The excited experimental subjects began to leave after learning that they were finally free.

They were not interested in who saved them.

Mina frowned slightly when she saw that everyone only cared about whether they were free and didn't care who saved them.

Obviously, she didn't like the way everyone only cared about themselves.

Just as she was about to say something, a big hand pressed on Mina's shoulder.

Turning her head, Mina saw Lu Li shaking his head at her.

The meaning was self-evident, that is, he hoped Mina would not tell this matter.

Even though she didn't understand why Lu Li wanted to hide these, Mina executed his orders without hesitation.

Then, the two of them left.

Along the way, Mina never figured out why Lu Li didn't seem to care at all about her wanting to tell him that he saved people.

At this time, Lu Li suddenly asked.

"You are wondering why I don't let you say that I saved them, right?"

Mina, whose thoughts were seen, nodded slightly.

"Lu Li, it was you who saved them, you should be respected by everyone.

But they only care about themselves and don't pay attention to who saved them. This is wrong."

Seeing Mina's serious face, Lu Li shook his head and smiled.

"It's human nature. People are selfish. Most of the time, they only care about their own interests.

Besides... I don't care about their gratitude at all. In my opinion, it's worthless.

And I don't care about their life or death."

Lu Li killed Prospect, which had nothing to do with these experimental subjects.

It was just to regain Mina and to avenge Prospect.

Who asked that guy to say that he was his most perfect work, and he was looking for death.

These people can live, it's completely luck, it has nothing to do with him.

Seeing that Lu Li really didn't care, Mina's originally hanging heart finally let go.

And her eyes gradually became firm.

The other experimental subjects who had left did not intend to repay the favor, but Mina would not.

Since she had agreed to follow Lu Li, she would definitely go on unswervingly.

The transportation tools and armed helicopters in the experimental village have been completely destroyed, and only jeeps and the like are left.

Don't underestimate Mina, she not only has powerful superpowers, but also has many skills.

A pair of slender white silk long legs easily controlled the jeep and drove away from the experimental village quickly.


Ming Hai Detective Agency.

"Buzz buzz buzz!!"

A series of roars came from not far away.

Then, a red motorcycle came quickly, and the people on the car were wearing red leather clothes.

Yes, the person who came here was Terui Ryu.

He has successfully obtained the transfer order, so he can officially intervene in the case of doping.

After taking off the helmet, Terui Ryu walked in directly.

As for the situation here, he has already used the rhinoceros beetle mobile phone to understand it clearly.

Just now, he used the rhinoceros beetle mobile phone to observe that Zuo Xiangtaro is not in the office at present, but in the billiard room on the first floor.

He walked directly to the billiard room on the first floor.

At this time, Shotaro Zuo was in the billiard room on the first floor, preparing to enjoy a tough game.

He kept gesturing on the table with a billiard stick, preparing to play a perfect one-shot clear.

However, with his skills, he didn't hold the cue steady, and his hand slipped and hit the door directly.


And Terui Ryu, who had just walked in from outside, grabbed the cue accurately.

Such an embarrassing scene was seen by others, and Shotaro Zuo smiled awkwardly.

"Even if I am as skilled as I am, I made such a mistake."

Pretending to be very skilled, Shotaro Zuo would never say in front of others that he can't play billiard at all.

Holding the cue, he walked towards the billiard table by himself, and Terui Ryu said coldly.

"The detective agency is on the second floor."

The two of them only met for the first time. Terui Ryu already had a certain understanding of Shotaro Zuo, but Shotaro Zuo didn't even know who the person in front of him was.

Shotaro Zuo didn't understand why the other party suddenly said that, but he nodded in response.

"Ah, yes, who are you?"

Hearing this, Terui Ryu didn't even look at Shotaro Zuo, and directly picked up the billiard cue in his hand and aimed at the white ball.

"I'm the client."

After saying that, Terui Ryu immediately hit the cue in his hand.

With this stroke, except for the white ball touched by the cue, all other balls were accurately hit into the hole.

Seeing that the other party's skills were so good, Shotaro Zuo was dumbfounded at the time.

Good guy!

Are you here to spoil the show?

Just now, he slipped and threw the cue out, but the other party came directly with one shot, leaving no ball.

Isn't this a slap in the face?

