Kamen Rider W Fang Ace Form.

The difference from a year ago is that with the help of Zuo Shotaro, the current fang ace form can be completely controlled by Phillip.

A year ago, Philip was forced to use the fang memory in order to escape from the institute.

At that time, he was in a state of rage.

Since that time, Phillip has never thought about borrowing the power of fang memory.

That powerful force once almost made him lose himself.

But today, he has successfully mastered the power of the fang memory, and no longer has to worry about going berserk.

All this is thanks to Shotaro Zuo, otherwise Philip would never be able to overcome this hurdle.

Narumi Asukiko happily walked into the house and said thankfully.

"Ah! I'm finally back. I almost thought we wouldn't be able to come back today."

It was really critical during the day. If Phillip hadn't arrived in time, everything might have been too late.

Shotaro Zuo came to the corner and sat down.

It has always been his habit to write down today's commission and what happened during the commission on a typewriter.

Even though using typewriters is very backward now, he still likes this way of working.

While using the typewriter, Shotaro Zuo said.

"Philip, now that we have the fang ace form, we will be able to fight even if we face Lu Li next time."

The increase in strength gave him the courage to face Lu Li.

Even at this moment, he couldn't wait to find Lu Li.

Hearing this, Phillip shook his head helplessly.

"Shoutaro, please don't be careless. Lu Li's... strength may be more than what we see.

Even though we currently have the fang ace form, we are not necessarily sure that we can defeat Lu Li. "

This is not because Philip wants to pour cold water on Zuo Shotaro, but it is a conclusion drawn based on the previous battle.

Especially after seeing Lu Li's so-called King.form, Philip felt that even the current Fang Ace might not be able to handle this power.

Xiangtaro Zuo naturally kept Phillip's kind reminder in mind.

"I know, don't worry, I don't intend to act rashly.

That guy's strength is indeed terrifying. I won't be impulsive without being sure. "

Today, Shotaro Zuo is much more mature than before.

At least you will be calmer when thinking about problems, instead of just being emotional.

As soon as he came back and heard them discussing this, Narumi Asukiko suddenly felt dizzy and raised his slippers to threaten.

"Okay, okay, let's not discuss this, let's think about what to eat tonight!"

Rather than discussing these, it would be more interesting to discuss what to eat.

The other side.

Lu Li didn't know what happened between Sudou Kirihiko and Isaka Fumiro.

If Lu Li knew that Isaka Akira had secretly modified Nazca's memory, he might have been killed in advance.

Of course, Lu Li would never have guessed that Sudou Kirihiko would go to Isaka Fumiuro's hospital.

Isaka Mikuruo is a madman addicted to the power of Gaia's memory.

As long as there is a chance to increase his power, he will do whatever it takes.

Sonosaki's house.

The family gathered together and enjoyed a delicious dinner.

Since the last plan entrusted to the priest failed, Sonosaki Ryubei has made no other actions for the time being.

He was also worried that if he angered Lu Li again without being completely prepared, it would lead to Sonosaki Saeko breaking up with him in advance.

When it came to that situation, he really didn't know how to end it.

The look he looked at Lu Li was no longer as cold as before, but it couldn't be said to be very enthusiastic.

At best, it's like looking at a stranger.

Of course, Sonosaki Ryubei also knew about what happened today.

Even though Sonosaki Ryubei currently only controls half of the museum's forces, it is still quite easy to know some of the information he wants to know.

Looking at Sonosaki Saeko who was having dinner quietly, Sonosaki Ryubei asked calmly.

"Zezi, the person who came here didn't bring him back, what are your plans next?"

Hearing this, Sonosaki Saeko stopped moving her hands and wiped her mouth with a napkin on the side.

"Plan? I don't have any plans. As for the visitor, let's leave it at that for now. I'm afraid I won't find a chance to bring him back for the time being.

When I have the right opportunity, I will bring him back from the future, so my father doesn't have to worry about this. "

Sonosaki Saeko, who has been oppressed for too long, has now completely let herself go.

Facing Sonosaki Ryubei, he showed no fear at all, and the two of them seemed to be on equal footing.

Even if the other person is her father, she is no longer the Sonosaki Saeko she was before.

Sonosaki Ryubei, who already knew this would be the case, was not angry anymore.

He just nodded lightly, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

"Really? I understand."

He was used to Sonosaki Saeko's current attitude towards him and didn't find it strange.

Sonosaki Wakana lowered her head and ate in small bites.

She really doesn't like staying at home right now.

Because as long as you stay at home, you will inevitably face conflicts between your father and your sister.

Before, Lu Li had asked her how to choose, but until now, Sonosaki Wakana still had no answer in her heart.

