It was a very terrifying force that made people's hearts palpitate.

"Shoutaro, we...may have seen...the origin of the organization!"

Phillip's sudden words immediately stunned Zuo Shotaro and the policeman.

They didn't react for a while. What did Phillip mean by this?

Could it be that...the dark figure fighting in the sky is the leader of the organization?

After reacting, he stared straight at the fear-doped body in the sky, and Zuo Shotaro said in a deep voice.

" the source of everything?!"

No matter what, I never expected that I would encounter the source of the organization's evil at this time. It's incredible to think about it.

When the cadres of the organization fight with the leader of the organization, it is obvious that conflicts have arisen within the organization.

However, Zuo Shotaro was thinking about something else at this time.

Is that why Lu Li is not seen here?

Lu Li's extremely powerful strength must be a cadre of the organization, and he also has a deep relationship with the Taboo Dope.

In this case, it should be impossible for him not to be here.

The trooper murmured.

"The origin of the organization?"

He had just become a Kamen Rider not long ago, and there were still many things he had not yet figured out.

But he didn't expect that not long after he became a Kamen Rider, he would actually see the origin of the organization.

Immediately afterwards, the policeman was heard sternly shouting.

"Zuo, let's go together. If we can solve the source of the organization, it will be a matter of great significance to the entire Fengdu."

That's right, the trooper wanted to join the fight.

As long as we find a way to defeat the source of the organization, we may be able to cut off the flow of memories.

Without the circulation of memories, it would be possible to reduce the number of broken families like mine.

Without the source of the organization, no one would be able to obtain the memory, and perhaps their family members would not die.

With his own thoughts in mind, the police cavalry immediately drew out his engine sword and rushed to the battlefield immediately.

Seeing the police cavalry rushing out, W immediately shouted loudly.

"Hey! Terui?!"

Unfortunately, such calls were of little use, as the policemen had already run away.

"Ah! Doesn't this guy know how to think about it first? He is the leader of the organization! Hey!"

"Shoutaro, let's go too. Terui Ryuu alone cannot be that guy's opponent."

"I know, I know, let's go together!"

Before he finished speaking, W rushed over at a fast speed.

There was no way he could just leave the policeman aside without asking. If something really went wrong with the other party, wouldn't he feel guilty for the rest of his life?

At this time, watching the battle in the sky, the weather dopant who did not take any action at all, saw the collision of two extremely powerful energies, and was very excited.

"It's this power, it's this extremely powerful power!"

The weather made my heart beat wildly, but I didn't dare to take the initiative to move forward.

The energy burst out by these two people had exceeded his estimate.

If he took the initiative to rush forward at this time, the person who died would definitely be his.

The alcohol adulterant on the side kept spraying alcohol and detonating the alcohol in the sky, hoping to hurt the forbidden adulterant in this way.

However, nothing worked.

The taboo dopant can even allocate part of its energy to deal with these flying alcohol explosions.

Facing the flying alcohol bombs, the Forbidden Dopant immediately summoned energy balls.

"Boom! Boom!..."

The collision between the alcohol bomb and the energy ball directly led to a violent explosion.

It was like balls of brilliant flames blooming in the sky.

0 ·······Ask for flowers··········

"Are they all blocked?"

The alcohol doped body was suddenly shocked.

You must know that she uses telekinesis to control the explosive alcohol launched, and can attack at extremely weird and tricky angles.

Unexpectedly, even so, he was still easily resisted.

Just when the taboo memory body was dealing with the attack of the fear adulterant and guarding against the attack of the alcohol adulterant, the fear adulterant suddenly sneered.

"Haha! Saeko, how dare you get distracted while fighting me? Are you too self-righteous?!"

Then, the fear-doped body suddenly swung a punch and hit the taboo-doped body hard in the abdomen.


Even the now very powerful Taboo Dopant felt uncomfortable when it was suddenly attacked.

The powerful force blasted away the taboo dopant in an instant.

Fortunately, after the liberation of the taboo doped body, her defense has also been improved. Facing this kind of attack, she will not lose her combat effectiveness.

After retreating for a distance, the taboo dopant finally calmed down.

