Hearing the uproar of his classmates,

Xia Yang did not say anything, but walked straight over.

He came to the empty seat next to the two girls.

Under the gaze of all the classmates in the class, he sat down next to Xia Qingqing.

Xia Qingqing was unhappy and pouted.

Chen Shuting on the side was full of curiosity about Xia Yang. She blinked and waved to Xia Yang with a smile.

She looked lively.

Xia Yang also smiled and waved to this lively girl.

After all, lively girls are indeed likable.

"Why didn't you refuse just now?"

Seeing Xia Yang sitting next to her, Xia Qingqing looked at him speechlessly.

Chen Shuting giggled:"Qingqing, if you don't like sitting with him, can I change positions with you?"


Xia Qingqing responded hurriedly. Xia Yang was puzzled:"Why?" Chen

Shuting was also puzzled:"Yes, why?"

Seeing that both of them were looking at her,

Xia Qingqing was so nervous that she stammered. After a while, she leaned close to Chen Shuting's ear and began to whisper.

It was visible to the naked eye that Chen Shuting was sometimes shocked and sometimes incredible, as if Xia Qingqing had told her something earth-shattering. She looked at Xia Yang with a curious smile just now, but this time her eyes were strange and strange.

Xia Yang was puzzled:"Hey, what did she just say to you?"

Chen Shuting did not answer, but shook her head, looked at Xia Yang with an intriguing look, and shook her head.

Well, Xia Yang didn't understand girls' affairs.

Then he looked at the blackboard, where the teacher was giving a lecture.

"Classmates, let's talk about the races of monsters."

"This is the era of Kamen Rider Awakening"

"Masked Rider, divided into innate and acquired"

"If both parents have awakened Kamen Rider, their genes will be strengthened by Kamen Rider, so the child they give birth to will definitely be Kamen Rider, not an ordinary person."

"If one of the parents is an ordinary person, there is a 50% chance that the child will become a Kamen Rider and a 50% chance that the child will be an ordinary person."

"If both parents are ordinary people, then the child will definitely be an ordinary person, and definitely not a Kamen Rider."

"As for the day after tomorrow, it means awakening through one's own efforts."

"The most common way to awaken Kamen Rider is through anger, or awakening between life and death."

"Everyone has a different way of awakening after birth, so those students who haven't awakened to Kamen Rider, work hard and find a method that suits you to awaken Kamen Rider."

The teacher explained the awakening methods of Kamen Rider one by one on the podium.

There are two types.

One is to awaken Kamen Rider at birth, and the other is to awaken Kamen Rider through acquired efforts.

Xia Yang listened more seriously.

His words should be the Kamen Rider who awakened after birth.

After all, he awakened directly after obtaining the system, so it belongs to acquired.

Speaking of the system, it seems that he has to find a way to complete the task cleanly.

50 points of combat power, deind drive gun, 300 points.

This SS-level task is pretty good.

"In addition to Kamen Rider, there are some monsters"

"These monsters usually like to kill, and there are many species of monsters. They can be said to be everywhere."

"Moreover, outside the country, there are endless monsters attacking the country."

"This so-called attack on the country, I believe everyone knows"

"And our country's powerful Kamen Riders are now guarding the country's borders"

"There are many monsters, and they multiply very fast."

"There is no end to the battle, so the national gate is guarded by Kamen Rider day and night, and our goal is to make ourselves stronger and defend our country!"

The teacher said seriously.

The students listened very carefully, and Xia Yang also listened carefully.

No matter what, he is a part of China.

He also has a part in defending his country.

Although he was raised by his grandparents, without the country to protect him, those weirdos would have broken in and killed innocent people a long time ago.

So, defend your country, do your best.

But he still has to become stronger.

He will go to the battlefield, after all, he can earn points there.

But not now.

"There are many types of monsters. According to the types we know so far, there are currently 27 or 28 types of monsters. These monsters are of various colors, including weirdos and giant monsters."

"Our most common weirdos are"

"【Pupa: Likes to seize human bodies and mimics them to roam cities and attack humans. Before molting, it is called a 'pupa'. After molting, it is called an 'alien insect'. The combat power of a pupa is below 100 points."

"【The alien insect is the adult form of the pupa. After becoming an adult, the combat power is at least 100 points. All aspects will be enhanced, and they have the ability to enter the time-up (acceleration). The ability to enter the time-up is their essential ability. Some alien insects with combat power exceeding 500 points will also awaken additional special abilities."

"【[Gurongi]: This species is brutal by nature, and advocates a killing game without a clear end goal. Only killing games can make them happy!"

"【Orphino: It is an evolved form of human beings. Human beings with certain conditions awaken after experiencing death once. After the combat power reaches 500 points, they can awaken again and become the original form of monsters."

"【Mirror Monsters]: They are creatures living in the mirror world, but they cannot leave the mirror world and can only survive in the mirror world, but they can appear through the mirror to kill people"

"【[Phantom Demon]: Some people will awaken Kamen Rider when they are desperate, but some people are evil-minded. When they are desperate, they may awaken"Phantom Demon", and the Phantom Demon will devour everything of the host and finally become a complete monster."

"【[Smasher]: By being sprinkled with the ingredients of the"Smasher Bottle", they become Smashers. However, if their will is not strong, they will lose themselves and act independently of their own will. And by defeating the Smasher, their ingredients can be recovered into the"Blank Bottle" to restore them to their original state, but if they are people with low combat power, they may disappear."


After Xia Yang heard the teacher's explanation, he began to think.

He didn't expect there were so many kinds of monsters.

And his current combat power is only 440 points.

According to the teacher's introduction just now, most monsters will have a second evolution when their combat power reaches 500 points, and they can also evolve new abilities.

Then there is the Knights' overall ranking.

According to what those classmates just said, Liang Tian, who is ranked in the top ten of the Knights' overall ranking, has a combat power of more than 400 points.

He is now at 440 points.

Although it is a bit low, it was only about a month ago.

That's right, he got the system for about a month, and his combat power increased to 400 points.

Now he has only been out of prison for a few days, and he hasn't done many tasks.

Give him another month to complete the task, and it will not be a problem to increase to 800 points. By then, when the purple light is turned on, his combat power will be 1,600 points.


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