Wang Pao, who was watching the show in the corridor!

His face looked as if he had eaten dog shit, very ugly!

Because Xia Yang could fight with Gurongi with a combat power of 85 points?

The whole school knew that Xia Yang was fighting with Gurongi with a combat power of 85 points.

Moreover, Xia Yang had the upper hand!

This was not the point. The point was that some people said he was not as good as Xia Yang.

If they had a fight after school tonight, he would definitely be the loser.

So he clenched his fists tightly at this time. He wanted to rush down and give Xia Yang a few big punches!

"Boss, this Xia Yang is really powerful!"

"If he can fight hand-to-hand without losing to Gurongi, who has a combat power of 85, then his current combat power must be over 8.5 tons!"

"Yes, Boss, you seem to be only 5 tons. This Xia Yang, his current combat power is at least 8.5 tons! Boss! Xia Yang's combat power is higher than yours, and it is much higher. Is it a bit difficult?"

Zhang San and Li Si, the two said in disbelief!

Looking at Xia Yang and Gurongi who were fighting each other on the campus, as well as the discussions around them. Coupled with Zhang San and Li Si talking to each other, Wang Pao's face became even gloomier and uglier.

Because it can be seen from here that

Xia Yang's combat effectiveness is not inferior to his!

And now it is still unknown what Kamen Rider Xia Yang has awakened, which made his face even gloomier.

After all, knowing yourself and knowing your enemy will lead to victory in all battles.

Now we only know that Xia Yang's combat effectiveness is very high, but we don't know what kind of knight it is.

Everyone knows that he is a time-up acceleration knight, and

Xia Yang should know it for sure.

Because Wu Kai is Xia Yang's childhood friend, Wu Kai knows a lot about him, but Xia Yang is not panicked at all. That is not to say that Xia Yang is sure to deal with him, so the less panicked Xia Yang is, the lower his confidence will be.


A sound rang out.

Bei Gouzi was knocked out by Xia Yang's full-strength punch and hit the crowd directly, scaring the others to dodge quickly. At this moment, Xia Yang quickly chased after him and kicked Bei Gouzi hard! With a"bang", Bei Gouzi was kicked against the wall, and the wall even cracked, causing Bei Gouzi to sink into it.


Bei Gouzi cried out in pain.

The people nearby all moved away, fearing that they would be affected.

At the same time, they also looked at Xia Yang in shock.

""What a thick-skinned fellow."

Xia Yang kicked Beigouzi into the wall and raised his eyebrows.

His full-strength kick had a force of [17,600 pounds], but it only caused damage to the Gurongi, not enough to blow Beigouzi up.

After all, the gap between them was not that big.

So if he wanted to blow Beigouzi up, it would not be that easy.


Bei Gouzi roared with all his strength in the Gurong language, and fiercely grabbed Xia Yang's foot that kicked him in the chest, and his attack was very fierce! However, Xia Yang was quick-witted and kicked the foot on Bei Gouzi's chest with great force, and Xia Yang's body immediately retreated several feet, causing Bei Gouzi's attack to miss.

Xia Yang stood up straight, looking at him with a raised corner of his mouth.

At this time, Bei Gouzi was panting and staring at Xia Yang closely.

His eyes were fierce and red, and murderous intent was everywhere.

"What a thick-skinned guy."

"It seems that it is not that easy to beat you up."

"In this case……"

Xia Yang twisted his neck and took out something.

It was a black and white card box.

He swung it and it turned into a sword.

It was Decade's card box sword.

"In that case, I can only let you try out how powerful this is."

Xia Yang raised a smile, raised the card box sword with his right hand, and wiped the sword with his left palm habitually.


Bei Gouzi roared and rushed forward swiftly.

Xia Yang, holding the card box sword, rushed forward as fast as thunder.

Bei Gouzi slapped him.

Xia Yang leaned back and avoided Bei Gouzi's slap!