"Father, it seems that you are really old. This kind of attack will hardly have much effect on me. It proves that it is time for you to abdicate."

Before she finished speaking, she rushed forward quickly.

Naturally, she has to make up for the losses she suffered. She has never been one to suffer losses.

Soon, W and the police cavalry arrived.

When the two came here, the first thing they saw was the weather dopant and alcohol dopant on the ground.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the organization cadres who were fighting in the sky, there were other adulterants on the ground.

"Those two guys...?!"

Before W could say anything, the police rider rushed towards the weather admixture.

....... 0 ...

Seeing that the police rider was not very talkative and rushed directly, W hurriedly called out.

"Hey! Terui! Wait for me!"

"The other party is an admixture, we don't have time to dawdle here!" The police rider responded without turning his head.

At this time, the weather admixture, which was paying attention to the two people fighting in the sky, naturally noticed the arrival of W and the police rider.

"Kamen Rider? Haha! I didn't expect these guys to join in the fun. In this case, it's a good opportunity for me to warm up."

The weather admixture twisted his neck and went straight to the police rider.

It's not okay to just watch here, and the fear admixture will definitely say that he didn't do anything.

Since there are outsiders breaking in, it's just right to stop these outsiders, which can be regarded as completing part of the task.

At least when delivering the memory of the Wind God Pterosaur in the later stage, Sonosaki Ryubei will not cheat on him.

The police rider rushed to the weather doping body with the engine sword in hand.

For some reason, when he saw the weather doping body, the police rider had a strange feeling in his heart.

This feeling is hard to explain, as if it is a feeling in the dark.

But now he has no time to care about so much. What he has to do now is to hurry up and destroy the doping body in front of him.

"Doping body! All must be erased!"

The police rider waved the engine sword in his hand and quickly attacked the weather doping body.

The sharp engine sword was used with ease in his hand.

However, what he is facing now is the weather doping body that has developed the weather memory to the limit, and even exceeded the limit.

Ordinary attacks are almost ineffective.

"Your speed is not good." The weather doping body could not help but taunt after dodging several swords easily.

Hearing this, the police rider was immediately angry.

"Don't question me!"

The movements in his hands accelerated, and the rhythm of the attack became faster.

But even so, his attack still could not cause any effective damage to the weather doping body.

Finding a gap, the police rider deliberately made a fake move.

As expected, the weather-mixed body did dodge in another direction.

Seizing this opportunity, the police rider immediately canceled his fake move and stabbed the weather-mixed body with a sword at the place where the weather-mixed body landed.


However, before the engine sword stabbed the weather-mixed body, only a crisp sound was heard.

It turned out that it was the weather-mixed body that actually flicked the blade of the engine sword with its fingers.


As the person involved, the police rider was shocked beyond words in the face of this situation.

He couldn't understand at all that his attack was so easily bounced off? !

There was not even any extra movement, just a flick of the finger.

"You still know how to make a fake move, but in the face of absolute power, all conspiracies and tricks are meaningless.

Your skills are very good, but it's a pity that you... can't do anything in the face of my power."

As soon as the voice fell, the weather-mixed body pointed to the sky with one hand.

"Boom boom!!"

There were bursts of thunderous sounds.

The next second, one terrifying lightning after another struck from the sky.

The target of the lightning attack is naturally the police rider who is opposite to the weather admixture.

PS: Thank you————Green Yeye for the monthly ticket!

Thank you————asd88.. for the monthly ticket!

Thank you————yy Tianfeng for the monthly ticket!

Thank you————仮麺ライダー for the monthly ticket!

Chapter 131 Crossing the line? Then go to the end! Fear Dragon Beast!


The speed of lightning is so fast that the police rider didn't even react and was hit by lightning on the spot.

A painful scream came, and the police rider trembled under the attack of lightning.

He didn't expect that the other party could control lightning at all. This is simply outrageous.

Could it be that the other party is a lightning admixture or something?

W, who chased from behind, also noticed the police rider being hit by lightning.

As a Kamen Rider on the same front, he certainly couldn't sit there and wait to die and watch the police rider get hurt.

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