"Wakana, why did you suddenly come here?"

If possible, she really didn't want to become an enemy with her sister.

The relationship between the two sides has only improved for a short time, and she doesn't want to deteriorate.

Sometimes she suddenly feels that having a sister is still very good.

The clay doll mixed body carefully hugged Mick, his eyes full of heartache.

"I secretly heard the order my father gave to Mick, so I ran out secretly when my father was not paying attention.

I noticed the battle here, and I rushed over as soon as possible.

Fortunately, I arrived, otherwise Mick would..."

Speaking of this, the clay doll mixed body stopped.

Even if she didn't finish what she wanted to say, the taboo mixed body understood what she wanted to say.

Hearing this, the taboo mixed body took a deep look at Mick in the arms of the clay doll mixed body.

"Forget it this time. I will keep Mick's Gaia Driver and Sabertooth Tiger Memory for the time being.

After everything is settled, I will consider whether to return it to it.

Mick, you are lucky to have met Wakana, otherwise... you would really die."

As if he could really understand what the Taboo Doping Body said, Mick responded very weakly.


Suddenly, the Taboo Doping Body seemed to feel something and looked at the Sonosaki Mansion.

Then, the Taboo Doping Body continued.

"Wakana, take Mick away now. You don't want to participate in the next battle."

She had just noticed that three powerful targets were approaching her.

One of the auras was not unfamiliar to her at all, it was her father Sonosaki Ryubei.

The other two auras, she didn't recognize.

But it was conceivable that these were probably the helpers her father had found.

When the clay doll doping body heard this, it was suddenly startled.

"Could it be... father?!"

She thought of it immediately.

She already knew that there would be a battle between her father and sister.

She just didn't expect that the battle between her father and sister would break out so quickly.


The clay doll mixed body wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the taboo mixed body.

"Wakana, if you don't want to stay and help me, then you'd better leave, otherwise I can only ask you to treat you as my enemy...eliminate!"

The voice of the taboo mixed body was full of chill.

She didn't really want to be against her sister, but just didn't want her to stand on the opposite side of herself.

In addition, the combat power of the clay doll mixed body itself is mediocre.

If you really join this battle, the clay doll mixed body can't play any role at all.


Knowing that she was not strong enough, the clay doll mixed body finally nodded.

Immediately took Mick away, she didn't go far, but observed from a distance.

If possible, no matter who won the final victory in this battle, she would protect the losing side.

You can fail, but you must never hurt your family.

Perhaps her idea sounds a little silly, but this is the only thing she can do now.

Time passed to a few minutes ago.

Sonosaki Ryubei had already noticed the sound of fighting coming from afar.

The reason why he sent Mick out was just to test Sonosaki Saeko first.

From the beginning, he had no intention of relying on Mick to deal with Sonosaki Saeko.

The power of the taboo memory is not inferior to the fear memory in his hand. Testing it in advance is also for the sake of foreknowledge.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle.

Such a simple and easy-to-understand truth, how could Sonosaki Ryubei not understand.

"Let's go, both of you, then let's go to greet... my good daughter,"

The word "good" is very emphasized.

It can be clearly heard that Sonosaki Ryubei is very dissatisfied with Sonosaki Saeko in his heart.

Kagano Kiku stood up and smiled with wrinkled lips.

"Okay, let me see the eldest lady of the Sonosaki family. How powerful is she? She can even make you feel afraid."

She didn't look nervous at all, just because she had strong strength.

And it goes without saying that Isaka Shinkoro's goal is the golden memory of the Wind God Pterosaur. If he wants to get that memory, he will naturally have to work hard.

Putting the hat on his head, Isaka Shinkoro took the lead and walked out.

"Let's go."

The three of them left the Sonosaki family in unison.


Time goes back to the present.

Sonosaki Ryubei, Kagano Kiku, and Isaka Shinkoro have come to the place where the forbidden doping body is.

When seeing the forbidden doping body, Sonosaki Ryubei was also shocked.

This is also the first time he has seen the complete body of the forbidden doping body. Judging from the momentum emanating from it, it is not inferior to himself at all.

