He... is Shotaro Sae, the little follower and apprentice of Shokichi Narumi.

Of course, compared to Shokichi Narumi, the real tough detective, Shotaro Sae is just a half-baked detective, not even half-baked.

He is far from mature in all aspects, and the gap is too big compared to Shokichi Narumi.

"Uncle, the recent commissions seem to be related to Gaia memory. What do you think is wrong with this city?"

Shotaro Sae also hates the guys who sell Gaia memory.

It is because of the existence of these guys that this city has become so smoky.

The guys who make this city cry are not worthy of forgiveness.

Hearing this, Shokichi Narumi slowly put down the coffee cup in his hand.

He looked at Shotaro Sae and said after a pause.

"Shotaro, this city is far from being as simple as we see on the surface.

There is an unknown dark side behind this city.

What we have to do is to prevent this dark side from harming this city and the people in this city as much as possible."

When Shotaro Zuo heard this, his blood boiled and he shouted loudly.

"Uncle is right! I must also work hard to protect this city! This city is my backyard!"

Before he finished speaking, Shotaro Zuo waved the rag vigorously twice, as if he was attacking the enemy.

However, up to now, Shotaro Zuo only knew that the commissions that Shokichi Narumi took were related to Gaia memory.

But he didn't know that Shokichi Narumi was fighting against the doping body.

Of course, there is no such thing as Kamen Rider now.

Shokichi Narumi generally does not use memory at work unless he has to.

He will try not to expose himself as much as possible, which is also to save some unnecessary trouble.

"Knock knock knock!"

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Zuo Shotaro instantly came back to his senses from the boiling blood, and hurried to open the door after saying a word.

"I'll open the door!"

Seeing the anxious Zuo Shotaro, Ming Hai Shouji smiled helplessly and continued to taste the coffee in his cup.

This apprentice is actually okay, but he is too young, and always thinks some things are so simple.

I really don't know when he can grow into a real tough detective, instead of a half-baked detective like now.

He hurried to the door and Zuo Shotaro opened the door quickly.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a handsome young man with black eyes and black hair standing at the door.

The young man standing at the door was naturally Lu Li who had just found this place.

The person who opened the door turned out to be Zuo Shotaro. Lu Li was only slightly surprised, and then he thought it was normal.

At this time, Zuo Shotaro was already Ming Hai Shouji's apprentice.

Usually, some miscellaneous things would naturally be handed over to Zuo Shotaro.

"Hello, is this Ming Hai Detective Agency?"

Seeing that the other party was so handsome and polite, Zuo Xiangtaro was a little unhappy, but he still behaved very politely.

"Yes, this gentleman is here to ask us for a commission, please come in."

Zuo Xiangtaro immediately made way.

Detective agencies don't have things to do every day. It's rare for a customer to come, so of course they won't refuse.

Walking into the room, I saw this small detective agency, which was slightly different from the future.

Ming Hai Shouji, who was reading a newspaper and drinking coffee, heard the voice of the door and put down the newspaper in his hand.

But when he saw Lu Li for the first time, his eyes unconsciously became serious.

For some reason, when he saw this young man, he actually felt a very dangerous feeling in his heart.

It's ridiculous!

It's just a young man who looks similar to Zuo Xiangtaro, but he gave himself an inexplicable sense of oppression.

There's something wrong.

When a customer comes, Ming Hai Shouji, as the owner, naturally can't sit here.

He stood up and took the initiative to greet him.

"Welcome to Minghai Detective Agency, please take a seat, sir. What is your name, sir? Do you have anything you want to entrust us with?

Shotaro, go and pour this gentleman a glass of water."

Zuo Shotaro, who was standing by, immediately went to pour water with a gloomy face after hearing the order.

Lu Li walked to the sofa and sat down, introducing himself.

"Hello, Mr. Minghai Shokichi, my surname is Lu, and my given name is Li."

When he heard this name, Minghai Shokichi nodded thoughtfully.

"It turns out to be Mr. Lu Li. I wonder if Mr. Lu Li has any commission for us? If you have something to say, please speak directly."

He always felt that the young man in front of him was not simple, but feelings are feelings, and work is work.

You can't let your feelings affect your work.

Nodding slightly, Lu Li said solemnly.

"Detective Ming Hai, I came to you this time because I have a commission that I want you to help me with.

I want to ask you to help me find someone, a woman."

