Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 638: Who is the child

After arriving home, Lin Ran finally couldn't suppress the opening: "Sister Sheng, please go to the bathroom! The instructions are all on it!"

With that said, Lin Ran handed her the pregnancy test stick.

Ye Shengge shivered when he took it.

She took a deep breath, tried to calm herself down, and turned to the bathroom.

The method of using the pregnancy test stick is very simple. Ye Shengge completed the operation according to the instructions, but she dared not read it.

She closed her eyes, and it took half a minute for her to tremble away.

The two bars that caught her eye made her a bit dazed.

She did not give up, repeated opening and closing her eyes a few times, but the results did not change, she looked at the instructions again-yes, two bars represent pregnancy.


Ye Shengge's face was pale, and he fell on the toilet lid all of a sudden.

That being said, a man did come in her room that night, and the feelings after she woke up were not her illusions.

But... who is it?

Although she trancely felt that the man was Ji Shiting, it was probably the illusion after she was drunk. She missed him too much, so she regarded others as him.

She couldn't help but want to call Ji Shiting and ask if the man was that night. But... if he is the only one, if it is not him, Ji Shiting will know that she has a relationship with another man, this man will definitely be crazy, and she can't bear the consequences.

Ye Shengge's face was pale, she felt she was going crazy.

Who is it? Is it Mike, or some man who secretly coveted her?

It's ridiculous that she is pregnant, but she doesn't even know who the father of the child is.

Maybe she stayed in the bathroom for too long, and Lin Ran finally couldn't help pushing the door in.

"Sister Sheng, how is it?"

Ye Shengge didn't speak, she passed her cell phone's pregnancy test stick in her eyes, Lin Ran took a look, and suddenly started screaming: "Gosh! Sister Sheng! You're really pregnant!! Tell Mr. Ji Right!"

"No..." Ye Shengge covered his face and barely had the strength to speak. "I don't know who this child is. It was the night when I was drunk. I... didn't remember anything."

Lin Ran was shocked: "That is to say, this child may not be Mr. Ji..."

Ye Shengge shuddered, and finally nodded: "Yes. So... don't let him know about it."

"I understand, I understand..." Lin Ran also has six gods and no master. "What should I do now? Sister Sheng, this child... Would you like to stay?"

Ye Shengge shook.

She put her hand unconsciously on her abdomen. Here has actually begun to conceive a small life, she has no real sense of this.

Do you want to stay?

She doesn't even know who the child's biological father is. If the child is Ji Shiting, that's okay. If not... how can she give birth to this child?

What's more, she is still a patient now. If the second personality knows that the body is giving birth to a child, can she accept it? Will she kill it?

Too many unknowns make Ye Shengge confused.


At the same time, Ji Shiting also stepped into the convenience store.

At this point, the convenience store is very quiet, and there is only one cashier who looks down at the mobile phone.

The man knocked on the cash register: "Hello, do you remember what the girl just bought here?"

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