Knight of the Light

Chapter 809: Fleet

Sometimes people are easy to handle.

Zhou Qingfeng broke through the Ruili-Musie pass in early March, used the local government to recruit a large number of workers, and used Il-76 to transport dozens of construction machinery and a large amount of logistics materials.

Under normal circumstances, it would be fast to complete these complicated tasks within three months, but the "Holy Light" only took three days with good scheduling. After Lu Xun took office, he straightened out the management chain, and everything started to move forward simultaneously.

Ruili hired more than two thousand people, and Muse hired five hundred, and all of them were organized into a dozen engineering teams. The construction of harmony will send people to guide and start building roads-labor cooperation can cultivate discipline and can also be used to screen backbones.

Zhou Qingfeng originally wanted to complete the training of'technicians' in three months, which is a bit taken for granted. Lu Xun unceremoniously rejected the president's chaotic life. He expanded and detailed the plan and extended the entire project time.

After reading Lu Xun's overall plan, Zhou Qingfeng didn't say anything, but let the experts do it, and rewarded him with one hundred thousand yuan-pointing out the president's major mistake award, which is rare.

Lu Xun used the 100,000 yuan to reward the team and boost morale.

Building roads and houses is one point. Lu Xun also arranged more than a dozen "assistance teams" with local Chinese as guides to explore the surrounding area of ​​Muse. Their job is to bring gifts from door to door to greet them and to find out the surrounding geographical and social conditions.

All ‘assistance teams’ are under the unified command of Irene, assisted by seven goblins. Each team of ten people, five motorized tricycles, with radio and walkie-talkie, went deep into the remote villages within 50 kilometers of Muse.

The gifts brought by the team are industrial products including rice clothes and VCD, and the team doctors provide simple medical services. These are the old tricks of Western NGOs, but they have always been very useful.

Irene will enter the mountains today to go to a relatively large village. The village is called Meng Xi, and there are two to three hundred households. The dirt road between the mountains is very narrow, relying on high-horsepower motor tricycles to move forward slowly.

Passing Chinese guides are full of praise for the tricycle, "This car is awesome, it can pull so many people and goods, and it can run on such a bad road. It would be great if it could be sold to us."

"This car was originally sold." Irene was the only woman in the team. She was sitting in the rickety tricycle, leaning her feet to admire the scenery of the mountains.

Although she looks beautiful and slim and is not good at fighting, as a druid of the thirteenth level, anyone who dares to look down on her will be out of luck.

The trees, birds and beasts in the mountains are Irene's allies. As the mountain breeze passed, the taller the trees, the more they kept shouting joyously and rustling to her.

The guide is a dark and thin middle-aged man doing business in Muse Town. His rough palms kept rubbing the frame of the tricycle, and he asked in a low voice, "How much does this car cost?"

The black and thin middle-aged is originally from Yunnan, and his daily business is carried by mules and horses, and he can only carry one to two hundred kilograms of goods each time he goes out. He is familiar with the villages around Muse, but he bluntly said that doing business here is very hard.

"If it's not too expensive, I want to buy one."

"One thousand and two hundred yuan per car."

"Just one thousand and two?"

Hei Shou middle-aged estimated that he can bear it. He usually buys agricultural products from Myanmar and transports them to Ruili to sell, and then purchases salt, sugar, tools, medicines and so on from Ruili.

If you can have a tricycle, pull more goods and fast, you can make several times the money. "Holy Light" can provide more and better goods and services, which is why the middle-aged Hei Shou is willing to act as a guide.

Irene didn't care about the black and thin middle-aged. The Myanmar side does not know what size group the "Holy Light" is, and the next thing is the flood of goods dumping.

Not only industrial products, but even local agricultural products will be destroyed. The small peasant economy simply cannot withstand the invasion of industrial civilization. If you want to survive, you must be obedient.

The local drug dealers would be defeated inexplicably, and they would never understand how they were eliminated.

In a straight line of 60 kilometers, Irene's team walked a day in the dense tropical woodland. There was no danger on the road, and successfully arrived at the small village of Mengxi, which was hiding in the deep forest.

The most conspicuous thing in the village is the large farmland, and there are several Buddhist temples next to the village.

"This place should be regarded as a small town. The population and buildings are more than expected." Irene ordered the convoy to stop at the entrance of the village and took the initiative to get off and walk towards a forest outside the village.

Two or three villagers with guns stood out among the grass of the woods. The appearance of the convoy made them very excited, and they kept yelling—the dozens of people in the convoy were also very nervous. The tricycle was not unarmed with heavy machine guns.

The thin wizard raised his hands up, trying to explain his intentions. But the excited villagers kept screaming and shouting. Their guns pointed at Irene, who was approaching, but they couldn't see the vines behind them really slowly entangled their legs.

Irene also raised her hand, showing her charm with a smile. She shouted in Burmese: "We are here to do business, not to attack you. Looking at my face, am I like a bad person?"

Irene's face is so beautiful that no man can resist her smile. Anyone who looks at him will immediately let go of the guard and guard in his heart and turn the enemy into a friend. This ability is used for negotiation without any disadvantage.

Within a few seconds, the villagers with guns on guard in the woods calmed down, even embarrassed by their nervousness. Irene continued to smile and said, "I want to see the leader of your village."

A villager armed with a gun nodded, and said something to his companion.

The black and thin guide breathed a sigh of relief and turned back and whispered: "Miss Irene, the first time I have seen people here are so good to talk. They usually see outsiders either cursing and expelling or shooting in the sky."

The accumulating vines had long been released, and two gunmen villagers rushed to the village. Irene also smiled at the guide's praise, making people feel that she can be trusted like an angel.

Ten minutes later, hundreds of armed men poured out from the village, surrounded by the leader of the village. They were all dressed in dirty old clothes, and the weapons in their hands were various and rusty.

Although there are a lot of people, the villagers have no advantage in facing the team because the equipment is too far behind.

The leader of the village is getting old, he is wearing the local national costume, a little hunched, and his eyes are sharp. After looking at Irene for a few times, he calmed down and whispered: "Girl, which power are you from?"

"We belong to the'Holy Light' Group, don't worry, we are really here to do business." Irene said.

Looking at the excellent equipment of the team, the village leader is very knowledgeable. He pointed to the tricycle and asked, "Do you sell this car and the heavy machine gun on it?"

"Of course it's sold." Irene agreed very happily, "The car is very cheap, as long as one thousand and two hundred soft sister coins, you can buy ten at a time for free shipping. Heavy machine guns are expensive, we only sell them to friends."

It is surprising that you are willing to sell, but it is normal to have some conditions. The village leader thought he had no resistance, so he stepped aside and stretched out his hand to invite: "You are very strong, we can't beat it. Please come to our village as a guest."

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