This is not the arrogance of the taboo doping, but the fact.

My father has never dared to take the initiative, simply because Lu Li is here.

He took advantage of Lu Li's absence during this period to plan this matter.

From this, we can see how much he is afraid of Lu Li.

The fear doping, who was fighting with the vulture undead creature, trembled suddenly when he saw Lu Li who had returned.

The situation he least wanted to see still happened.

I thought Lu Li would really leave for a week, and during this time, he could perfectly recover the museum.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li came back in just three days.

Doesn't this mean that his plan has failed?

For the fear doping, which has been planning for a long time, this incident is no less than a huge blow.

He worked hard to plan for so long, and even finally chose the most suitable time.

Now he told himself that all this was expected by the other party, and he couldn't accept it.

However, it was precisely because he was stunned for a moment that the vulture undead creature immediately seized this opportunity and broke free from his arm restraints.

Flying back to Lu Li at a fast speed.

"Thank you for your help."

Hearing this, the vulture undead creature nodded slightly, and then turned into an awakening card and returned to Lu Li's hand.

Looking at the card in Lu Li's hand, the forbidden mixed body was filled with emotion.

As expected of the man he had chosen, he could save himself from the water and fire with just a card.

Now that his greatest support has returned, the forbidden mixed body has enough confidence to deal with this matter.

On the side of the fear mixed body, the alcohol mixed body came to him.

"Is that man Lu Li? He doesn't look much different from an ordinary person. Is he as strong as you said?"

The alcohol mixed body didn't see any difference in Lu Li.

But the fear mixed body, who had really seen Lu Li's strength, knew very well how terrifying Lu Li's strength was.


At this time, a roar came from the smoke on the side. It turned out that the fear dragon beast had flown back again.

But compared with before, the fear dragon beast now looked more embarrassed, as if it had rolled in the mud twice.

"You don't understand his thoughts. Don't think he is ordinary. People who hold such thoughts are looking for death."

The fear mixed body's eyes flashed with deep fear.

Now, he is also in a state of being unable to get off the tiger.

It is impossible to make peace in this situation. They have been fighting for so long and the winner is almost decided, but they suddenly want to make peace.

Besides, is it possible for Lu Li to make peace?

He felt that the possibility was not great. Lu Li had absolute suppression power and did not need to make peace with him at all.

"Old man, it seems that you have done a lot of things in the past few days when I was away. You dare to take the initiative to attack Saeko.

Do you know...what the consequences of doing this are?"

The face was full of smiles at the beginning, but it turned into a cold one now. Lu Li was not joking.

Facing Lu Li with a cold face, the fear mixed body was shocked.

His brain was working fast, thinking about how to deal with what he would face next.

Seeing that the fear mixed body did not answer him, Lu Li gently patted the taboo mixed body on the shoulder.

"Saeko, you and Mina should stand a little further away. I will take care of the rest."

She trusted Lu Li completely and unconditionally.

She immediately lifted the transformation and turned back into Sonozaki Saeko.

But compared with her previous image of a capable strong woman, Sonozaki Saeko now looked quite embarrassed.

Her hair was messy and her clothes were a little damaged.

"Okay! Honey, I'll wait for you then."

After saying that, Sonozaki Saeko set her sights on Mina.

She could feel that the woman's eyes had always been on Lu Li, and she had had that look before.

Even though she didn't understand who this woman was, she didn't ask any more questions at this time.

"Let's go, don't get in the way here."

After leaving this sentence, Sonozaki Saeko decisively walked away.

Mina glanced at Lu Li hesitantly, and when Lu Li waved his hand gently, Mina already knew what she should do.

Hurrying up with Sonosaki Saeko, the two walked towards the edge of the battlefield.

For the next battle, the two had no way to intervene.

The only thing they could do was not to cause trouble to Lu Li, and just watch carefully from a distance.

The weather mixed body, which was fighting W with one hand at this time, naturally noticed the return of Lu Li.

0 ······Please give me flowers· ·········

When he saw Lu Li, he knew that today's plan must have failed and would never succeed.

As for why it was so absolute, it was because he had seen the power of the plum blossom Jack.form used by Lu Li before.

