Get out of my way! Let me kill this guy and send him... to hell!

Don't get out of the way! Then I’ll send you to hell together! "

After saying that, the Triceratops hybrid strode over.

She was ready to kill Akutsu immediately and send this guy to hell.

He took out a huge metal iron rod from somewhere. It had golden patterns on it and looked very heavy.

The toxins in Gaia's memory can have some special reactions with negative emotions such as hatred, anger, and so on, causing the memory user to go berserk.

Using Gaia memory, the best way to stay awake and not be eroded by memory toxins is to stay calm and not be swayed by negative emotions.

The current Triceratops hybrid is on the verge of going berserk.

Noticing the movements of the Triceratops hybrid body, Shotaro Zuo quickly shouted to stop.

"don't want!"

He knew very well what Lu Li represented.

If the doped Triceratops (Zhao Le's) body chooses to take action suddenly at this time, and Lu Li strikes back, the final result will be, Zuo Xiangtaro can guess.

Although it is unclear who the current dopant is, there is no doubt that it must have been transformed by someone.

If Lu Li was really offended, there was no need to consider the final outcome. The Triceratops would definitely die due to adulteration.

"Get away!!"

The thick metal iron rod hit Lu Li's head.

Inexplicably, he became the target of the opponent's attack, and Lu Li was helpless.

I didn't want to cause trouble, but trouble found myself.


The terrifying-looking metal rod came down and stopped abruptly the moment it was about to hit Lu Li's head.

Of course, it wasn't the Triceratops hybrid that stopped on its own initiative, but Lu Li blocked the attack from the metal iron rod.

It's not blocked by physical body, but by powerful telekinesis.


The doped Triceratops body held the metal iron rod with both hands. No matter how hard she tried, she could never continue to smash it.

"how come?!"

Shotaro Zuo also found it incredible when he saw this situation.

Although he knew that Lu Li was very powerful, he had never seen anything like this. He did nothing but blocked the opponent's attack.

It was as if there was an invisible force that resisted the attack of the Triceratops hybrid, invisible and intangible.


Terui Ryu squinted his eyes slightly and came to this conclusion.

In the current situation, he could not draw useful results.

Anyway, I only know that there is an invisible force that blocks the attack of the Triceratops doped body.

“I didn’t mean to ask for trouble, but trouble came to me.

It's really... very unpleasant, but I happen to be in a bad mood, so I'll just... vent it to you guys a little bit. "

PS: Thanks——Xingchen for your monthly ticket!

Thanks————BtSzLlk for your monthly ticket!

Thanks————the half-sheet monthly ticket!

Thanks————15875.. for your monthly votes! .

Chapter 144 Joker reappears! If you're unhappy...let's vent a little bit!

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Li's eyes changed slightly.

A terrifying force instantly knocked back the Triceratops dopant in front of him.


Faced with this extremely powerful force, Triceratops took several steps in a row.

"What power?!"

She didn't understand, shouldn't the person in front of her be an ordinary person?

But how did he block his own attack?

Also, how did he defeat himself?

Akutsu, who was the closest, was directly overturned by this force.

Just now he thought things were turning around, but he didn't expect it to be different from what he thought.

"I haven't used it for a long time, so I'll give it a try on you."

As soon as Lu Li finished speaking, a surge of powerful power burst out from him.

On his waist, the awakening device automatically appeared.

However, unlike when he used the Ace of Hearts to transform, the heart in the middle of the Awakening Device on Lu Li's waist was now green.

The next second, Lu Li was wrapped in a strange energy, and his figure suddenly grew taller.

When this strange power dissipated, a ferocious-looking strange man appeared in front of everyone.



Even Zuo Shotaro, who had fought against Lu Li many times, never thought that Lu Li himself could be a monster.

This was the first time he saw Lu Li like this.

Terui Ryu next to him also had a solemn expression.

He had previously thought that Lu Li's power only came from cards, but he didn't expect that there was such a terrifying power.

But he noticed one thing, that is, Lu Li did not use the power of memory.

"Who is this guy...? Why can he transform without using the power of memory?"

From the current point of view, Terui Ryu only knows that the power of memory can help transform, or turn into a monster.

As for the power outside of this, he also had a dark eye and didn't understand it at all.


He twisted his neck slightly, and the clicking sound gave people a creepy feeling.

Akutsu, who had just been knocked to the ground, was shocked when he came to his senses and saw the monster with black and green armor in front of him.

He didn't expect that there was another monster.

Suddenly, he thought of a possibility. Could this person be sent by the organization to help him?

After all, being able to turn into a monster is likely to be related to the organization.

When he thought of this, Akutsu's face suddenly became happy and he said hurriedly.

"Hurry up and save me! They want to catch me. If I am caught, no one will provide you with information. You should..."

Before he finished speaking, a sudden piercing sound interrupted what Akutsu wanted to say next.


In the surprised eyes of all 720 people, Akutsu's face was instantly stained red with blood.

He felt a chill on his face, as if something splashed on his face.

When he lowered his head, he found that his chest was pierced by a green blade.


When he reacted, he felt severe pain.

He didn't react at all. How could he be killed inexplicably?

This guy, isn't he the one sent by the organization to save him?

Why would he do this to himself?

Could it be that the organization has already found a replacement for him and wants to give up on him?


He has been doing this for quite some time, and the other party should not be able to find a more suitable candidate.

The loss of blood made him feel that his body was gradually getting colder, and his eyes were also erratic.

Grabbing Lu Li's green claws with difficulty, Akutsu's mouth kept bleeding, and he said with difficulty.

"Why... why... why? I... we are... cooperating..."

He spoke intermittently and weakly, and it was obvious that he was about to die.

"Let go."

A cold voice sounded, and Lu Li waved his hand lightly to get rid of his restraints.

Akutsu, who had no support, fell straight to the ground.

The blood that kept pouring out of his chest had dyed the ground red.

Zuo Xiangtaro, who witnessed this scene with his own eyes, was particularly shocked.

After reacting, he immediately wanted to scold Lu Li.

"Hey! Lu Li! You guy...!"

But when the words came to his lips, he didn't know what he should say.

The Triceratops hybrid, who was originally going to kill Akutsu for revenge, was also particularly shocked when he saw this scene.

Obviously, that guy was the one she paid for, but now he was killed by Lu Li.

She didn't know what to say for a moment, and what else could she say.


"Okay, the noisy guy has been dealt with, and next... it's our turn."

As he said that, Lu Li walked towards the Triceratops mixed body step by step.

The green sickle blade, with bursts of cold light, gave people an ominous feeling.

"Hey! Run away!"

In this situation, the only thing Zuo Xiangtaro could do was to remind the other party and let the other party escape.

Not for anything else, but because the terrifying aura emanating from Lu Li was warning Zuo Xiangtaro.

Lu Li, this guy, must not fight hard in his current state.

The Triceratops mixed body wanted to escape, but her steps were very heavy, so heavy that she couldn't even lift them.

It was not the heaviness of the body, but the heaviness from the heart.

Her body trembled under this terrifying power, as if it was out of the fear of the soul.


The Triceratops mixed body shouted.

She swung the metal rod in her hand and smashed it hard at Lu Li.

She suppressed the fear in her heart, but only a little bit, and her body could only move a little.


The extremely powerful metal rod smashed hard at Lu Li.

A green palm suddenly appeared and easily blocked the attack path of the metal rod.


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