"What a tough guy!"

Afterwards, Shotaro Zuo knew that there was a client at the door, and the other party's billiard skills were better than his, so he didn't have the confidence to stay in the billiard room.

He immediately took Terui Ryu to the office on the second floor.

In the subsequent conversation, he learned that the other party was actually a police officer.

Terui Ryu did not hide his identity. He knew that the right side of W was the think tank. Even if he hid something, it would be easy to find out.

He came here today mainly to use Phillip's power.

As for Shotaro Zuo, Ryuuda Terui disliked him from the beginning.

In his opinion, Shotaro Zuo is just a lucky guy, and becoming Kamen Rider W is just a coincidence.

Taking out a few photos from his pocket and throwing them on the table, Terui Ryuu continued.

"There have been many bizarre freezing cases recently, and I want to find the culprit."

0 ·······Ask for flowers··········

Some time ago, bizarre freezing cases suddenly appeared in the police, and as time went by, the number of victims continued to increase.

All these cases reminded Terui Ryu of the bizarre case in which his family was murdered many years ago.

The other party also froze his parents and sister, and the method was very similar to this time.

He believes that the person behind these many cases may also be related to the cryo-murders a few years ago.

The other party... is probably his enemy!

How could he endure it under such circumstances?

But it is not easy to find the other party, at least there is no clue yet.

So he thought of Philip, and took the initiative to come to Narumi Detective Agency, hoping to use Philip to find out who was behind the scenes.

After learning that the other party turned out to be a police officer, especially when he saw that the other party actually shot a shot of table tennis with a gun, Shotaro Zuo felt inexplicably unhappy.

He wanted to be arrogant and make the other party plead with him to take over this task.

"But what a coincidence. Detectives who survive in a cruel world will not bow to power easily."

Just when Zuo Shotaro was about to wait for Terui Ryu to plead with him, Terui Ryu handsomely threw out an envelope.

Shotaro Zuo pointed proudly at the door.

"So...get out of here! I don't want to see you."

Mainly because of the previous embarrassing things, Zuo Shotaro didn't want others to know.

And Narumi Asukiko quickly grabbed the envelope, and when she opened it, she saw that there were banknotes one after another inside.

When he first saw these banknotes, Narumi Yasuki opened his mouth wide.

Terui Ryu picked up the coffee, but showed no intention of leaving.

....... 0 ...

After staying with the other party, Zuo Shotarou suddenly felt unhappy.

"I just told you to leave, but you're still hurts so much!"

Before he could finish speaking, he felt something hit him on the back of his head.

Immediately turning his head, he saw Arukiko Narumi holding the classic green slippers in her hand.

As soon as Zuo Shotaro turned around, she pinched his nose severely again.

"Shut up! Don't you see what's here?"

As he spoke, Narukiya Shuko shook the banknotes in his hand.

This is a very large amount of income, and it is a very considerable source of income for Narumi Detective Agency, which has not had a big commission for a long time.

How could Narukiya Shuko let this kind of money come to his door and let it go so easily.

"You guys...are really greedy for money!"

Zuo Xiangtaro really wanted to say that he would not bow down for five buckets of rice, but it was a pity that people had to bow their heads under the eaves.

Although he is a detective, this house belongs to Narumi Asukiko after all.

If he doesn't make money well, what if he is kicked out?

"Then I'm sorry to bother you. Director, I'll lend Mr. Zuo a hand first."

"Don't worry, it's no problem!" Narumi Asukiko assured him righteously.

Then, she pushed Zuo Shotaro out of the detective agency.

"Hey! Ya Shuzi, did you betray me just for this little money?"

"I'm not betraying you. This is for our livelihood. Don't forget that you bought so many Detective Comics."


Faced with this topic, Zuo Shotaro was immediately speechless.

What the other party said seems to be true!

There was no other way, since the money had been accepted, Zuo Shotaro could only do as he was told.

The reason why I don't like Terui Ryu is because he has an inexplicable tough guy vibe about him.

This feeling is very similar to the uncle I once had.

Although he calls himself a tough guy detective, he knows that he currently does not possess such temperament.

This was a place that made him envious, but also a place that made him feel very annoyed.

While the two were investigating the case, Shotaro Zuo finally figured out the identity of Terui Ryu.

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