Knight of the Light

Chapter 818: Benevolence

The two BBC reporters fled from Lashio nervously. They were sitting in an old jeep and rushed to Mandalay, more than two hundred kilometers away.

Halfway through the car, the driver yawned and said he wanted to take a break. The Brit looked at the other person taking out a cigarette from his pocket, and he was refreshed after smoking a cigarette.

It doesn’t feel good to park halfway in the wilderness and walk with an addict. The two British men insisted on driving by themselves for fear that the smoker would smoke too much and cause a car accident on the way.

This journey was like an escape. He finally left the mountainous area of ​​northeastern Myanmar and arrived in Mandalay. The Englishman immediately called the police there, saying that his translator was shot and killed in Lashio. The local officials only said “oh” to show that they knew. Up.

"Aren't you going to investigate?"

"Check what?"

"Someone died."

"You should have signed an agreement when you applied to go to Lashio. We reminded you to pay attention to safety. Now you can come back from Lashio intact. This is great luck."

The low-level officials in charge of the reception didn't care about the Briton's alarm and only made a simple record. This makes the British, who is a BBC reporter, very angry.

"Don't you just ignore the invasion of the'Holy Light' group? Even our reporters in Yangon heard the news that you were indifferent in Mandalay?"

This is a huge accusation, and the officials who received were straight-faced, "You Brits like unprovoked slander and slander. The'Holy Light' group has signed agreements with Wa and Shan states to invest in places where they are invited. What's the problem?

Because of the investment of "Holy Light", the tobacco fields in the Golden Triangle have almost been shoveled in half. Except for those drug dealers, everyone benefits. The law and order this month is obviously better.

Even Mandalay is about to sign a cooperation agreement with "Holy Light". The two sides will jointly fund the construction of a regular road with a total length of more than 300 kilometers from Muse Port to Mandalay, which is expected to be completed in two years.

As long as the road is repaired, heavy trucks can go straight from Muse to Mandalay in four hours. Our grain and wood can be sold to China more easily.

The'Holy Light' also agreed to build a vehicle manufacturing plant in Mandalay. They will send people to teach us to produce motorized tricycles and four-wheeled vehicles. From leveling the land to building factories, to water and electricity, and localized production of spare parts, everything is taught.

Mandalay needs such a factory. We have already selected the land outside the city. The "Shengguang" engineers guarantee that the beam-frame factory can be built in half a year and put into production within a year. The annual output is at least 100,000 vehicles. "

When it comes to the number of ‘100,000’ vehicles, the reception officials are also looking forward to it. For Myanmar, a country with almost zero industry, a vehicle factory with an annual output of 100,000 vehicles is a huge improvement.

This will drive the development of an entire industrial chain, increase tens of thousands of "high-income" jobs, and provide the society with much-needed vehicles, greatly improving labor efficiency.

The two Englishmen exclaimed: "This will make you fall into a debt trap that is hard to escape. It will pose a huge threat to your finances, and you will be dragged into bankruptcy by unbearable interest. This is the case in Latin America now."

The reception officials squinted, "Our current finances are bad enough. Where else can we go? The government doesn't have money to pay civil servants. We don't even have basic gasoline and diesel.

Besides, "Holy Light" invests itself, how can there be debts? No one is in debt, where is the high interest rate? What are you thinking about? "Holy Light" doesn't play your tricks. "

"Holy Light" doesn't even engage in financing?

The Brit was blocked and sturdy, and he pondered for a long time before continuing: "You have a vehicle and still lack gasoline and diesel. With an annual output of 100,000 vehicles, your foreign exchange can't support a large amount of fuel imports."

Myanmar is extremely short of oil, both gasoline and diesel. But they don't have much foreign exchange to import, which makes their domestic vehicles unable to run, and agricultural machinery is not even mentioned. Social development is a joke.

But the reception officer shrugged.

"'Shengguang' is willing to invest in building an oil refinery on the west coast to produce oil for us. They will also lay oil pipelines, not only to meet our domestic needs, but also to export to inland China.

As for the current oil demand, the "Holy Light" also expressed its willingness to do its best to satisfy it. This condition is difficult for us to refuse, so Yangon also agreed to the investment cooperation project between the two parties. "

For an agricultural country, industrial products that can greatly improve production efficiency are an irresistible temptation. For example, a water pump can allow more farmland to be irrigated, greatly reducing the amount of labor but obtaining several times the benefits.

Is that farmer really willing to pick water from the fields endlessly during the busy summer? Don’t you just look forward to mechanical equipment to help?

In farming, sowing, fertilizing, spraying, harvesting, and transportation, each link requires the intervention of agricultural machinery in order to obtain tens or hundreds of times of efficiency improvement.

But knowing that, which industrial country is willing to selflessly help another agricultural country? Everyone can say something beautiful, but the interests must still be negotiated.

Now the "Holy Light" appeared. It doesn't talk about anything else, it talks about money.

The machinery factory that produces tricycles does not matter.

But the oil refinery refueling pipeline sounds like a huge project, and it is also a terrible project. The heads of the two British guys were about to explode, feeling that the news was unacceptable.

"Where will the refinery be built?"

"I don't know, it's not decided in the short term. Anyway, it's on the west side of the sea." The reception official pointed to the Myanmar map in his office, and the two British guys started to scream.

"There must be a conspiracy. To the west of Myanmar is the Bay of Bengal with an area of ​​more than two million square kilometers and a depth of more than one kilometer. This place is too suitable for the cruise of ballistic missile nuclear submarines."

"No, you cannot allow the'Holy Light' to build oil refineries. This will pose a huge threat to a free and democratic world. With oil refineries, there will be ports, and if there are ports, there will be military bases. With military bases, they will seize them. Your living space."

The two British guys say a word, seemingly hysterically portraying the end of the world.

The reception cadres were dumbfounded by the appearance of their teeth and claws. After a while, they said calmly: "Yes, just like you British people did."

"We are a civilized society, different from those evil regimes."

"So you are blocking us? List us as evil."

The Brit was dumb again.

Yangon is now being blocked by the West and cannot stand it. The country is on the verge of collapse and disintegration. Two years later, I have to bow my head for mercy. But now that Zhou Qingfeng has taken action, I really want to thank the West for pushing this neighboring country into desperation.

There are a lot of outdated production lines in China that need to be eliminated, and a huge amount of outdated production capacity is waiting to be abandoned. These things are all negative assets that no one wants-but not necessarily in other countries.

In a slightly larger city in China, who doesn’t order the ‘five small businesses’? With the backward status of Yunnan alone, Zhou Qingfeng was able to free up a large number of industrial rags and hundreds of thousands of skilled workers who were about to be eliminated.

Most of these people are in their 40s or 50s. They can't keep up with the development of the times, and they are unable to learn and progress. Apart from being taken care of by setting up a small stall to do some chores, why not go abroad to be smart?

Anyway, agricultural countries are not picky, they need low-end industrial products.

Isn't this a hit-and-miss thing?

In the longer term, there were too many areas that needed low-end industrial products in the 1990s. The market is huge!

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