"Beep, beep.——"

"Beep, beep.——"


Sirens sounded, helicopters sounded.

Xia Yang was surrounded, surrounded by fully armed Kamen Riders.

""Devil! You are surrounded! Surrender quickly!"

A Kabuto with a combat power of 350 shouted loudly! The Kamen

Riders around were all from the Security Bureau, and their combat power was very high, not comparable to that of ordinary gangsters.

After all, what happened in Kaidu was earth-shattering!

The knights fought, and there were a lot of them, and the destructive power was extremely strong!

Even the Sky Knight's light speed flight could not escape, and this Kamen Rider was the first time they saw it.

Such a powerful knight was unheard of, and now it was the first time they saw it. But the ability was so against the sky, perverted!

And this Kamen Rider killed people without blinking an eye! More than 200 Kamen Riders had been killed by this knight.

But they didn't know if they could deal with this knight.

After all, judging from the opponent's performance, it was too perverted.

Even Kabuto It has all the acceleration of Kabuto's rising time. Could it be a knight from the Kabuto series?

Or a legendary knight?

Xia Yang threw the smoking Kabuto horn at the feet of the Kabuto policeman with an expressionless face. The Kabuto horn made a crisp metallic sound that rang in the ears of these policemen. Provocation!

Naked provocation!

The weird compound eyes looked very evil.

After seeing that, the Kamen Riders of the Security Bureau were very angry!

However, after seeing Xia Yang's fighting power and the fact that two hundred Kamen Riders were killed, although they were angry, they did not dare to act impulsively!

Be alert, the next moment, they will become cards.

The evil and weird compound eyes of the Purple Lantern Decade looked at the fully armed police.

He walked forward step by step, and even took out the cards in his hand, ready to turn them all into cards.

"Now that you are here, let's go together"

"Today, I will turn you all into cards and let my grandparents live."

Xia Yang was furious and took out his card to prepare for battle!

His strange scarlet compound eyes only showed endless killing.

The Kamen Riders of the Security Bureau were all scared and took a step back.

Because they could see with their own eyes how powerful this demon was!

He chased the Sky Knight all over the world, but the Sky Knight was finally in trouble.

Let's not talk about how abnormal and powerful this demon's ability is.

Just talking about combat power.

According to their guess, it should be around 500 points.

A full-strength punch can deal 50 tons of damage.

It's not something that ordinary knights like them can compare to.

What's more, this demon's ability is very special!

It's the first time they've seen it!

"Da da da~"

Xia Yang was already killing like crazy, moving forward with ruthless steps. He had even inserted the card and pushed it together.



The lights of the driver spun, and the cold sound effects also swirled in everyone's ears.

It was like a spell!

Everyone shuddered when they heard the sound effects!

At this time, among the police officers of the Security Bureau, they all made way, and a hunchbacked old man walked out slowly with a shaky step.

Xia Yang, who had already killed mercilessly, was stunned when he saw the old man!

""Yangyang, stop it."

Grandpa's kind and tearful voice fell, and

Xia Yang, with red eyes, slowly regained his senses.

He remembered what he was doing and what he had done!

He slowly pulled the driver and canceled the transformation.

The knight form just dissipated.

Revealing the scarred and tired young and delicate appearance of a junior high school student, he held the white driver in his hand and looked at the crowd without saying a word.

The Kamen Rider police were shocked when they saw this delicate front!

They never thought that the demon who killed nearly two hundred knights was actually a teenager!

A thirteen-year-old boy, but so powerful!

How is this possible?

"Mr. Xia, it's not that I don't want to help you"

"But your grandson killed more than 200 people."

"If we only killed two or three people, we can still do it secretly."

"But now, more than 200 people were killed in public in front of the citizens of Kaito, and these people were all Kamen Riders."

"You have to know that our whole country is fighting monsters, and there are not many knights."

"Now your grandson has killed more than 200 Kamen Riders by himself. How are you going to explain this to the citizens?"

"Yes, they were the ones who hurt you first. They were the ones who started it first."

"But Xia Yang is no longer in self-defense, but in excessive defense, and has reached the point of unlimited counterattacks and killing!"

In an office, an old man and a fifty-year-old man sat down to talk, and the man was helpless.

The old man in front of him was the old man who was beaten a month ago, that is, the grandfather of the demon knight who killed innocent people indiscriminately,

Xia Yang's grandfather. In the imperial capital, many big figures called him Grandpa Xia, but he disappeared more than ten years ago. Now he reappeared, with the purpose of solving the [Demon Knight Killing] incident a month ago.

Although it is known that the incident was first initiated by that group of gangsters, even if it is self-defense, there must be a limit!

Now Xia Yang has killed more than 200 people, which is excessive self-defense!

If he only killed a few people, under the eyes of so many citizens, knowing who is right and who is wrong, Xia Yang can indeed be judged as self-defense. What is the key? It's not a few people who died, but more than 200 people!

How do you want him to judge?

"Commander Hou, I have had people use special means to blur Xia Yang's facial features on all the video files generated on the Internet that day. Even if he is released, not many people will know that he is the Demon Knight.】"

Xia Guomin said calmly.

After hearing this, Commander Hou looked at the father and son in front of him, and said helplessly:"Grandpa Xia, Boss Xia, it's not that I don't want to help you, but this matter has really caused a lot of uproar, and I dare not intervene!"

He really didn't dare to intervene. More than 200 people were killed in public.

How dare he intervene in this matter?

Xia Guomin, the son of Grandpa Xia, pondered for a moment and said:"Commander Hou, you also know that the current situation is rather special. The country cannot be without the protection of a powerful Kamen Rider."

"S3 season may be about to start, and I believe you have seen Xia Yang's ability through the video. He is a knight who has never appeared before, and his knight's ability is special. No matter how fast the sky knight flies, he can be locked and tracked by his ultimate move."

"His strength is not to say that he can defeat a thousand enemies alone, but he can still defeat hundreds of enemies alone."

"What's more, he is still young, only thirteen years old."

"When he grows up, he will definitely be a top-notch strongman in the country."

"And what does our country lack most in fighting against monsters?"

"It's a Kamen Rider like Xia Yang."

""I hope you can report this matter to your superiors. I will also report the situation to my superiors. So don't be too anxious about the trial of Xia Yang for the time being. Do you understand me?"

Xia Guomin said calmly.

After hearing this, Chief Hou thought it made sense and nodded,"I can delay the trial, but if the public opinion outside is too strong, I can't guarantee that it will be delayed for too long.""

"Well, that's it for now."


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