In this regard, Mina found that she had no advantage at all.

Taking a deep breath, Mina naturally would not admit defeat.

Anyway, she had already decided that she would follow Lu Li's steps in the future.

In this case, there was no need to think about anything else.

Besides, Lu Li had already accepted her following, and they would spend a long time together in the future, so she would take it slowly.

Stepping on her long white silk legs, Mina also hurried over there quickly.

Looking at the fear mixed body that spread its hands and seemed to be waiting for him to give the final blow, Lu Li did not do it.

Closing the buckle at his waist, Lu Li withdrew from the transformation.

Gently twisting his neck, Lu Li smiled.

"Old man, do you look ready to die?

In fact, you don't have to go to this point. As long as you hand over the fear memory, you can live in peace in the future."

After all, the old fox is the father of Sonosaki Saeko and Sonosaki Wakana.

If I kill him myself, Sonosaki Saeko may not have much reaction, but Sonosaki Wakana will not say anything verbally, but there must be a knot in her heart.

This is a knot that cannot be cured.

With the existence of this knot, it is not good for the future relationship between the two.

Unless... Sonosaki Ryubei chooses to commit suicide.

If he chooses to commit suicide, it has nothing to do with Lu Li at all.

Hearing this, the fear mixed body slowly put down his hands and smiled bitterly.

"Haha! At this point, you still don't want to give me a decent look?

I am the emperor of the museum! How can I give up the power in my hands?

Lu Li, you are indeed very powerful, so powerful that it has exceeded my imagination. Perhaps under your leadership, the museum will become stronger."

At this point, he originally envisioned using the Gaia Impact Plan to completely eliminate those who could not become mixed bodies and turn all the survivors into mixed bodies.

This can prevent mankind from going to destruction.

But now it seems that this plan can only end here.

Although he didn't know what Lu Li was thinking, it was obvious that Lu Li still couldn't implement the Gaia impact plan.

This plan, I'm afraid, would end here.

However, these were no longer things he needed to consider.

Everything was over, his era was over, and a new era was coming.

Chapter 140 "The Eternal Emperor!" The change of times!

At this time, the fear mixed body noticed Sonozaki Wakana who was running towards him, and Sonozaki Saeko who was slowly rushing towards him behind him.

At this point, he didn't want to face his two daughters.

Especially didn't want to face Sonozaki Saeko.

After all, he used some means, but still couldn't get the loser who won.

For some reason, the fear mixed body suddenly had a strange thought in his heart.

Only death, perhaps, can keep his last dignity.

Then, the fear mixed body slowly spoke.

"Since you don't want to do it, then... I can only do it myself."

As soon as the voice fell, the fear mixed body smiled miserably and roared.

"I... am the emperor of the museum! The emperor of Fuuto! Forever!"

As his voice fell, the fear-mixed body raised a fist as big as a sandbag and punched his forehead fiercely.

He used all his strength in this blow.


Sonozaki Wakana witnessed this scene happening in front of her, but she had no way to stop it.

Her eyes were full of tears, and Sonozaki Wakana's eyes were full of pleading, hoping that the fear-mixed body would stop.

She could only watch the fear-mixed body punch her forehead.


The fear-mixed body hit with all its strength, and he couldn't bear it, and his body fell to the ground weakly.

In the process of falling, the data on the fear-mixed body gradually disappeared.

In the end, it turned back to the appearance of Sonozaki Ryubei.

As for the fear memory in his body, it was not destroyed, but popped out automatically.

Lu Li watched all this happen in front of him quietly, but did not stop it.

At this time, Sonosaki Wakana finally rushed over, threw herself beside Sonosaki Ryuhei, and shouted heartbreakingly.


No matter what, father is always father, the one who gave birth to her and raised her.

Even if Sonosaki Ryuhei did many excessive things, he is still a father to Sonosaki Wakana.

At this time, Sonosaki Ryuhei's eyes have begun to blur, and he is already on his deathbed.

Seeing his daughter lying beside him crying and crying, big tears kept flowing down, Sonosaki Ryuhei showed a smile on his face.

At least in the end, he looked like a real father, not the emperor of the museum.

His trembling hands were placed on Sonosaki Wakana's face, gently wiping away the tears.

"Wakana, you... must live well, and... move on.

My death is my own fault... I don't blame... anyone else!