His face gradually became solemn, and Sonosaki Ryubei was very glad that he had found a helper, otherwise it would be very troublesome to deal with it.

At this time, Izaka Shinkoro was looking at the forbidden mixed body with a fiery gaze, his eyes shining, as if he had found some treasure.

He didn't expect that in addition to the fear memory, there was such a powerful memory.

Seeing such a powerful forbidden mixed body, Izaka Shinkoro was of course very excited.

If he could get the forbidden memory, it would undoubtedly be a huge boost to his own strength.

His mind was aroused, and Izaka Shinkoro had other different ideas in his mind.

The memory of the Wind God Pterosaur alone could not satisfy his greed and ambition.

After all, to defeat Sonosaki Ryubei, he needed strong strength, and the reward just this time was not enough.

And such a greedy look, the forbidden doping body naturally could not fail to notice.

It was the first time she saw Izaka Shinkoro, and she had only heard of Izaka Shinkoro before.

This guy was a very scary guy.

Being able to transform the memory by one's own strength, this ability did not exist in the entire Wind City.

The only place that could do this before was the museum, and from here we can see that this guy's ability is indeed very scary.

The forbidden doping body felt uncomfortable all over because of the greed in this guy's eyes.

The only thought in his mind was to kill this guy.

That's right, kill him!

Kagamino Kiku, who looked short and very old, was squinting her eyes and measuring the forbidden doping body.

She could naturally feel the terrifying and incomparable power of the forbidden doping body.

Even if she had mastered the alcohol memory in her hand to the extreme, her momentum after transformation was still not as good as the forbidden doping body.

Her combat power... probably couldn't be compared.

Such a strong and capable woman, Kagamino Kiku really wanted her to be her granddaughter-in-law.

Kagamino Kiku was old and had been looking for a wife for her grandson.

At the same time, she was also looking for someone to inherit the alcohol memory in her hand.

At this age, she must choose the next generation of alcohol memory heirs to protect the Kagamino family and her grandson.

If she could let the forbidden doping body in front of her, that is, Sonosaki Saeko, marry into her family and help her grandson well.

She would have no worries or regrets.

Unfortunately, she had already learned from Sonosaki Ryubei that Sonosaki Saeko was a very opinionated and strong woman.

If she really married into their family, her very mediocre grandson might not be able to suppress her at all.

Some things are just thoughts at most, and must not be taken seriously.

"Father, you are finally willing to come out, right? They should be the helpers you found. I am very curious about what price you paid to make them willing to help you.

It is obviously just our own family affairs, but outsiders have to intervene. You are really unworthy of the title of head of the family."

There was a hint of disdain in the tone of the taboo admixture.

This matter is obviously an internal conflict of the Sonosaki family, but outsiders have to intervene.

Hearing this, Sonosaki Ryubei showed a sneer on his face.

"Saiko, if it weren't for you, if it weren't for Lu Li, how could I have asked other people to participate in this matter.

You were the ones who broke the rules at the beginning, not me! Since you have already broken the rules, don't blame me for being ruthless!

Only I am the emperor of the museum, and I will always be. As long as I haven't stepped down, it won't be your turn!"

With a stern look, Sonosaki Ryubei will never give up his position just because Sonosaki Saeko is his daughter.

It's impossible.

In his eyes, his daughter is just an object that can be used.

With a cold smile, the taboo mixed body faced Sonosaki Ryubei and the other two alone, and he was not afraid at all.

"Haha! Really cold and ruthless, really worthy of being an emperor.

But... Father, your era has long passed, and now... it's my era."

Before he finished speaking, ten terrifying dark red energy balls immediately appeared behind the taboo mixed body.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The energy ball shot at the three people at high speed.

Each energy ball had a terrifying power, and Sonosaki Ryubei and the other two could naturally feel it.

The three of them also took out their own memory cards at the same time.




The black wind and lightning instantly enveloped Sonosaki Ryubei.

Floating in the air, he exuded an extremely terrifying sense of oppression.


The terrifying and creepy laughter resounded through the world, and everyone who heard it felt a chill.

Compared to the powerful transformation of the fear mixed body, the transformation momentum of the weather mixed body and the alcohol mixed body was relatively weaker.

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