“I still don’t challenge, I give up!”
As soon as this person finished speaking, the smile on Huo Yao’s face not far away immediately put away,
Just now,
The reason why Huo Yao stood up and made this proposal,
The main thing is to let Zhang Biao or someone else challenge Su Tian.
two reasons,
One is because the Kamen Rider obtained by Su Tian is Kiva,
And it can raise the arena ranking to such a level within a month.
This made Huo Yao very curious about Su Tian’s strength,
The second reason is…
Huo Yao quickly glanced at the beautiful figure next to Su Tian from the corner of his eye,
Then look away.
“You… are you going to challenge me?”
Liu Xin exclaimed, looking at Zhang Biao with panic in her eyes.
Seeing Liu Xin like this, Zhang Biao was even more sure that his idea was extremely correct.
Nodding his head, he confirmed:
“Yes, I choose you!”
“Your arena rank is only 10,000th?”
“It just meets the requirements, let me see if your strength matches your ranking!”
Zhang Biao stretched out his right hand and said:
“My ranking is higher than yours!”
On the back of Zhang Biao’s right hand is a knight’s coat of arms resembling the sun,
Su Tian has sharp eyes,
Instantly recognized the knight crest,
Kamen Rider IXA!
In the battle with Yi Hongchang, the one who stood out from the three.
Zhang Biao’s IXA lost to Yi Hongchang’s Joker.
“Then… that’s fine!”
“I accept your challenge!”
Liu Xin still looked very panicked, carefully showing the back of her right hand,
On the back of the hand is a blue tiger emblem.
Su Tian was taken aback for a moment, and said softly:
“It’s actually this knight!”
“What knight?”
Ye Xiner heard Su Tian’s whisper, followed Su Tian’s line of sight,
I happened to see the knight’s coat of arms on the back of Liu Xin’s hand,
“Oh, so it’s Kamen Rider Big Tooth!”
“What? Su Tian, ​​don’t you know this knight?”
“I know!” Su Tian shook his head and said:
“My first opponent in the arena is Kamen Rider Big Tooth!”
Su Tian just didn’t expect,
Liu Xin’s Kamen Rider will be Kamen Rider Da Ya!
A girl who looks weak turns into a tiger rider…
“Knight Century! Activate!”
At this time,
Both Zhang Biao and Liu Xin entered the “Knight Century”.
“Su Tian, ​​since it’s none of your business!”
“Then let’s go!”
Seeing that the other person gave up the challenge, Ye Xiner planned to drag Su Tian away first.
No one challenges themselves,
Neither did Su Tian, ​​nor did Su Tian care who would win between Liu Xin and Zhang Biao.
So he and Ye Xiner walked towards the door,
Seeing her daughter about to leave,
Ye Yao, who was going to be the referee, couldn’t get away,
She could only helplessly exhort Ye Xiner who had already walked to the door:
“Remember to go back early to accompany your mother!”
“Understood! But my mother should want you to go back!”
The response came, but Ye Xiner and Su Tian could no longer be seen.
Would you rather have me go back?
What’s the meaning?
Ye Yao froze for a moment, then shivered uncontrollably,
“Strange, this is just the beginning of school, and it’s still summer!”
“Why do you have a cold?”
Ye Yao, who didn’t understand what his daughter meant, muttered,
Also entered the [Knight Century].

36 The arrival of the last new student, the dungeon is about to open
“That Dean Ye just now was actually your father?”
out of the classroom,
Su Tian looked at Ye Xiner in surprise,
“Don’t look at my dad like this now, when he was young, he was the school grass of Tianlu University!”
Ye Xiner shrugged, as if she couldn’t figure it out,
Why does my father change a lot when he reaches this age.
“I didn’t expect that!”
“You are still the second generation of the school?”
Su Tian was not wrong when he said the term “Second Generation School”.
Compared with the previous life,
There is an extra word in this world called “Second Generation School”,
Because he can be a university leader,
Generally, there is a lot of energy in [Age of Knights],
“What? Do you want to hug my thigh?”
“How to hug?” Su Tian asked back.
“Of course with open hands…”
As Ye Xiner spoke, she saw Su Tian’s serious expression,
Knowing that what Su Tian thinks is different from himself,
Immediately blushed,
“Let’s go, I’ll take you to Tianlu University for a stroll.”
Seeing this, Su Tian didn’t react at first,
When she saw Ye Xiner’s face,
Only then did I realize that what Ye Xiner was talking about was really hugging her thighs.
And Su Tian thought it meant hugging a rich woman’s thigh.
“Sure enough, girls are more perverted than boys.”
Secretly sighed,
Su Tian glanced at Ye Xiner’s legs walking in front,
He smacked his lips involuntarily and said:
“It seems that it is not impossible.”
“Although it’s a little short, it can be hugged…”
Let you awaken the magical skills, all the laws of cause and effect?
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