At this time, in the ruins of an ancient forest outside the imperial capital, a group of strange people stood on the tree, chattering in an incomprehensible language.

These monsters were Gurongi.

And what they said was also Gurongi language.

""Where is that guy?"

At this time, the voice of a Gurongi sounded hoarse, and his eyes fell on the surrounding Gurongi.

There were many Gurongi here, densely packed, more than a few hundred.

Even their combat power was strong and weak.

The weak ones had a combat power of less than a hundred.

The strong ones had a combat power of more than a few hundred points.

"The royal family members haven't come yet, so let's start first."

A member of the Bei Group's Gulangji said

"In this case,"

"Listen carefully, I will tell you the rules of the game now."

A Gurongji from the La Group said.

The Gurongji gathered here, all their eyes fell on this Gurongji member of the La Group.

"Tell me, what are the rules of the game?"

"I'm ready and can't wait to become the king!" said a spider-like Gurongi.

A bat Gurongi said:"Don't be too happy too soon. Humans are now entering the era of awakened Kamen Riders. Their combat power is not weaker than ours. I even heard that there are powerful Kamen Riders whose combat power has reached a thousand points."

""A thousand points, how is that possible?"

The spider Gurongi was shocked when he heard that.

Because the combat power is as high as a thousand points, that is, one punch can hit 100 tons.

The Gurongi here do not have a combat power of a thousand points. Only those of the royal family have that strength.

But the royal family's Gurongi are not here, some have not even awakened, and some have already awakened, but have no interest in the game.

"We can start the game first. As for the most powerful Kamen Riders in human history, we don't have to panic at all, because some of those guys have awakened and are still here."A Gurongi from the La Group who looks like a rose said.

She glanced at the people present.

Spider Gurongi asked:"Then tell me, what are the rules of our game now? Or should we add new rules to the game and invite other races to play games with us?"

The so-called other races are other monsters.

Because this world has brought many monsters. For example, alien insects, mirror monsters, Orphino, etc., these are of the same kind, but not of the same race.

Their race is Gurongi.

La: Rose said coldly:"No, this is our own game, and we don't need others to join."

Then she said:"The rule of the first game is to kill some high school students. The more distinguished the students are, the more points they get. If it is a Kamen Rider, one more point will be added, and if it is a noble student, two more points will be added."

"The goal of this promotion game is to reach a total score of: 100"

"As long as you reach 100 points, you can advance to the next round."

"Members of the Mei, Zi, and Bei groups, your combat power is relatively low, so your game time is [12 hours], while our game time is [8 hours], which seems fair and just."

"When the points reach 100, you can advance to the next game."

"If you reach the finals, you can compete for the title of King, the next Gurongi King."

"Do you understand the rules of this game?"

La: Rose said.

She is a member of the [La Group] and the supervisor of this game.

She looked at the Gurongi here.

The Gurongi here are divided into several forces.

【En Group]: Royal Gurongi, combat power exceeds 1000 points

【La Group]: Not participating in the game, only acting as a supervisor

【Slave Group: Responsible for treating injured members and counting games

【Ge Group]: High-level elite, strong combat effectiveness, only participates in the semi-finals

【Mei Group]: Medium combat power

【Zi Group]: Low combat effectiveness

【Bei Group: The lowest level group among the Gurongi, with a combat power of no more than 100 points.

This is the branch of their Gurongi forces, and there are some wild Gurongi, which are not counted in their forces.

"Got it!"

Other Gurongi responded one after another.

Rose looked at the Gurongi around her, and her voice rang out again:"According to the rules of the game, we will start with the Bei Group now. The time is 12 hours, and the points required for promotion are: 100." As her voice fell, a Gurongi from the Bei Group came out.

This person was in the shape of a dog.

Bei: Gouzi said,"I'll go first."

After that, the Nu Group had already started counting.

And this Bei: Gouzi, when he saw that the Nu Group had started counting, he turned around and ran out of the ancient forest without saying a word, aiming for the Imperial Capital. Because the Imperial Capital has a larger population, and their goal for this game is the Imperial Capital. They are not allowed to go to other cities, they can only be in the Imperial Capital!

So, when the game started, Bei: Gouzi ran wildly in the direction of the Imperial Capital.


Imperial Capital Noble High School.

At this time, in the classroom of Class 2, Grade 3.

The lively students have gathered here.

The boy in the last row of the classroom, who looked like a mess, gritted his teeth and clenched his fists as he looked at Wu Kai in the distance.

He looked as if he wanted to step on Wu Kai and rub him to the ground.

But Wu Kai relied on his brother Xia Yang, so he looked at him fearlessly!

Wu Kai now is no longer the bullied Wu Kai.

He, Wu Kai, can already practice his combat power.

After a few days, his combat power has reached 101 points.

So, he is not afraid at all.


Seeing Wu Kai's fearless look, Wang Pao slammed the table angrily and almost overturned it.

Wu Kai also stood up suddenly!

Xia Yang is not here now, he went to report to the office.

But Xia Yang told him not to be scared!

So, he was not scared at all! He couldn't be scared either!

Wang Pao said coldly:"You fucking Wu Kai, don't think you can be arrogant just because Xia Yang transferred here. Let me tell you, it will only take a few minutes to kill you!"

"Then come here!"

Wu Kai gritted his teeth and stretched out his finger to hook it without fear.

Xia Yang said that he would make those who bullied him pay the price and let him bully them back one by one, so he couldn't be a coward!


Wang Pao couldn't stand it anymore!

After all, the man in front of him had allowed him to bully him before, but now he was so arrogant!

Uncle could tolerate it, but aunt couldn't!

So he stood up and rushed towards Wu Kai!

The speed was extremely fast.

When Wu Kai saw it, he was shocked!

Although he had combat power, it was only 2 tons when converted, while Wang Pao had a strength of 5 tons, which was completely not the same level.

"call out——"

Suddenly, a card came flying at him!

Wang Pao, who was rushing over, noticed the card flying over and immediately squatted down to avoid it.

However, the card was too fast, and when he squatted down, some of his hair was still cut off.

""Bang" accompanied by a violent sound, the card, as if it was invincible, had been fiercely inserted into the wall behind the classroom, cracking, and almost flew through the wall to the next class.

Such a fierce power made the people in Class 2 of Senior Grade 3 gasp in disbelief!

"Wu Kai, I'll protect you, understand?"

A voice came from the front door of the classroom...

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