On one side was her father, and on the other side was her sister, both of whom were the closest people to her.

Even though there were some conflicts between her and her sister in the past, it was undeniable that there was always affection.

No matter which side she chose, Sonosaki Wakana would feel uncomfortable.

Compared to Sonosaki Wakana, who ate food as if she were a nobody, Lu Li didn't care about these at all and ate his own.

After eating one portion, he immediately asked the maid to get another portion.

Seeing Lu Li who didn't take him seriously at all, Sonosaki Ryubei was unhappy in his heart, but he didn't show it.

[Humph! Let you be proud for a while, and when the time is right, the museum will be back in my hands again. ]

Sonosaki Ryubei is just waiting for a suitable opportunity.

At present, he doesn't have the ability to flip the table directly. Once he flips the table at this sensitive time, he will be in a passive position.

As long as Sonosaki Saeko has no intention of turning the table over now, he will not act rashly.

"By the way, Saeko, Consortium X is a little dissatisfied with our research progress. Since you are in charge of the company now, you should work harder.

Otherwise, Consortium X's funds may not be so easy to get."

After saying this, Sonosaki Ryubei turned and left the hall.

In the past, this problem was a headache for him. Now, it is not only him who is having a headache, but also Sonosaki Saeko.

You know, researching Gaia memory is very expensive.

Just relying on the sale of Gaia memory, this amount of money is not enough to develop new machines.

The reason why the museum has never lacked research funds is because it has the support of Consortium X behind it.

Consortium X is a merchant of death lurking around the world, using all the most advanced technologies as weapons.

Things like Gaia memory that can turn people into monsters and have diverse abilities are naturally very popular with them.

Consortium X has always spent a lot of money to fund the research of Gaia memory.

But they are not unrewarded. Regardless of the data on the research memory, they will also copy a copy and give it to them.

However, Sonosaki Ryubei is an old fox. When giving these data, he will naturally keep some 0......

At the beginning, he found Consortium X because of lack of funds, not to completely hand over the Gaia memory to Consortium X.

And this year, the museum has not produced a new Gaia memory, but has been modifying the original memory.

Consortium X is of course very dissatisfied with not getting enough returns for the investment.

Naturally, they have to put pressure on the museum to obtain more research data.

After hearing this, Sonosaki Saeko frowned slightly unconsciously.

Of course, she knew the existence of Consortium X, but the current museum still needs the funding of Consortium X.

If this is true, she really must first catch the person back and use him to study the new Gaia memory.

This will be able to shut up Consortium X and prevent them from saying anything more.

But the problem now is that this matter is related to Lu Li's plan.

She didn't want to disrupt Lu Li's plan, but she had to face the pressure from Consortium X.

Thinking of this, she also felt a headache.

After Sonozaki Ryubei left, Sonozaki Wakana dared to raise her head.

After carefully looking at it and confirming that Sonozaki Ryubei had indeed left, the girl asked carefully.

"Lu Li, do you know what Consortium X is? Is it powerful?"

Because she had never cared about the affairs of the family, Sonozaki Wakana was devoted to being her own idol, and she didn't even know the existence of Consortium X.

Hearing this, seeing the expectant eyes of her sister-in-law, Lu Li responded with a smile.

"It's just some crazy weapon lunatics. In their eyes, Gaia memory is just a biological weapon."

With her mouth slightly open, Sonozaki Wakana's eyes were full of surprise.

"Weapon lunatics? Weapons?!"

She seemed to have come into contact with a new world, a world she didn't know at all.

"As for whether they are powerful or not, they should be considered powerful. After all, they are not only funding the research of Gaia memory.

The museum gave a lot of information before. Logically speaking, they should have some research information. Naturally, they will not sit and wait for death. I am afraid they are already researching."

Lu Li can be very sure that Consortium X must be conducting research on memory.

Maybe they are already researching pure memory, but it is not so easy to research it out.

In order to achieve their goals, Consortium X will never let go easily.

Even if they are cooperating with the museum, they are still cooperating with another person, and the other person and the museum have always been in an opposite relationship.

This person is... Shroud!

That's right, it is not an easy thing to research pure memory, and it also requires a lot of funds.

Shroud is devoted to the research of pure memory, so how can she have time to work or something like that.

She naturally needs the support of rich people and financial support so that she can concentrate on the research of pure memory.

The museum is not aware of the cooperation between Consortium X and Shroud.

Otherwise, Sonosaki Ryubei would never allow Foundation X to completely control the museum's research data.

"I see."

Sonosaki Wakana finally understood that it was Foundation X1.9 that had been funding the museum's development.

Sonosaki Saeko, who was feeling embarrassed at the moment, suddenly asked.

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