"No, I've seen it. Since I've seen it, there's no need to go over there again.

That man once abandoned me and hurt me, and also hurt the people who came. He deserved this fate.

Lu Li, I originally thought you were joking with me, but I didn't expect that your strength has become so strong that I can't estimate it.

It's really beyond my expectation that you actually defeated Sonosaki Ryubei."

At this moment, Shroud seemed to have put down the burden of revenge, and felt a sense of relief all over her body.

Her goal has been achieved, and from now on she doesn't have to work hard for the goal of revenge.

As a ghost of revenge, now that she knows that her goal has been achieved, it's time to disappear.

Lu Li put his hands in his pockets and couldn't help laughing.

"I told you before, but you didn't believe it. Do you believe it now?"

Shroud nodded. The facts are already in front of him. What else is there to not believe?

"It's just a little pity that I didn't witness your fight in person. It must have been intense."

In Shroud's opinion, even if Lu Li was able to win against Sonosaki Ryubei, it must have taken a lot of effort.

"It's okay, it was quite intense." Lu Li chuckled and nodded.

It was quite intense at the time. He beat the Dreaddramon so hard that it couldn't stand up, and even gave it a fatal blow in the end.

The fact that he could use his ultimate move in the form of the Emperor Sword was enough to show that the strength of the Dreaddramon was quite good.

If Shroud had seen the battle on the spot, he would probably be speechless about the question he asked now.

The fierce battle she mentioned was completely different from the fierce battle that Lu Li understood.

To be precise, it was a word, but it didn't mean the same thing.

Looking up at the sky, Shroud took a deep breath.

"Lu Li, my road to revenge ends here, and I won't care about what happens next.

I just hope you can take good care of Saeko and Wakana. Although I don't know how you get along with each other, they both like you very much.

Don't let me know that you bully them, otherwise... I will turn into a ghost again and take revenge on you!"

As he said, the eyes wearing sunglasses stared at Lu Li leisurely.

Lu Li didn't even take Shroud's threat to heart.

Even if Shroud wanted to take revenge on him, he didn't have the power.

His own power far exceeded Shroud's understanding.

Two days ago, Lu Li successfully completed the fusion of thirteen undead creatures of the Spade series.

Although it was just the beginning of the fusion, with the addition of the Spade series, Lu Li clearly felt that the fusion speed between himself and all the undead creatures was accelerated.

Lu Li couldn't tell how long the fusion process would take for the time being.

However, when fusing these undead creatures, his strength and abilities, etc., would all be further improved.

As for how much it could be improved, it depends on when the complete fusion can be completed.

Lu Li is now much stronger than before.

The most important thing is that Lu Li is getting stronger at a faster speed, getting stronger every day.

"You don't need to tell me, since they chose to follow me, I will naturally not treat them badly."

Lu Li will not treat those who follow him badly.

Since they chose to follow him, he will naturally respond well.

After taking a deep look at Lu Li, Shroud said nothing more.

"I hope so."

Then, Shroud turned around and walked away.

"What? Are you leaving so soon? Don't you want to see your daughter?"

When Lu Li asked this question, Shroud paused slightly.

But then she continued to move forward, and the voice came from the front.

"No, I know they are living well, that's enough, take good care of them."

Then, Shroud disappeared in front like a ghost.

Just like a real ghost of revenge, it disappeared after completing its goal.

Looking at the place where Shroud disappeared, Lu Li shrugged helplessly and walked towards the tombstone.

At this time, Sonosaki Saeko had already negotiated with those people, and the conditions were naturally in the museum's favor.

After all, these guys had previously thought about cooperating with the old man to jointly eliminate Sonosaki Saeko.

Giving these guys a chance now naturally requires a price.

There is no such thing as a free lunch, and they also understand this truth.

They honestly agreed to the conditions proposed by Sonosaki Saeko, and the two sides reached a cooperation again.

Of course, Sonosaki Saeko did not ask for too much and directly proposed some unacceptable conditions.

In any case, these guys are some old-fashioned memory manufacturers and are very familiar with the production process of memory.

It will definitely be much faster for them to process and produce memory than to build a new factory to process and manufacture memory.

Back in front of the tombstone, Sonosaki Saeko looked at Sonosaki Wakana who was still in grief.

"Wakana! What's the point of you crying like this? Can't you accept this reality?

Since our father is gone, we should live our own lives."

In the past two days, Sonosaki Saeko still felt a little sad.

But now, she has come out of the sad mood.

Without her father's restraint, she can really show her strength next, and no longer worry about her father holding her back.

