Knight of the Light

: 0460 Carnival

Director Chen Mu and Director Chen were in the dark, and Director Xiao Jinlang Xiao was also sweating.

The two have been educated for many years, and they need to be vigilant against the enemy. However, this enemy who has been delivered home has never seen it.

Chen Mu glanced at Zhou Qingfeng and Xiao Jinlang again, and made a decision under confusion, "Lao Xiao, we are separated. You have one box, I have one box.

I went directly to Shenzhen for a car to go to the border inspection, and you took a box to the 'Zhonglian Office'. If anything happens, I can keep a box. "

Lao Xiao looked pale at Director Chen, like a warrior facing a decisive battle. He also gritted his teeth and replied, "Okay, I'll get in touch with people, and I'll send these samples back to the mainland."

hk is the largest free port in East Asia and the largest spy capital of East Asia. This place is like Berlin during the Cold War. The situation is mixed. The forces of all parties are intertwined and any situation can happen.

The two looked at each other, as if the wind and Xiao Xiao were about to leave their comrades-in-arms, they would go to their most brilliant moments. At the same time they reached out their hands and grabbed a box to get on their way.

Can't hold it, it's too heavy.

Each box contains a large number of machine tools, and the stuff is so heavy that it cannot be lifted with one hand.

Lao Xiao held his waist and turned to look at Zhou Qingfeng with a complex expression. Chen Mu is also sad and sad. He is younger and therefore slaps twice, and can only declare failure with both hands.

Looking back, Zhou Qingfeng seemed to have come in with two cases by himself. Was the kid hit by iron?

"What do you guys see me do?" Zhou Qingfeng stood aside, and said after a while, "Don't move, right? Don't move and say it early. Don't you want me to hold a box? Your eyes make me Panic.

Also your ideas are too complicated. Aren't you going to the capital? Let's go to the airport. There is a direct flight from hk to Emperor Capital, just call and arrange for someone to pick it up at the airport. "

Said Zhou Qingfeng grabbed two large boxes, turned around and left, easily without breathing. Xiao Chen and the two remained in place, and suddenly they felt that they were too kidney deficient.

From Causeway Bay, Kai Tak Airport is just across Victoria Bay. However, Lao Xiao and Chen Chu said that they were not flying in hk. They must go to Shenzhen as soon as possible through the border inspection.

It's not far to Shenzhen, and it's only an hour without traffic jam. It was necessary to get a light truck to transport two large boxes, and Zhou Qingfeng personally drove them over.

Xiao Chen shivered nervously when they passed the customs border inspection. The border inspection staff stopped them without hesitation, and they all seemed to be smuggled.

It was really smuggled.

When Chen Mu passed the border checkpoint, his mind wondered if he would be madly pursued by agents of the hostile forces. Seeing the armed police soldier at the border inspection, he almost burst into tears as if he saw his loved ones.

But nothing actually happened.

Coupled with Zhou Qingfeng who drove, three people were put in a small black room. Both Chen Mu and Lao Xiao took out their work permits and asked to call their respective superiors.

Half an hour later, two military vehicles were pulled away by people. Originally, Zhou Qingfeng had to be pulled away, and Director Chen quickly stopped, "Don't do it, this is his own, let him return to HK."

Zhou Qingfeng stood alone outside the black room at the border crossing, surrounded by several armed policemen with guns. He wore plain clothes when he came out, tall but ordinary.

The few soldiers who came to pick up the goods only gave Zhou Qingfeng a glance, thinking about the tone of the special sample when the superior was assigned the task. Immediately, the young man's powerful image was bound to be a good man who penetrated the enemy camp.

Although facing the blood is brave, but it is even more valuable to hide in the deep ocean.

The tribute was so astounding that the leading officer even saluted Zhou Qingfeng. The armed police at the border inspection politely and seriously asked him to leave quickly, so as not to reveal his identity.

Not to mention Zhou Qingfeng returning to hk, Xiao Chen and the two were escorted to Guangzhou with the military vehicle. Professionals were already waiting for them, and the machine tools in the two large boxes were identified on the spot.

The result is a total of five types of tools, seventeen models, one hundred and twenty-four handles. The initial estimate is around $ 100,000.

In terms of models, these tools are currently difficult to produce products that must be imported in China. Some models are still used for processing special materials and are prohibited from exporting abroad.

These tools can alleviate the urgent needs of domestic machining and ensure the progress of some key engineering projects.

If these are just samples, and there are still larger quantities in the later stage, it will greatly benefit the entire domestic machinery industry.

The point is that these high-grade tools don't talk about money at all. It would be even more valuable.

Of course, sometimes it ’s more expensive without talking about money.

As for the hundreds of different types of electronics and chips in the box. The initial judgment is not good, and it needs to be sent to a professional scientific research unit for further testing.

But if it is genuine, its value is higher and more valuable than a hundred tools. The price of a single 386ex is worth all the tools.

The imperial ministry got this situation and felt that things were developing too fast.

The day before yesterday, or the day before yesterday, I learned that Tianyang had a smuggler and blatantly engaged in several CNC machine tools. He listened to the brief report and sent a director to investigate.

As a result, within two or three days, the respondent sent information from hk and proposed an incredible way of cooperation. The ministry also wanted to find out, and sent a few pages of fax to the past.

This is just a temptation, it's really just a temptation!

Unexpectedly, it was only half a day later, the other party actually prepared some required items in the fax and sent them over.

They all say ‘the sharpening of the knife does not cut the woodworker’. No matter how good a machine tool is, the tool is also blind.

It is indifferent in other aspects of the machine tool. It can work without manual control by numerical control. But as the performance of new materials becomes more and more extreme, the tool is really helpless.

As for the chip, it's a situation that can only stare. It's like learning scum looking at Xueba, not to mention using it, it's impossible to understand.

The samples were separated, the electronic devices and chips were repacked, and they were directly shipped to different units of Emperor and Demon.

The two large boxes of tools were also redistributed and sent to different machine tool factories in the Mainland for testing. Chen Mu came from the mechanical industry to investigate CNC machine tools, and flew back to the capital with the same milling cutter.

It was late at night when he arrived in the capital, Chen Mu could not return home with a drill, and he was picked up by a special car and rushed to the first capital machine tool factory. This is an old factory established before the founding of the PRC, specializing in the production of milling machines.

The factory has been researching numerical control technology since the 1970s, and has cooperative projects with Japan, Germany, and the United States. Its technical strength is also considered first-class in China.

Several old mechanics and researchers were waiting until late at night. Chen Mu brought back two models, more than a dozen tools, and immediately underwent professional eye inspection.

The old mechanics fumbled with rough fingers to find the surface of the cutter. Researchers read the information sent to determine tool performance.

"This boron nitride coating is sintered quite well. The cutter configuration is actually a monolithic type, not a welding compound type, which I have never seen before."

"Where is this information for the tool description? The sintering process manual for the clear cubic boron nitride is well. This dozens of pages of experimental data is more detailed than we have done."

"The particle size of boron nitride d50 in this batch of tools is more than fifteen. Alas, this is a premium product. Expensive!"

The old mechanic and the researcher discussed with each other, getting more and more excited, and decided to find an ordinary manual milling machine to try the knife.

An older eighth-level worker installed the knife by hand, and after a while, he heard the motor start and the buzzing of the spindle rotation.

The first thing to deal with is a piece of high-speed steel.

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