That kind of power was enough to beat him, not to mention that he guessed in his heart that it was definitely not Lu Li's most powerful power.

Now, it's better to escape first.

While Lu Li's main target is on the fear mixed body at this time, he still has a chance to escape.

When Lu Li really comes to his senses, will there be a chance?

He doesn't want to wait until then to run, otherwise everything will be over.

"It's Lu Li! Wasn't that guy here before? He just showed up now!"

W, who was concentrating on the battle just now, only noticed the sudden appearance of Lu Li now.

He had always wondered why Lu Li didn't participate in the fight between the cadres?

Lu Li was obviously one of the cadres, so it was a bit strange that he didn't participate in the fight in the organization.

Now the doubts are finally over. No one knows where Lu Li has gone to in Fengdu, which has not been there for the past few days.

Taking advantage of the moment when W was distracted, the weather mixed body punched him back.

Then he turned into a mist without hesitation and quickly left the battlefield.


W was also surprised to see the weather mixed body that had disappeared on the battlefield.

He didn't understand why the other party would let him go when he was in an advantageous state.

"Lu Li! It's Lu Li! That guy is very afraid of Lu Li, so when he saw Lu Li, he chose to retreat as soon as possible."

Philip is indeed a smart think tank. He analyzed why the weather mixed body suddenly escaped at the first time.

....... 0 ...

"Because of Lu Li?!"

Zuo Xiangtaro was quite surprised and even a little confused.

Just seeing Lu Li, he chose to run away.

Could it be that... the weather mixed body guy is far less powerful than Lu Li?

Even if this is just W's guess, it is also a guess close to the truth.

But it is precisely because of this guess that W's heart sank to the bottom.

He has been trying to become stronger, hoping to avenge his uncle one day in the future.

Even so, he still didn't feel that the gap between him and Lu Li was getting smaller.

On the contrary, the more contact he had, the bigger the gap felt.

This huge gap made W doubt in his heart for a while, did he really have a chance to take revenge?

Moreover, the scarred police rider also came to W, looking at the place where the weather mixed body disappeared unwillingly.

"Damn it! He actually let this guy escape!"

He was extremely angry in his heart, but he could do nothing about it.

The other party was too powerful, so powerful that he clearly realized how insignificant he was now.

In the eyes of the other party, he was just a humble ant, not even qualified to be looked at by the other party.

Clenching his fist tightly, the police rider secretly made up his mind that he must become stronger.

In this state, there is no way to deal with the weather doping body. He decided to go to Shroud after returning.

Let the other party make enhanced equipment for him. As long as he can become stronger, he will have a chance to get rid of the weather doping body.

The fire of hatred in his heart did not go out, but became stronger.

Calming down, the police rider set his sights on Lu Li in the distance.

"Lu Li... who is that guy?"

For some reason, when he saw this man, he felt a creepy feeling in his heart.

As for why he had such a feeling, he couldn't say it for a while.

"He... a very scary guy, not only killed the uncle I admired the most, but also killed my childhood sweetheart, my... enemy."

W said these words with difficulty.

He didn't want to be exposed again, but he still chose to tell the police rider the truth of the matter.

When he heard this, the police rider suddenly fell silent.

At this moment, he finally realized that Zuo Xiangtaro had not lied to him before.

He had indeed had a similar experience to himself. Although it was not quite the same, they both lost the person they admired and trusted the most.


The police rider did not comfort W. He himself was not a person who was good at comforting others.

After taking a deep breath, the police rider asked.

"What do you want to do now? Do you want to defeat him?"

He had not seen Lu Li's strength, so he was curious whether W would fight with Lu Li.

Hearing this, W's answer was completely different from what the police rider imagined.

"No, I am not qualified to challenge him now. I know my strength very well.

Terui, when you see Lu Li in the future, remember not to fight that guy to death. You... have no chance of winning."

After saying this, he looked at the police rider very seriously.

Being stared at by such a serious look, the police rider realized that W was not joking at all.

PS: Thank you————Silver's monthly ticket!

Thank you————White Knight's ticket for urging more! .

Chapter 136 A wonderful life is waiting for you, Evolution! Spade King.form

Facing his enemy, he was able to remain so calm. The police rider couldn't help but recall his previous behavior and felt quite ashamed.

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