After being silent for tens of seconds, Bingyan still said slowly:
“Kill the creator of the mysterious organization!”.

48 Kamen Rider Faiz and Kamen Rider Sword Scorpion.
Kill the creator of the mysterious organization!
It’s exactly the same as my mission,
After Su Tian heard Bing Yan’s answer, his trust in Bing Yan improved a lot.
At least I feel that the probability that Bingyan is in the human camp has reached ~ 80%.
Players in the Orfienuo camp generally don’t know the mission content of the human camp.
So someone like Bingyan who spoke out the mission content of the human camp,
It is certain that Bingyan belongs to the human camp,
It’s just that Su Tian habitually doesn’t trust others 100%.
It is always right to keep an eye on everything.
“Then it seems that the two of us belong to the same camp this time!”
Hearing this, Bingyan didn’t speak,
She didn’t know if Su Tian lied to herself,
Whoever tells the task first,
No one can determine the true identity of the other party.
Do notHowever, in Bingyan’s heart, there is an intuition,
Su Tian will not lie to himself,
This is also the reason why Bingyan chose to give in.
Bing Yan moved her body forward again,
It’s not close, but it can be touched vaguely,
The two fell silent again.
Only the roar of locomotives kept ringing.

The motorcycle Su Tian was riding was very fast.
After leaving the city, I drove for another ten minutes,
This time the destination was reached,
A temporary stronghold for humans!
This is a ravine, and the surrounding terrain makes it look relatively hidden.
just stopped
A simply built temporary base appeared in front of Su Tian and others.
“It’s here!”
“As long as you can pass Sister Shi’s test, you can go to the general base!”
Xiaoqi was carried off the motorcycle by Yi Hongchang, and said.
According to Xiaoqi, the poem sister in his mouth,
Her real name is Shiyu!
Shi Yu is the founder of this temporary stronghold,
The reason for the establishment of this temporary base is to identify those surviving humans found,
After determining that the surviving humans were not Orfi Enoch, and that Reason joined them,
Shi Yu will allow the other party to enter the main stronghold.
Come to the gate of the base,
As soon as Su Tian and the others approached, they heard ‘Ka! Click! Click! ‘the sound of,
Take a closer look,
It was found that several heavy machine guns appeared on the gate of the base that was more than three or four meters high.
The dark muzzle pointed at Su Tian and the others.
“Wait a minute! It’s me!”
“Sister Shi, it’s me!”
Seeing this, Xiao Qi immediately went to the front, waved his hand towards the gate and said.
After seeing that it was Xiao Qi, the person who operated these heavy machine guns,
Immediately canceled the heavy machine gun.
Then I heard a gentle female voice coming from the middle of the gate of this temporary base,
“Xiao Qi? Is it really you?”
“I told you not to go out, but you dare to break into the city without authorization!”
“Also, who are they?”
After the gentle female voice finished speaking, another male voice sounded:
“Xiaoqi, you are really worrying,”
“Your sister Shi even ventured to the city to find you,”
“If it weren’t for…”
For some reason, the male voice didn’t say the following words.
Xiaoqi knew that the person who stopped her was her sister Shi,
So he explained:
“Sister Shi, let me tell you,”
“I’ve gained a lot from going out this time,”
“These three are the legendary saviors, Kamen Riders!”
“The strength is still very strong! You can definitely save us as the legend says!”
Xiaoqi’s voice fell,
There was silence on the other side of the door for a while, as if hesitating.
“Sister Shi, I didn’t lie to you!”
“Just now we were surrounded by a lot of Orfienoch.”
“It’s all about the savior, killing those Ao Fei Enuo,”
“I can come back here!”
Xiaoqi said again,
The gate of the temporary base was opened,
Three people walked out of the base slowly,
Headed by a woman in a white dress,
The face is very soft and beautiful, which makes people feel like a spring breeze.
This person is Shi Yu,
On Shiyu’s left is a poorly dressed,
But a strong man with unusually muscular body,
This person’s name is Cheng Yuqiang, and it is the male voice just now.
And on the right side of Shiyu,
It’s a girl with a timid expression on her face,
“Liu Xin? Why are you here?”
Su Tian and the others recognized this person immediately, and Yi Hongchang asked with a shocked face.
The person in front of him is Liu Xin, who is also a player with them.
Like Su Tian and Bingyan, she is Liu Xin of Tianlu University.
“Oh? Do you know each other?”
Shi Yu’s face was full of surprise,
He looked at Liu Xin beside him, and then at Su Tian and the others.
“Well, they’re just like me, and… they’re all Kamen Riders too!”
Liu Xin lowered her head slightly, and explained to Shi Yu in a low voice.
heard that,
Shi Yu immediately smiled and thanked Su Tian and the others:
“So it’s Liu Xin’s friend!”
“Thank you for saving Xiaoqi.”
“Everyone advance to the base!”
Let you awaken the magical skills, all the laws of cause and effect?
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