Hearing that Lu Li wanted to find someone, Ming Hai Zhuangji nodded. He was quite experienced and generally had no problems.

"Looking for someone? Of course no problem. Please tell me, what are the characteristics of the person you are looking for?"

If you want to find someone, it is best to have characteristics, so that it is easier to find.

Lu Li did not continue to beat around the bush and directly stated the characteristics of the person in his mind.

"The person I am looking for is first of all a woman. I have already said that her figure is, well... okay. In addition, this woman always likes to wear a pair of sunglasses and wear black clothes."

When he just heard this, Ming Hai Shouji's originally relaxed face suddenly became a little heavy.

Even his eyebrows were unconsciously wrinkled together.

Chapter 25 The uncle who is afraid, Shotaro, go buy me some coffee

He didn't know why, but he always felt a little bad in his heart.

He stared at Lu Li and continued to ask.

"What else?"

Facing Ming Hai Shouji's eyes, Lu Li did not dodge at all.

"There is another very important feature... She is tied with white bandages all over her body, even her face is no exception, and you can't see her appearance clearly at all.

Detective Ming Hai, this feature I mentioned... is already very obvious, right?"

After saying that, Lu Li smiled calmly.

Compared to the very calm Lu Li, Ming Hai Shouji at this moment suddenly became nervous.

He already knew who the person Lu Li was talking about was.

Not only had he met the other person, but... they were childhood sweethearts.

Sonozaki Fumion!

It was obvious that the young man in front of him was looking for his childhood sweetheart.

This young man looked similar to Shotaro Zuo, so why did he come to find Wenyin?

Ming Hai Shouji was alert in his heart and didn't want anyone to hurt Sonozaki Fumion.

She had been hurt badly by her husband once, and she must not be hurt a second time.

"Who are you? Why do you know Wenyin? Why are you looking for Wenyin?"

Ming Hai Shouji's voice sounded, with a hint of coldness.

He had reason to suspect that the young man in front of him might also be a user of Gaia's memory.

If not, why did he know so many things, and why did he know the existence of Sonozaki Fumion?

There were too many problems here, and it was hard to explain them at once.

The most reasonable explanation was that the young man in front of him might be... a dopant.

The atmosphere in the detective agency suddenly became tense.

Zuo Xiangtaro, who had just gone to get water, felt the solemn atmosphere as he walked over with the water.

Even though he was usually a little careless, Zuo Xiangtaro was indeed very observant and had already discovered something unusual.

He immediately walked over with the water.

"Mr. Lu Li, please drink some water."

He placed the transparent glass in front of Lu Li.

The originally tense atmosphere was temporarily eased a little by the appearance of Zuo Xiangtaro.

Lu Li did not rush to answer Ming Hai Shouji's question.

Instead, he picked up the water cup on the table and drank the water calmly.

The very leisurely look made Ming Hai Shouji frown deeply.

The person in front of him was definitely not that simple.

After taking a deep breath, Ming Hai Shouji calmed down.

As a detective, if he still couldn't control his emotions, it could only mean that he was an unqualified detective.

For example, now Zuo Xiangtaro was not a qualified detective at all, he could only be regarded as a half-baked detective.

In terms of personal emotional control, he is not even a little bit worse than Ming Hai Shouji.

"Who are you? Why are you looking for Wen Yin? What is your purpose?"

After calming down, Ming Hai Shouji began to analyze what Lu Li's true identity was.

He had reason to suspect that Lu Li might be a member of that family.

The purpose was probably to kill Wen Yin, or... to kill him.

He cooperated with Wen Yin and destroyed a lot of Gaia memories, so it was inevitable that he would be hated by the organization.

But for so long, Ming Hai Shouji thought he was very secretive and never took the initiative to reveal his identity.

He has a family and children, so he naturally doesn't want his family to have problems because of his identity being exposed.

But he never thought that the other party would find him.

He himself doesn't care, but if something goes wrong with his family, he will feel guilty for the rest of his life.

And... Shotaro.

Thinking of this, Ming Hai Shouji looked at Zuo Shotaro on the side and said in a deep voice.

"Shotaro, you... go out and buy me some coffee beans."

Originally, Shotaro was carefully analyzing Zuo, but he was stunned when he heard this unexpected order.

This was clearly an attempt to get rid of him!

"Uncle, I..."

He wanted to say something else, but Ming Hai Shouji didn't give him any chance.

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