Then he slashed out with a sword swiftly, and with a"bang", a fiery slash landed on Bei Gouzi's chest, causing Bei Gouzi to scream in pain. Even after Xia Yang hit him with a sword, he continued to slash!

""Bang, bang, bang!!!"

Xia Yang kept swinging, slashing, chopping, and lifting!!!

He slashed four times in a row, hitting Bei Gouzi and sparks flew. Bei Gouzi screamed in pain.

The people nearby were shocked and unbelievable.

After just a few strikes, Bei Gouzi was hurt and wailing.

Even some people who turned into Kamen Riders could not cause such damage.


Xia Yang made his last slash, ruthlessly slashing Bei Gouzi to the ground.

The corners of his mouth turned up, relaxed and easy, and he wiped the card box sword.

With the card box sword in his right hand and the camera hanging around his neck in his left hand, he took a photo of Bei Gouzi howling in pain.


A photo of Bei Gouzi in a mess was developed from the camera.

Looking at the photo in his hand, Xia Yang looked at the messy Bei Gouzi again, his mouth corners raised, and he said with a smile like spring breeze:"Let this photo be your posthumous photo."

After that, he threw the photo out.

At the same time, he also ran out with the card box sword!

He ran out at a very fast speed.

Bei Gouzi roared at Xia Yang who was rushing over, and pounced on him to slap him, but Xia Yang dodged it, and slashed Bei Gouzi's chest with a sword, leaving a long sword mark, and sparks splashed!!!

After one sword, he slashed several more swords.

Bei Gouzi was exhausted from the pain and took several steps. He was burning and painful all over. Looking at Xia Yang who looked relaxed, he gritted his teeth, unwilling and afraid:"Why are you so strong?"

"Why? I'm looking for the answer too."

Xia Yang replied in Gurongi language with a leisurely smile.

After hearing this, Bei Gouzi felt a sharp pain all over his body, and there were sword marks on his body. He picked up the photo on the ground.

It was a black and white photo.

It also showed him being beaten by Xia Yang.

"I will definitely come back."

Bei Gouzi tightly grasped the photo in his hand and suddenly jumped up!

He wanted to escape

"Want to run?"

Xia Yang chuckled, and the card box sword in his hand suddenly turned into a card box gun. He fired at the jumping Bei Gouzi"bang bang bang" continuously, and the bullets fell on Bei Gouzi one by one, splashing sparks, and Bei Gouzi, who had just jumped up, was immediately knocked down by Xia Yang. Xia Yang switched the card box gun back to the card box sword. He wiped the sword with his hand.

He rushed up quickly and slashed at the super weak and seriously injured Bei Gouzi with a sword!


This time, Bei Gouzi screamed in pain.

After one sword, Xia Yang stabbed it in fiercely, and with a whoosh, the card box sword pierced Bei Gouzi's abdomen.

Green blood splashed out along the card box sword.、、、

Bei Gouzi covered his chest, unable to speak, green blood flowing, but he still struggled to use all his strength to ask a question:"You... who are you?"

"A Kamen Rider passing by."

As Xia Yang's voice fell, he suddenly pulled the card box sword in his hand out of Bei Gouzi's abdomen, and green blood spurted out. Then he walked away step by step with the card box sword stained with green blood without looking back.

The confident man never looks back.

Just when Xia Yang walked out of a distance of three meters,

Bei Gouzi's body fell to the ground with a plop.

Xia Yang took out a handkerchief and wiped the green blood on the card box sword. Just as he wiped the tip of the sword, he wiped it out."Boom!——"With a loud bang, Beigouzi exploded on the spot, and a wave of hot air swept around, causing everyone around to instinctively raise their hands to resist.……


【Without transforming, I defeated Gurongi with 85 combat power.】

【Reward: Points +17】

【Probability reward: Combat power +10】

【Current points: 574】

【Current combat power: 450】

【Human body combat power: 90 {9.0t}】


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