Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1708: Why are you stupid?

Achen and Qing'er are four and a half years old, and the two children have been smart since childhood. Ye Shengge is used to hearing from the two children from time to time some vocabulary reserves far beyond their age, but she still can't think of one day I will hear the word contradiction between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law...

In the future, she really has to screen the entertainment content of the two children in advance, and those messy TV series can never let them watch it again!

"Qing'er, if you like Aunt Jingtong and would like to play with Aunt Jingtong's little brother, my mother certainly supports it." Ye Shengge patiently educated her daughter, "but about your future husband... you want these now It’s too early, and you will meet many, many people in the future, and your thoughts may also change a lot, so you really don’t have to worry."

Qinger blinked his eyes: "But my brother often goes to Uncle Qiao's house recently to see his soft sister..."

The corner of Ye Shengge's mouth was another draw. She had thought that her son would be a little calmer, but I didn't expect... forget, the two children probably thought it was fun, she interfered too much but not good, just let them.

So she touched her daughter's head: "Forget it, mother doesn't interfere with you, you are just happy."

Qing'er smiled and hugged her and kissed her face hard: "Mom, I love you the most!"

Ye Shengge raised her lips and kissed her face: "Mum loves you too."


It was another year of bright spring, and Jing Tong gave birth to a six-pound baby boy one day.

In fact, there is still a week before her due date, so Jiang Yu was visiting abroad at that time, and received news from Jing Tong that he had started ahead of time. He was so scared that his heartbeat almost stopped. He quickly stopped his journey and rushed back to Beijing as soon as possible. As soon as the plane landed, I got the news that the child was born and the mother and child were safe.

However, Jiang Yu still did not let go until he arrived at the hospital and rushed into the delivery room, the moment he saw Jing Tong sitting in bed eating chicken noodle soup.

Jiang Yu stayed there at that time, his eyes moved down from Jing Tong's bulging cheeks, and seeing that her belly had flattened, she was convinced that she had really been born.

He Xiangjun sat aside, looking at his newborn grandson with a loving face, and when she heard the movement, she turned around and immediately laughed: "Oh, so fast! Come on! Haven't you seen your son yet? Your grandpa and you Dad has seen it all. The little guy looks really good!"

Jing Tong finally swallowed the food in her mouth, and when she picked up the next wave of noodles, she looked at Jiang Yu with a smile: "Why are you stupid?"

Yeah, why is he stupid?

Probably because he thought he would see a tired, weak or even resentful parturient woman. After all, in the past two months of labor, Jing Tong felt uncomfortable every day because his stomach grew up and oppressed his internal organs. He also knows how difficult it is to give birth, even if Jing Tong has a team of doctors and midwives to serve her.

But Jing Tong in front of him, besides having a slightly tired face, had a clear spirit, and his face was pink after drinking hot soup. Obviously, all his fears along the way were superfluous.


Jiang Yu breathed out slowly, as if to spit out all his worries. He went to the bed and sat down, reaching for the woman's forehead aside.

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