Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 616: Come and interview me

Ye Shengge glanced at the time. At this point, Yangcheng should be already in the morning. According to Ji Shiting's usual rest, he probably got up.

So she bit her lip, picked up her phone, and found the blacklist-there was only one number in it.

At that moment, Ye Shengge suddenly wanted to cry.

In fact, she had already remembered his number. Obviously the most important person in her life, she had to refuse all his connections-the fact itself was enough to make her heartbroken.

She thought she would not be sad anymore, but the original sadness was deeply pressed by her heart. Now, thinking of how she once put this man's number on the blacklist, she feels breathless.

It took a while for her to calm down and tremble her finger to dial the phone.

Putting her mobile phone in her ears suppressed her breath as much as possible, but her heartbeat still exposed her uneasiness.

Thirty seconds later, the phone was finally connected, and Ye Shengge almost immediately heard the man's breathing. At that moment, she suddenly felt that her throat was blocked by something. The original brewing speech, now a word Can't say it.

For a while, the two were very silent, only to hear each other's suppressed breathing, for a while, Ji Shiting finally spoke: "Something?"

The man's low, indifferent voice made Ye Shengge instantly refresh.

"Yes..." She replied subconsciously, "That, I have received your email."

"Mail? Well, that's right." He responded faintly, as if he had just remembered that there was such a thing, "Reiterate your appeal."

"Uh... ok." Ye Shengge suddenly felt nervous. At this moment, she realized that this man was not only her lover, but also her boss. She has seen his side as a partner, but she has never felt his side as a boss. As soon as he spoke, Ye Shengge felt a strong sense of oppression-as if her statement was not good enough, it was a waste His time.

Because of this psychological pressure, her statement was not particularly smooth, and she stumbled several times. After talking, she was very frustrated.

"Just... that's it..."

Through the phone, Ji Shiting could feel her frustration, his throat rolled, and his voice became hoarse: "Forget it, you still bring a detailed report, come and interview me. In the morning after three days I You are free, come to my office."

"Ah?" Ye Shengge was taken aback, "Is this necessary?"

"Of course." The man's voice was very deep, "I must make sure that the return rate brought by Shi Sheng Studio can exceed my investment in it. Do you think the return rate of the film and television investment is high? Unless all the artists involved are involved A big explosion like "The Legend of Xue Ning."

Ye Shengge suddenly felt a little dissatisfied: "The Return of Xue Ning to T.S is high enough?"

"Well, it means that I have a good vision." The man's tone was unsurprised. "Do you think it's all your credit?"

Ye Shengge was speechless.

"No waiting." After dropping these four words, the man cut off the phone.

Ye Shengge stared at the busy tone on the phone.


The man’s reasons are ample and his tone is not alarmed, so she can’t judge whether he is really working or if he wants to meet her.

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