Jungle Secret.

This is a dense and silent forest.

There is even a rolling river, which looks a bit eerie.

Just like the Amazon River.

Three figures walked gently here.

Two girls and one boy.

The boy was carrying a small package with daily necessities.

Because he was going to stay here for a while, he must bring some things.

"It's so quiet here."

Xia Qingqing and Chen Shuting both held Xia Yang

's arms tightly. Their beautiful eyes looked around the woods.

It was eerie here, with cold wind blowing from time to time.

And occasionally there were some corpses and human bones on the ground.

The two girls were shocked.

They hadn't come before.

Because it was too dangerous for them to form a team.

So their family didn't let them come.

After all, the family had money to spend. It could be said that they couldn't spend all the money in their lifetime, so there was no need to come here to take the risk of awakening the so-called Kamen Rider.

This time, it was because Xia Yang was here, so the two of them dared to come.

Seeing this eerie and eerie forest, they were both a little scared.

"There are millions or even tens of millions of monsters here, so be careful."Xia Yang gently reminded the two girls.

As soon as he entered here, he felt that the energy here was more than outside.

But there was no so-called five times energy.

So if they wanted a place with five times the energy, they had to find a place with five times the energy.


【The mission is coming!】

【Find a place to practice with five times the energy!】

【Reward: In seven days, the speed of cultivation will be increased tenfold.】

The speed of cultivation will be increased tenfold?

Doesn't that mean that five times ten times is fifty times?

After hearing the system's voice,

Xia Yang's mouth corners rose.

It seems that this is a very good opportunity to cultivate.

"Oppa, will we be attacked by monsters later?"

Chen Shuting looked at Xia Yang with her pretty face.

Xia Yang smiled:"Probably not, right?"

Just as he finished speaking, a"click" sound came from behind, breaking the silence here, and it was the sound of something being stepped on.

Xia Yang raised his eyebrows after hearing it.

He turned around and pulled the two girls behind him.

His eyes were fixed on the woods.

"Oppa, what happened?"

Chen Shuting saw Xia Yang staring at the quiet and dark forest seriously.

She asked in a low voice.

Xia Qingqing also nervously held Xia Yang's arm.

She was afraid that a monster would suddenly jump out of this strange forest and take her away.

Because it often happened in the previous secret activities. Some groups were attacked by monsters that suddenly appeared and then took people away. Even the teacher went to look for them with a body bag, but couldn't find them.

No one was found alive, and no body was found dead.

There was only one possibility, that was being eaten.

"There are monsters nearby."

Xia Yang reminded softly.

As soon as he said this, the two girls held him tightly.

"Don't worry, I'm here."

After Xia Yang noticed the nervous movements of the two girls, he smiled slightly.

Then he wanted to pull his hand away and swipe the card.

But the two girls held his arms tightly.

This made him laugh and cry:"Let go of my hand first. If you keep doing this, I won't be able to deal with the monsters when they come."

After hearing this, the two girls realized that they were both holding his arms tightly.

Xia Qingqing's pretty face was green.

Chen Shuting giggled and said,"That's because you feel safe with Oppa, otherwise I wouldn't hold you like this." Then she giggled and let go of her hand.

Xia Qingqing saw that Chen Shuting was so thick-skinned, and these two people were thick-skinned.

""Here they come."

When Xia Qingqing and Chen Shuting let go of each other's hands,

Xia Yang's eyes tightened.

Then he quickly reached out and hugged the two girls with his left hand. He suddenly jumped back.

With a bang, a figure rushed over, and two knives chopped at the place where they had just landed, and the ground was directly cracked.

Xia Yang hugged the two girls on his left and right and retreated ten meters away.

Both girls looked forward with pale faces.

It was a mantis monster, with two crooked hands like two sickles, and two scarlet eyes, which looked quite scary.

【Mantis Monster, Type: Unknown, Combat Power: 45]


Xia Qingqing and Chen Shuting hadn't calmed down yet, and the Mantis Monster had already pounced on them, its two crooked hands like sickles, sweeping towards them.

Their pretty faces turned pale.

But Xia Yang was as steady as a rock, raising his foot and kicking out sideways.


With a loud bang, the mantis monster was kicked ten meters away by Xia Yang.

He screamed in pain.

Xia Yang had used all his strength in this kick, and the speed was also very fast.

This full-strength kick had a force of about 10 tons.


After the mantis monster fell to the ground, he groaned in pain.

After a while, the mantis monster got up and pounced fiercely.

Xia Yang let go of the two girls and quickly rushed forward with an elbow strike!


This elbow strike hit the monster's chest hard!

The force of 10 tons suddenly knocked the mantis monster away.

