Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1634: Good teeth

Upon seeing this, Jiang Cheng yelled, "What's wrong, aren't you very patient. Don't feel confident?"

Jiang Yu glanced at his dear father, and there were two words written in his eyes, childish.

Jiang Cheng was aroused by his eyes again. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes and took out his generosity as a father: "Does Jing Tong do not want to have a child so early? You just got married and said this might be a little early. Just you After all, the current status is different from the past. Having a child who has a better image of you will help you re-elect."

"We still want to live in a two-person world for a while, and haven't thought about the children for the time being." Jiang Yu said calmly.

"If you are not in a hurry, what frowned did you frown just now?" Jiang Cheng ridiculed him politely, "not to mention that the old man will urge you too soon."

Jiang Yu knew this naturally.

Seeing that He Xiangjun had come out of the room with his clothes on, Jiang Yu got up and said: "I will say it later. Dad, I think you and your mother are too busy, you might as well go out and play."

I have never seen such a boring parent. There are old men on the Jiang family and he is under him, so the Jiang Cheng and his wife have no pressure and work easily.

"Hey, I want you to manage!" Jiang Cheng felt that this kid was getting more and more rampant.

He has always been known for his temperament and elegance in school. Whoever sees him disrespectedly is Professor Jiang. As a result, he is always stunned by his wife and children at home.

When Jiang Yu went upstairs, when He Xiangjun handed his clothes to him, he saw the tooth mark on his son's chin.

"Yo." She smiled, "Jing Tong has a good mouth."

Jiang Yu took the clothes and said politely: "I will take Jing Tong back immediately and say hello to you first. You and your dad should stay in another place, don't stay in the living room."

He Xiangjun naturally knew that Jing Tong was about to be embarrassed to see them, so he was very upset with his son: "It's not you dead boy, the daughter-in-law should have been mine today.......Forget it, I will find another opportunity to contact her, you hurry up Go."

Having sent his son, He Xiangjun went downstairs and said to her husband: "Hey, you said we are about to hug our grandson."

"It's early." Jiang Cheng poured cold water on her, "Gang Jiangyu said he was going to live in a world of two, and I guess it must be the daughter-in-law who is not happy."

He Xiangjun "Ah" uttered, can not help but frown.


Jing Tong didn't know that Jiang's parents had begun to stare at her belly. At this time, she was gnawing at the date.

When Jiang Yu came in, she immediately looked up, her expression a little nervous: "What does Auntie say?"

"She said your teeth are good." Jiang Yu stroked the tooth mark on his chin and chuckled.

Jing Tong screamed "Ah", regretted her heart, she shouldn't bite in such an obvious place just now!

Jiang Yu grinned and rubbed her hair and handed her the clothes: "Okay, all blame me. Change clothes first, let's go home."

"I blamed you!" Jing Tong glared at him and took over his clothes. "You turn around and don't watch!"

Jiang Yu originally wanted to say that he had never seen it, but the woman was in a rage at this time, and he turned around wisely.

After Jing Tong changed his clothes, the two left the room. After seeing that there was no one in the living room, Jing Tong was relieved.

"Aunt is not here..."

"Knowing that you are shy, I have let them avoid... hissing." Jiang Yu's words were twisted hard by the woman before she finished.

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