After getting in the car, Qiao Yanze immediately called the two bodyguards responsible for protecting Li Yinian and learned that Li Yinian was still in Interlaken.

"You have to be careful these days, you must watch closely." He Shen ordered, "I will send two people to help you."

No matter what Qiao Yanxun wants to do, it is always right to be careful.

Then he called Gu Yimo and asked him to give the result as soon as possible.

Gu Yimo said angrily: "It's not convenient for you as a son to take samples, let alone me? Don't remind me, I will notify you as soon as possible!"

"Up to three days." He commanded coldly.

Gu Yimo wailed on the phone: "Got it!"

Qiao Yanze hung up the phone but did not immediately start the car, but clicked on the car music player.

It was Li Yinian's famous song "Don't Leave". The clear and ethereal voice immediately rang through the car, and the sadness in the voice seemed extremely quiet.

"I have loved and lost/ tasted the sweetness and astringency of love/getting out of fate/I know what I want"

Qiao Yanze found that the woman's voice was very good early, especially when she smiled and called his name on the bed, she was charming and sexy, delicate and dumb, ears, a little bit wrapped around his heart, and finally even his The soul is also tightly intertwined, and there is no hope of relief.

"...What's worth in this world/if I don't have you/I look at the mountain in the distance/I miss the intersection of the turn/I look back suddenly/I just found that you are waiting for me/have not left"

What good is worth in this world, if not you.

I found out that you were waiting for me and never left.

Qiao Yanze closed his eyes.

Knowing that this could not be a song she sang to him, but it did not prevent him from letting him immerse himself at this time.

Soon, the woman's voice disappeared with the last treble, and the car was quiet and terrifying.

Qiao Yanze finally started the car, and his beautiful face showed a kind of inorganic calmness and indifference in the night.

At this step, he must be especially careful, and there must be no mistakes.


In the middle of the night, Qiao Yanze was suddenly woken up by the phone.

When the fierce ringing sounded, he almost thought it was Li Yi who said something unexpected, but he didn't know it until he picked up the phone.

Qiao Fengnian suffered a heart attack and was sent to the hospital for rescue.

His face fell, and he rushed to the hospital immediately.

When he arrived, Qiao Yanxun had just arrived, and was comforting Mrs. Qiao who was pale.

"His health hasn't been so good this year, and the doctor also said that he should take a good rest, not angry or tired, but he just doesn't listen..." Mrs. Qiao choked with a voice, "If you step back early and give the company to you, Not like this..."

Since this year, Qiao Fengnian's body has been deteriorating, otherwise he will not decide to withdraw from this position two years later, but he did not expect his body to deteriorate faster than everyone thought.

"Mom, don't worry, Dad won't be okay!" Qiao Yanni looks a little uneasy and has a perfunctory tone. "What's more, you still have us."

Qiao Yansen nodded, but his mind was obviously not on Mrs. Qiao.

The same is true of Qiao Yanxun, sometimes excited and sometimes sad.

Qiao Yanze's eyes were low.

If Qiao Fengnian came back from rescue, he certainly wouldn't dare to occupy this position again, that is to say, the original heir dispute will come out a year and a half early.

(The lyrics in this chapter are from Zhang Shaohan's "Have Not Leaved")

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