Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1774: Is she really wrong?

Qing'er was speechless. After a while, she nodded gently, and said naively, "That's good..."

"Sister Qing'er hasten to have breakfast, I'll go back to the room first." He said, and stood up.

" haven't eaten yet." Qinger shouted subconsciously.

A Yao glanced at her, her eyes somewhat obscure: "I'm here, Sister Qing'er, I'm afraid I can't eat well either. I'll come out after you finish eating."

After that, he turned back to the room.

Qing'er looked at his slightly lonely back and suddenly felt uncomfortable.

She couldn't figure out, how did their relationship become like this? Is she really doing something wrong?

I didn't know what to eat for a breakfast. When Qinger was ready to go out, she subconsciously glanced at the closed door of the teenager. For a moment, she even gave birth to a bit of regret, but the reason was still Prevailed.

Anyway, A Yao is too young, he is not even eighteen years old... This fact can always successfully repel all her beautiful thoughts.

Qing'er knew she was never a good partner, because she could not accommodate others, only someone else would accommodate her and turn around her. From this perspective, A Yao is indeed very suitable for her lover, but it is not fair to him. He is still an impulsive young age, and his life has not even fully unfolded. It is really not worth investing so much time and energy in her.

She has been his sister for so many years, always thinking about him more. Hormones are only temporary. There are too many things in life that are more important than love.

Perhaps, all he needs is time, he will understand later.

Qinger finally convinced herself.

However, when she returned home at night and saw the empty and deserted room, she felt a bit bleak in her heart.

At this time in the past, A Yao must have almost prepared the dinner, and the smell of the food filled the room. In addition, she was greeted with a dazzling smile from the teenager, but now there is nothing.

She hasn't eaten dinner yet, and she has no appetite when she thinks that she can only cook some pasta herself.

Qing'er couldn't help walking to the room where A Yao had lived before, and opened the door, only to see the empty wardrobe desk and the neatly stacked beds, just like before A Yao moved in.

She sighed deeply and deeply.

After hesitating for a while, she still called A Yao.

The phone didn't pick up until ten seconds later, and the teenager's voice was a little dumb: "Sister Qing'er, what's the matter?"

At that moment, Qing'er suddenly felt the change in the boy's attitude clearly-his tone became much colder.

She bit her lip a little depressed, and asked: "I saw that you have moved away...has the house been found?"

"Well." He simply answered a word without saying anything.

Qing'er was a little annoyed and could only hold back: "You immediately send the address to my phone. That... take care of yourself."

The teenager was silent for a while, and suddenly sighed, "Okay. I can take care of myself, but sister Qing'er... you have to eat well."

! ! !

Qinger was heated by the eyes he said, and there was some grievances in his heart, but this grievance was quickly replaced by greater anger.

She said stiffly: "Of course. I lived alone for several years, not as good."

After finishing his speech, Qing'er severely hung up the phone.

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