Don't feel sad, this is the most... the greatest dignity I can give myself."

Sonozaki Ryubei, who is on his deathbed, is breathing in more than out, and will soon die.

"Father! Don't! Don't go! Don't leave me! Wuuwuwu!..."

Now Sonosaki Wakana is still the simple healing princess.

But at this moment, she has no way to heal the pain in her heart.

Holding Sonosaki Ryuhei's hand tightly, Sonosaki Wakana is in great pain and wants to keep Sonosaki Ryuhei.

At this time, Sonosaki Saeko also came here with Mina.

Seeing Sonosaki Ryuhei who is about to leave, Sonosaki Saeko feels a little emotional in her heart.

She seems to have never thought that one day she would come to this point.

Her father will die in front of her, she should feel very happy or very relaxed, but now she doesn't feel that way.

I thought that I could live comfortably without my father's oppression.

However, when I really lost my father, Sonosaki Saeko felt an inexplicable sadness in my heart.

In the end, it is always my father, and the blood between the two is thicker than water.

"Saeko, from now on... from now on, you are... the queen of the museum!

I hope that under your leadership, the museum... can move towards a more glorious... future!"

Although Sonosaki Ryubei was talking, his scattered eyes could no longer see Sonosaki Saeko's appearance clearly.

At this moment, Sonosaki Ryubei felt that he was light and almost lost consciousness.

Looking up at the sky, Sonosaki Ryubei took off his sunglasses with difficulty.

Without the sunglasses blocking the view of the sky, it was so blue.

Slightly closing his eyes, Sonosaki Ryubei, with a smile on his face, suddenly lightened his hands and his sunglasses fell to the ground.

And Sonosaki Ryubei finally lost his vitality at this moment.

A generation of emperors fell here, and an era ended.

"Father?! Father!!"

Feeling something, Sonosaki Wakana called out in pain twice, but did not get any response.

The wrinkled hand she held was already cold.

This meant that Sonozaki Ryuhei was indeed dead and there was no way to save him.


Sonozaki Wakana cried bitterly as she fell on the chest of the dead Sonozaki Ryuhei.

Unexpectedly, the final outcome would still come to this point.

She thought she could prevent this outcome, but the fact was that she had no way to prevent it.

The ending would always come to this point.

She was full of regret, why couldn't she catch up?

If she could come earlier, maybe she could prevent all this from happening.

Even though Lu Li stood in front of Sonozaki Ryuhei and did not stop him from committing suicide, Sonozaki Wakana did not blame Lu Li for this.

In the final analysis, Lu Li never took action.

He was the winner of this war, and Lu Li did not kill Sonozaki Ryuhei himself, which was already a great tolerance.

Sonosaki Wakana had no reason to ask, and it could even be said that she had no right to ask Lu Li to let her father go.

Looking down at her father who had closed his eyes, Sonosaki Saeko felt an empty feeling in her heart.

She... did she win?

From now on, she is the queen of the museum, the supreme ruler of the entire museum!

This should be something that makes her very happy, but now she is not too excited.

The extremely powerful father who has always been in control of everything is now gone inexplicably.

The feeling in her heart is more about gains and losses, rather than joy.

Mick looked at Sonosaki Ryubei who had lost his movement and shrank his neck slightly.

It is more sensitive to death. It can feel that the master who once gave it orders is gone.

The extremely powerful and terrifying fear mixture is gone just like that.

Lu Li noticed the Gaia drive and fear memory that fell to the side.

With a light hook of his fingers, the two things fell directly into his hands.

The Gaia drive is really useless to Lu Li.

But the fear memory is a very powerful memory. As long as the target itself is not immune to mental attacks, the fear memory has a natural advantage.

A powerful golden memory fell into Lu Li's hands.

"Wakana, at least before the old man died, he was still the emperor of the museum and the emperor of the entire Fuuto.

He fulfilled his last wish and left no regrets. This is already precious."

Lu Li simply comforted the sobbing Sonosaki Wakana by gently patting her back.

Sonosaki Ryubei had not thought of committing suicide before. He hoped that Lu Li could end his life.

But for some reason, he suddenly had the idea of ​​committing suicide.

It was not an accident, nor was it a sudden idea. He was suddenly affected by Lu Li's spiritual power.

As the ancestor of mankind, Lu Li has a strong spiritual power. Unknowingly, he can affect the target he wants to affect.

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