Regarding the memory, she no longer needs to report to Sonosaki Ryubei.

Since two days ago, she has become the highest leader of the museum in a real sense.

Any different voices in the organization were quickly suppressed in these two days.

Suppressed with thundering means, giving the other party no chance to resist.

Originally, there were still voices of opposition in the museum, but after these two days of thundering means, these people all settled down.

They all knew that the museum has now really changed hands.

Before, they each occupied half of the territory, but now it is completely controlled by Sonosaki Saeko.

No matter who these people were loyal to, they can only be loyal to Sonosaki Saeko now.

Perhaps they are only loyal to Sonosaki Saeko on the surface, but at present, they have no power to resist.

Having successfully become the true queen of the museum, Sonosaki Saeko has taken control of everything in the museum.

At the same time, she has also taken over all the affairs of the museum. She will not be like Sonosaki Ryubei, who always manipulates herself to do many things behind the scenes.

She will handle all the affairs personally.

Of course, she is not without help.

Sonosaki Wakana has now officially become a cadre of the museum, and naturally needs to help her share the burden.

Then, Sonosaki Saeko said again.

"Wakana, from tomorrow you will also come to the company and start to familiarize yourself with some of the company's affairs and procedures."

This time, Sonosaki Wakana no longer resisted contact with the company's affairs and nodded slightly.

"I know, sister, tomorrow... I will go to the company with you."

After experiencing the death of her father, she has grown up a lot now and will no longer be as willful as before.

The conversation between the two was heard clearly by Lu Li who was walking towards this side.

This may be a good thing, so that Wakana can get more exposure to things related to the company and stop being so naive.

At the same time, Lu Li will also start to help Wakana become stronger.

The memory power of the clay doll is still too weak at present. Even compared with ordinary sales products, the power is not much stronger 0......

Only after the ultimate evolution is completed, the power of the clay doll's memory can reach the extreme.

Regarding the Gaia processor, Sonosaki Ryuhei had already started to research and produce it before his death.

Sonosaki Saeko also just learned about this situation.

As for the Gaia impact plan, Sonosaki Saeko has also thoroughly figured it out.

She finally understood why the memory of the clay character is so weak, just because it has not reached the limit and has not undergone a transformation.

I still feel a little bitter in my heart. My father really loves Wakana more.

Of course, Sonosaki Saeko will no longer be as worried as before. She already has Lu Li, who has successfully filled the lack of being loved.

Patting her sister's shoulder gently, Sonosaki Saeko said confidently.

"Wakana, although the power of your clay doll memory is limited, there is still a chance to become stronger. Don't worry, I will give you a surprise."

When she found the Gaia processor, she also thought about using it on herself to make the taboo further change and strengthen.

When she told Lu Li this idea, Lu Li broke her idea without hesitation.

The current power of the taboo memory has been developed to the extreme. If the Gaia processor is used to the extreme, unknown situations may occur.

Taboo memory is different from clay doll memory.

Clay doll memory can itself become a container of extreme power, so there is no need to worry about unpredictable situations.

But taboo memory is different!

Once an unpredictable situation occurs, the consequences may be very serious.

After learning that she could not use the Gaia processor, Sonosaki Saeko felt inexplicably frustrated.

She naturally hoped that she could become stronger.

But the Gaia processor is probably not feasible, and we can only find other ways to change.

Seeing Sonosaki Saeko's thoughts, Lu Li promised her that he would find a way to further strengthen the taboo memory, but he must not use the Gaia processor.

Sonosaki Saeko is not stupid, and of course she will not take the initiative to use it.

Since she can't use the Gaia processor, it's just right. When it's done, she will give the Gaia processor to Wakana so that she can become stronger.

In dealing with some affairs of the museum, it's better to trust her sister than others. It's good for her if Sonosaki Wakana becomes stronger.

Then, several people slowly left the cemetery.


On the other side.

Terui Ryu was seriously injured in the previous battle.

He has been recovering from his injuries for the past two days. Fortunately, there has been no trouble caused by any doping bodies in the past two days.

The abnormality caused by the terrible battle that took place two days ago has gradually been forgotten by people.

After two days of recovery, he has basically recovered. Although he still has some pain in his body, it does not affect his normal work.

The first thing Terui Ryu did after recovery was to go to the grove to look for Shroud.

"Shroud! Shroud, where are you? Shroud! Come out quickly, I have something to ask you!..."

After calling for a long time, there was still no response.

This made Terui Ryushin 1.9 wonder what happened?

Before, if he only came here to look for Shroud, he would definitely find him.

But why is there no response after calling so many times?

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