Then Xia Yang took out the card box, switched to gun mode (cddc), aimed at the mantis monster"bang bang bang——"Shooting.

Sparks flew from the mantis monster.

Xia Yang shot the mantis monster while retreating to the girl to prevent the monster from coming out and taking them away.

Xia Qingqing and Chen Shuting watched nervously.

As the cartridge gun continued to"bang bang bang"——"Shoot, and sparks popped up from the mantis monster's body.、、、

Xia Yang switched to sword mode and wiped the card box sword. He rushed forward quickly, and with a few bangs, the card box sword slashed at the monster, and then slashed it again!

He turned around to face the two girls, walked a meter or two away, and the mantis monster behind him exploded on the spot with a"boom"!

"So awesome!"

Chen Shuting was surprised when she saw Xia Yang kill the monster with a few swords.

Xia Qingqing was incredulous.

Chen Shuting said excitedly:"Oppa, you are so awesome!" Then she quickly ran to Xia Yang, her face full of admiration and happiness.

"Of course, don't you see who I am?"

Xia Yang smiled narcissistically, he looked at Xia Qingqing in the distance.

Xia Qingqing raised a curve at the corner of her mouth.

After looking at Xia Yang, she snorted again and turned her pretty face away.

Xia Yang smiled.

Chen Shuting asked curiously:"Oppa, where are we going now?"

"Where to go?"

Xia Yang looked at the forest and said,"The energy in the jungle is sufficient, and practicing can increase the speed by up to five times.It's just that the energy in this place is not sufficient. We have to find a place with sufficient energy."

"The speed of cultivation has increased so much?"

Chen Shuting blinked at him.


Xia Yang smiled slightly, then he took out the Diend powered gun. He was ready to swipe the card to call a few bodyguards out.

Chen Shuting blinked and looked at it:"Oppa, what is this?"

Xia Yang smiled slightly and said:"This is my treasure, I rarely take it out, for fear of scaring everyone."

"Isn't it just a gun? What's so scary about it?"

Xia Qingqing looked at the weapon in Xia Yang's hand with her beautiful eyes. She was a little curious.

"This is no ordinary gun."

"It is a super good baby that money can't buy"

"I am my own weapon."

Xia Yang smiled, and then he took out a card in front of the two girls, inserted it into the card slot on the side of the Diend gun, and pushed the front terminal

——【KamenRide Masked Driving】

——【Psyga Tiandi】

As the sound effect sounded, (To read the exciting novel, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

Xia Yang pointed Diend's gun forward and shot!

A phantom was shot out by him

"whoosh whoosh whoosh——"The figure moved in a flashing manner.

When the movement stopped, there was a purple disk on the chest and face, the armor on the body was snow-white, and he was carrying a flying machine on his back, with two thrusters on both sides of his hands.

He was the Kamen Rider Emperor![]

"ShowTime! Ending time"

The Emperor of Heaven appeared as usual, saying a catchphrase and wiping his neck

【Psyga Emperor, Combat Power: 456.3】

""Masked Rider!"

Xia Qingqing and Chen Shuting saw Xia Yang shoot out a Kamen Rider.

Both of them were surprised.

"Please help to clean up the monsters nearby, thank you."

Xia Yang smiled at the Emperor of Heaven.


The Emperor made an OK gesture, holding two thruster rifles in both hands, and the aircraft behind him ejected with a"boom", and he flew into the forest.……


Xia Qingqing and Chen Shuting stared at him in amazement.

"He went to clean up the monsters."

Xia Yang smiled.

Diend moved his gun. If he put Diend in, he would transform into the final rider.

If he put other cards in, he would summon Kamen Rider.

"Summon another one to help."

Xia Yang took out another KR card.

He looked at the pattern on the card in his hand and raised his mouth:"To clear the monsters, it seems more appropriate to use acceleration." After saying that, he inserted the KR card into the Diend Gun Card Driver Identifier under the gaze of the two girls.

——【KamenRide Masked Driving】

——【Caucasus Golden Bowl]

As the sound effect fell, Xia Yang fired again into the distance

"whoosh whoosh whoosh——"

He shot out a golden phantom, and after the phantom merged, it stood tall in the distance. It was a cold golden knight, holding a blue rose in his hand, and slowly turned around. There were two angles at his jaw, golden armor, a cold posture, and blue compound eyes, just like the blue rose in his hand.

He looked at Xia Yang, his eyes were particularly cold and ruthless.

Xia Qingqing and Chen Shuting saw this look, and they hurriedly hid behind Xia Yang, holding his clothes nervously with both hands.

——【Caucasus Golden Knight, Combat Power: 456.3】

"Roses only protect stronger and more beautiful creatures."

