Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1302: What they expect from Qiao Yanze

"Don't talk about it again." Qiao Fengnian said in a deep voice, "This paternity test shows everything. There are no **** scandals. No one will mention it in the future. Now the board of directors has made a choice..."

He looked around the audience, and finally his eyes fell on Qiao Yanze.

"At first glance, you and I also think of Yanze. Then, in the future, Fengqiao Group will be handed over to Yanze. Next, I will hand over work with Yanze. Any other comments?"

After Qiao Fengnian finished speaking, the directors shook their heads. Some of them had been very cryptic about Qiao Yanze's unscrupulous style, but now that he has proved that he did not have any incestuous behavior, then they have nothing to say.

Qiao Yansen and Qiao Yanni glanced at each other, somewhat unwilling, but the matter is up to now, the two have nothing to oppose, not to mention that the older brother who has always been polite and pretending to show such a ugly side, they are unavoidable to be a bit gloating.

Anyway, they didn't have much hope. Although they couldn't become group presidents, their respective fields were completely in their own hands. Even if Qiao Yanze is in this position, it does not mean that he will be able to sit firmly.

The term of office of the group president is generally five years. If he does not perform well after five years, this position cannot be replaced.

The two thought so, and immediately echoed: "We have no opinion, Dad. Yan Ze's ability is indeed obvious to all."

Only Qiao Yanxun's eyes were red, and his teeth clattered.

"Brother seems unconvinced?" Qiao Yanze smiled. "Look, now the truth is clear, you don't have to worry about my private life affecting Feng Qiao's image, should you be happy, right? Let me remind you, directors, 'S vote was over before the truth was revealed."

Hearing Qiao Yanze's last sentence, Qiao Yanxun's face was even more distorted.

He thought he had caught the kid's handle. Who knew that it didn't work at all! What did this kid do, or was Qiao Yanze really better than him, so the directors would rather choose a morally tainted Qiao Yanze than trust him who has been working for the company for so many years?

Qiao Yanxun couldn't accept the result. He clenched his teeth tightly, and he still didn't say anything more abnormal.

"It seems that everyone has no opinion." Qiao Fengnian finally smiled a little, "Very good. Yan Ze, you have to work hard and don't disappoint the trust of the board."

Qiao Yanze smiled slightly: "Father, you can rest assured."


The news that Qiao Yanze was about to succeed the president of Fengqiao Group quickly became a hot topic for all employees via internal mail. Soon, Fengqiao Group also made an announcement and officially announced this news.

As a listed company, Feng Qiao's big personnel changes are enough to make headlines in financial news. Qiao Yanze's popularity has made this news more concerned by many people. Many people did not expect that Qiao Yanze's internal battle turned out to be Qiao Yanze's victory. , Feng Qiao's stock price also rose a lot. This shows that the stockholders are still quite confident in this personnel change, and it also shows their expectations for Qiao Yanze.

Li Yinian, who was far away in Vienna, also saw the news.

To be precise, Qin Hongyu told her the news.

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