didn't hurt, she dared to cry and beg for mercy. But the more patient she was, the more angry he was, and she lost control in the end.

The most annoying thing is that this stupid woman may not even understand the reason for his anger.

Ji Shiting secretly gritted his teeth, took out the plaster he had prepared, wiped her on the red and swollen area, and finally covered her with a quilt.

Perhaps it was the ointment that worked, and her slightly frowning eyebrows spread.

Ji Shiting sneered, leaned over and took a bite on her earlobe, and he heard the woman's dissatisfaction, he felt a little better in his heart.


Ye Shengge was awakened by hunger. She opened her eyes and looked at the light coming through the gap of the curtains. It is estimated that it was at least afternoon.

The body is still weak, but it is not so sore, and it is still cool in a certain place... Is it Xiu Xiu who applied medicine to her?

Ye Shengge imagined the picture, which was too embarrassing and shameful. At this time, the door of the room was pushed open.

"Young lady, you are awake." Sister Xiu saw the person on the bed roll over and smiled. "Do you want to eat something?"

Ye Shengge was so hungry, so he endured a shameful "huh".

Fortunately, Sister Xi didn't tease her, but just smiled and served her a meal. After she finished eating, she thoughtfully put away the dinner plate and table, walked out gently, and closed the door.

After eating, Ye Shengge finally recovered a little.

She dragged her sore body out of bed, went to the bathroom and simply took a shower, then dressed and stood in front of the mirror.

The pale reflection in the mirror reflected her pale complexion, and the birthmark on her cheek, as she change at all.

What to do now. Yi Ji Ting's pride will definitely not be easily seduce by her anymore. Even if he can't hold it, there are enough ways to prevent her from succeeding. It's nothing more than a repeat of last night.

This is a dead end.

In fact, she can understand Ji Shiting's anger. He knows her purpose, and it is inevitable that she will be used. If it were her, she would be upset.

However, she did not expect him to be so angry. Even if her purpose is impure, she has never forced him, they are at least as you wish.

Ye Shengge sighed for a long time, like a mess in his heart.

Unable to figure it out, she simply went back to her room and continued to watch the script. As she got close to the night, she felt hungry, and then walked out of the room.

As she walked down the stairs, she happened to see Ji Shiting walking through the door.

Their eyes met without warning.

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