"How could it be?!" Utopia doped body said in disbelief.

He naturally knew what was in the briefcase, the lost drive and the eternal memory of the T1 experiment.

0 ······Please give me flowers· ·········

But why, the eternal memory that had been unstable before suddenly glowed at this time.

And just when he was stunned, Da Dao Ke Ji heard a call.

The eternal memory in the briefcase seemed to be calling him!

It seemed to be saying, use my power quickly, with my power, you can defeat him!

Noticing the stunned Utopian doped body, Da Dao Ke Ji immediately seized the opportunity and kicked him in the chest.

The unprepared Utopian doped body was directly knocked back a few steps without any defense.

And as his hand left Da Dao Ke Ji, the flames on Da Dao Ke Ji, who was originally burning with flames, also disappeared automatically.

The flames were controlled by the Utopian doped body, and they would naturally disappear without his control.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Da Dao Ke Ji rolled over and came directly to the table, opening the silver briefcase.

The Eternal Memory inside was glowing with dazzling blue light.

He took it in his hand and muttered to himself.

"Eternal... Eternal..."

He seemed to have understood that the Eternal Memory and himself were not enemies, but should be the best match.

The Utopia Doppelganger who saw this scene was shocked.

"Impossible! Isn't it broken?!"

He had previously removed the transformation, but he thought that the Eternal Memory, which was an experimental product, might have malfunctioned again.

But now there was an unexpected situation that he couldn't understand.

Even Dr. Prospect, who was standing by, put away the contempt on his face.

He felt that this time, the matter might not be solved so smoothly.

He thought that the other party was just an insignificant zombie and could be solved at any time, but now the other party had taken the Eternal Memory that he thought was broken.

...... ....... 0

Prospect couldn't help but want to see how Jia Toushun would end.

He did not want to participate in the fight immediately, but just be a bystander.

Anyway, he has enough strength.

As long as he can predict the opponent's movements and judge the opponent's attack, no one can be his opponent.

"Haha! Eternity is not bad, it's just because it met the right master. You... don't deserve Eternity!"

Dao Keji looked at the Eternal Memory Power in his hand, and infinite confidence emerged in his heart.

If he was like an ant in the face of the powerful Utopia Doped Body before, he could kill it at will.

Then he will become the nightmare of the Utopia Doped Body now.

"You say I don't deserve it? Impossible!"

The Utopia Doped Body waved his hand.

He didn't believe what Dao Keji said, and he would not agree with what he said.

From the beginning, he had high hopes for Eternity, believing that Eternal Memory would definitely be able to command all Gaia Memory in the future.

It is the real king of memory!

Even the Utopia Memory in his hand is slightly inferior to the Eternal Memory.

The Eternal Memory that he had placed such high hopes on has now become a weapon in the hands of others.

"Humph! What if you don't want to admit it? Now that Eternity is in my hands, I will let you see the true power of Eternity!"

Even without transforming, Da Dao Ke Ji knew that he could exert all the power of Eternity.

Perhaps... this is a manifestation of the high compatibility between the memory and himself.

Wearing the Lost Drive on his waist, Da Dao Ke Ji pressed the Eternal Memory in his hand.

"Enteral (Eternity)!"


He inserted the Eternal Memory into it and waved his hand, and the Lost Drive automatically opened.


A powerful energy burst out from Da Dao Ke Ji.

The blue energy poured crazily as if to celebrate that he had found the most suitable user.

The Utopia Doppelganger, which was only a few meters away, felt this extremely powerful energy and was extremely horrified.

"How could it be?!"

After experiencing this powerful energy personally, he obviously felt that it was even more powerful than when he transformed before.

Is it really as the other party said, he... is not worthy of Eternity? !

Wrapped in red lightning, Dao Keji was surrounded by countless debris.

The next second, these countless debris attached to his body and turned into a white armor.

The yellow eye armor suddenly lit up, and the white arms were immediately covered with red flames.

As the red flames dissipated, red flame stripes appeared on the arms.

But it’s not over yet. At this time, Yongqi was shining with blue lightning.

The pair of yellow compound eyes flashed frequently, as if they were adapting to Dao Keji.

The next second, the flame stripes on his arms suddenly turned blue, and black memory fixed slots appeared on his left leg and right arm in front of his chest.

At the same time, a black cloak appeared out of thin air on his back.

Kamen Rider Yongqi! Debut!