A calm voice came from the Golden Fighting Knight's mouth. He came to Xia Yang, knelt on one knee, and respectfully presented the blue rose in his hand to him:"The language of roses is love, please exist with love."

Looking at the blue rose presented by the Golden Fighting Knight.

Xia Yang smiled and stretched out his hand to take it.

After he took the flower, the Golden Fighting Knight, who was kneeling on one knee, stood up with an upright posture. Xia Yang smiled and said:"Please trouble the Golden Fighting Knight to clean up the monsters and soldiers behind. Don't hurt humans. Thank you."


The Golden Knight gentlemanly placed his right palm on his left chest and bowed slightly to Xia Yang.

Then he quickly tapped the switch on the side of the knight's belt.

——【Clock Up!

As the sound effect sounded, the figure of the Golden Knight disappeared in an instant!

"Bang Bang Bang——"

"Boom boom boom——"

Suddenly, there were explosions in the forest.

There were also screams of monsters.

Xia Qingqing and Chen Shuting were shocked.

They looked at the woods in surprise and disbelief!

There was a fierce fighting sound.

Isn't the fighting power too strong?

【Kill the Mantis Monster with a combat power of 87, and get points: 8】

【Kill the Spider-Man with a combat power of 76, and get points: 7】

【Kill the Toad Monster with a combat power of 157, and get points: 15】

【Kill the Cobra Monster with a combat power of 134, and get points: 13】

【Kill the Black Bear Monster with a combat power of 206, and get points: 20]

As the Golden Knight was clearing the monsters behind, the system's voices rang in Xia Yang's ears.

In less than a minute, the screams behind him had disappeared.

The forest suddenly became strangely quiet.

"So powerful."

Xia Qingqing and Chen Shuting's pretty faces were full of surprise.

Xia Yang looked at the Diend gun in his hand and smiled,"Now do you know why I say this thing is my treasure?"

Xia Qingqing and Chen Shuting nodded.

They looked at the Diend gun in Xia Yang's hand and they already knew why this thing was Xia Yang's treasure.

Because it was too powerful!

This gun can actually summon Kamen Rider to help fight, and it is conscious, and it seems to obey Xia Yang's orders completely.


In an instant, the figure of the Golden Fighting Knight teleported over.

He came to Xia Yang, knelt on one knee respectfully, and found a blue rose in his hand at some point, and presented it to Xia Yang:"Roses only protect stronger and more beautiful creatures."

It was the same sentence. Xia Yang felt the sincerity of the Golden Fighting Knight, and then took the blue rose. He smiled and said:"Please help guard the rear of the Golden Fighting Knight. Don't let the monsters come over without my order."


The Golden Knight placed his right palm on his left chest and bowed slightly.

After the salute, he tapped the left side of his belt again [Clock Up! Time Transformation].

In an instant, his golden knight figure disappeared again.


I saw the Emperor Knight carrying a flying machine on his back, holding a thruster rifle in both hands, flying back in the sky and landing on the ground.

"OK! Cleaning completed!"

The Emperor Knight made an OK gesture.

"Please clean up the monsters over there."

Xia Yang pointed to the other side.


The Emperor Knight made another OK gesture, then held the flight thruster rifle with both hands, and rose up again, flying in the direction Xia Yang said.

After scanning the target, he held the rifle thruster with both hands, began to aim, and"rat, tat, tat" flew in the air.——"The sweep!!!

"Bang Bang Bang——"


【Kill the Mantis Monster with a combat power of 11 and get points: 1】

【Kill the Mantis Monster with a combat power of 103, and get points: 10】

【Kill the Grasshopper Monster with a combat power of 167, and get points: 16】

【Kill the Cobra Monster with a combat power of 114, and get points: 11】

【Kill the grasshopper monster with a combat power of 236, and get points: 23】

The Emperor of Heaven continued to clean up the surrounding environment, and

Xia Yang's points increased rapidly.

In less than ten minutes, Xia Yang's points increased by 423 points.

【Current points: 1332】

"Oppa, the Kamen Rider you summoned is so powerful, isn't it?"

Chen Shuting's eyes lit up and she smiled happily.

Xia Yang raised the corners of his mouth:"Of course."

Then he looked around and said:"Let's go, let's find a place with more energy first, and then I'll show you something good."

"What is that?"

Chen Shuting blinked her eyes in cute curiosity.


Xia Yang smiled and pinched Chen Shuting's beautiful and cute face.

Chen Shuting pursed her lips and said,"You didn't even tell me this."

Xia Qingqing, who was standing by, saw the two of them flirting and pursed her lips unhappily.

Xia Yang also pinched Xia Qingqing's face.

Xia Qingqing snorted cutely.

"Let's go, two school beauties."

Xia Yang smiled at them.

The most important goal now is to find a place with five times the energy.

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