At that time, Bingyan chose to give up the attack because she was not sure.
There was no subsequent battle.
“Exactly, let me see,”
“Are you qualified to teach me how to play Kabuto…”
Bing Yan continued to speak, and turned to look at Su Tian,
The corners of the mouth are raised slightly, revealing a confident smile,
Regarding Su Tian’s words at the time that he wanted to teach himself how to play Kabuto,
Bingyan always remembers it.
at this time,
Bingyan’s supercar also stopped,
The nutrition room is here!
Are you eligible?
Su Tian smiled slightly,
Although we didn’t get along for a long time,
But it is not difficult to see that Bingyan is the kind of person who has excellent ability and is extremely confident.
It does have a part of fit with Kabuto,
Compared to Kabuto, can you compare to that man who is begging for abuse?
In Su Tian’s previous life, there was such a saying circulating on the Internet:
“It’s not Kamen Rider Kabuto who is strong, but Tendo Souji is strong.”
And with Kiva’s jewels before me,
Su Tian knew that as long as he got the Kabuto insect instrument,
At that time, you will get the memory bonus from Director General Tiandao,
At that time, it will be Tiandao General Director Jia Hongdu.
“What? Your Kamen Rider Kabuto is strong?”
Su Tian: “Excuse me, I have a ‘substitute strike’!”
“How did you lose?”
PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of “Blood Sea Wuxin”! .

39 The Final Survival Battle! faction missions.
Su Tian and Bingyan came to the nutrition room,
Ye Yao and the others have already been waiting here,
“Bingyan, Su Tian, ​​you are here!”
Ye Yao looked at Su Tian and Bing Yan with weird eyes,
Bingyan’s supercar parked in the conference room,
Ye Yao also saw it at that time,
But Ye Yao thought that Bingyan had to deal with work, so she stopped there and didn’t activate it.
And now seeing Su Tian and Bing Yan coming together,
Plus Bing Yan’s behavior in the conference room.
“Fuck, Su Tian is so charming?”
“No, I have to take good care of Xin’er when I go back.”
“Let her have less contact with this kid Su Tian”
Ye Yao directly labeled Su Tian a ‘deep bird’.
You can’t just watch your precious daughter fall into the abyss.
Planning in his heart, Ye Yao muttered at the same time:
“Where’s Huo Yao?”
“Why isn’t he here yet?”
“Forget it, you guys change your clothes and enter the nutrition cabin first!”
Su Tian and Bingyan immediately went to their nutrition room after hearing the words,
And start changing nutrition clothes.
The nutrition room of Tianlu University is divided into many small rooms,
Each room is equipped with a corresponding nutrition cabin and necessary facilities,
And to enter the nutrition compartment,
You can’t just wear your own clothes,
They all have special nutritional suits.
In Su Tian’s nutrition room,
Su Tian, ​​who had already changed into the nutrition suit, touched his clothes,
“It’s very comfortable to wear and feels cool to the touch.”
“It’s just that I don’t know what the material is made of.”
Su Tian couldn’t figure out the material of the nutrition suit,
But this nutrition suit is very tight,
It caused Su Tianxia to protrude abnormally,
Fortunately, in the nutrition room, it is isolated,
Su Tian was really afraid that those seniors would feel inferior.
Looking at the nutrition cabin in front of me,
The appearance is very handsome, similar to the type of mecha that Su Tian watched in film and television dramas in his previous life.
According to what Ye Yao explained before,
Su Tian pressed the button in front of the nutrition cabin.
With the button pressed,
There was a heavy sound of opening the hatch,
Su Tian saw the door of the nutrition cabin slowly open with bursts of heat.
Looking at the nutrition cabin,
It’s empty for now,
But if you look carefully, you will find that on both sides of the nutrition cabin,
There are many tiny holes.
According to what Ye Yao said, thisThese holes are used to connect the nutrition suits on the body,
Su Tian didn’t know where to go,
Lie right in,
Then press the button that closes the hatch,
Immediately afterwards,
Su Tian felt as if something had touched his nutrition suit,
Knowing that this is normal, Su Tian didn’t care about it.
Touching the Kiva emblem on the back of his right hand,
Su Tian said softly:
“Knight Century!”
“start up!”
A light flashed in front of my eyes,
Su Tian’s consciousness came to the familiar white stagnation space,
It is still the personal information panel, and four interfaces.
Su Tian clicked on the [Dungeon Exploration] interface,
The panel in front of me said ‘shua! ’ disappeared with a sound,
[Dungeon Exploration] panel appears,
There is still only one copy displayed above.
[Duplicate: Find the truth. 】
[Status: Cleared (Score S+)]
Only this copy shows, followed by a big ‘? ‘panel.
Let you awaken the magical skills, all the laws of cause and effect?
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