The Yongqi transformed by Dao Keji looks not much different from the Yongqi transformed by Jia Toushun before.

PS: Thanks to Yi Ye Zhi Qiu for the monthly ticket!

Thanks to the monthly ticket of the bunny ツ!

Thanks to the monthly ticket of 180..!

Chapter 116 The chosen undead, the embarrassed head, the prey scramble

The difference is the blue flame pattern on the arm and the memory strap on the body, and the eternal robe behind.

"It actually transformed successfully?!"

The Utopia mixed body suddenly clenched his fists.

I thought it was just Da Dao Keji's bluffing, but I didn't expect that the other party actually transformed successfully.

Not only that, the other party's form is different from the form of his own eternal transformation, and it feels stronger than himself.

Eternity... is really selecting users!

The Utopia mixed body finally realized this now.

Prospect, who was watching the show on the side, saw Yongqi, whose appearance had changed drastically at this time, and his eyes were full of curiosity.

"Did Eternity... choose this zombie?"

Watching all this with interest, Prospect still did not show any worried expression.

Everything is still under his control. Even if the other party can transform, it will not have any impact on him.

Looking at his right arm with blue flame stripes, Yongqi can clearly feel the power surging in his body.

"It seems that at that time, Yongheng had already felt that it was destined to be connected with me.

So at that time, it refused to be used by you."

Before, Dadao Keji touched the Eternal Memory, which caused Jia Toushun to exit the transformation state.

Looking back now, everything can be explained.

But even if he knew this fact, the Utopia doping body was unwilling to accept it.

"How could such a thing happen?"

He was more angry in his heart. He was rejected by a mere memory.

He would never allow such a thing to happen. Even if he destroyed the Eternal Memory, he would never let the damn guy in front of him get it.

Having transformed into Yongqi, the combat power of both sides is completely evenly matched.

The Utopia Memory can turn the opponent's power into its own, but the premise is that the opponent has hope in his heart.

"Six, eight, seven" But he was facing the immortal Dao Keji, and the most powerful ability of the Utopia Memory was useless.

The combat power of the two sides was not much different, but compared with Yongqi, who had been through hundreds of battles and fought on the battlefield of mercenaries for many years, the Utopia Doped Body's fighting style was indeed very weak.

In this situation where the combat power of the two sides was not far apart, once one side did not have enough combat experience, it would be easy to fall into a disadvantage.

The two fought from inside the castle to outside, and the Utopia Doped Body was at a disadvantage throughout the whole process.

After being repelled many times, the Utopia Doped Body was extremely angry in his heart.

He could not beat a memory user who was still a test subject.

After being repelled again, the Utopia Doped Body gently patted the place on his chest where he was kicked just now.

He rushed up again, and the continuous and rapid attacks barely repelled Yongqi once.

"Humph! It seems that you are just like this."

Yongqi smiled coldly.

He grabbed the Eternal Robe behind him with his left hand, turned around and jumped, giving people the illusion that he was about to kick.

The Utopia Dope, who was successfully attracted by his fake move, did not realize that it was just a fake move.

He was about to raise his hand to defend.

But what was waiting for him was not Yongqi's flying kick, but a punch with all his strength.


The blue flame pattern on his right arm seemed to come alive at this moment, blooming a dazzling blue flame.


The fierce punch hit the Utopia Dope's chest accurately.

Facing this extremely powerful punch, even the Utopia Dope could not resist it.

Under this powerful force, he flew dozens of meters away in an instant, and finally fell heavily to the ground, rolling awkwardly for several rounds before barely stopping.

You know, the matching degree between Jiatoushun and Utopia Memory has reached 98%.

It can almost be said that Utopia Memory is tailor-made for Jiatoushun.

When he uses the Utopia memory, he can exert the most powerful power.

But even so, facing the real memory king Eternity, the Utopia memory is still not enough.

The Utopia doping body barely supported his body and stood up, looking at the white figure, with a strong unwillingness in his eyes.

How could he feel good that the most powerful memory was not for him.

Looking down at the Eternity memory, Yongqi said confidently.

"I can feel that when I get it, Eternity will exert all its power as the king of memory!

It was thanks to you that I was able to touch Eternity before. To express my gratitude, I will personally send you... to hell!"

As soon as the voice fell, Yongqi strode over.

Now Jiatoushun is not an immortal, but a real living person.

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