If this bomb is accidentally ignited, I'm afraid the entire Fengdu... will be buried with it.

Although he already knew what Lu Li looked like, he didn't dare to make it public, and there was no way to get help from the outside world.

This was also unavoidable, the opponent was too powerful.

He didn't dare to provoke him without authorization, otherwise it would lead to more troublesome consequences.


At this moment, in a hidden place in Fengdu.

Jingsaka Shenhonglang looked at the playback screen on the monitoring equipment, and a trace of relief flashed across his face.

He knew before that Lu Li would come to find him sooner or later.

After all, he made the wrong choice before and targeted Sonosaki Saeko.

The result was the same as he thought, Lu Li did go to the hospital to find him.

But fortunately, since he escaped last time, he has not returned to the hospital, so he was not discovered.

Otherwise, he might have followed in the footsteps of Kagano Kiku.

That day, he found something wrong and left early, and did not see what the result of the battle on the scene was.

But it is not difficult to guess from the final outcome that the battle must have ended with Lu Li's victory.

Didn't you see that Sonozaki Ryuhei, the emperor of the museum, has fallen now?

Even the fear memory can't do anything to Lu Li.

Insaka Shinkuro has an unprecedented fear of Lu Li.

Before, he thought that Lu Li had never fallen out with Sonozaki Ryuhei or something, and it might be because he was afraid of the other party's power.

But judging from the current situation, it is obviously not what he guessed.

Lu Li is very strong, but he did not take the initiative to provoke a war between him and Sonozaki Ryuhei.

After working hard to join Sonozaki Ryuhei, he didn't expect that the final result was that he didn't get any benefits.

He coveted the power of the Wind God Pterosaur Memory and the Taboo Memory, and even the awakening card in Lu Li's hand.

And now, he didn't get any of these things.

All these things have nothing to do with him at all, and he ran a trip in vain.

But even if he had made a wasted trip, what else could he do?

Could he still rob it?

If nothing unexpected happened, the fear memory should be in Lu Li's hands.

This fear memory that he had been thinking about and had never forgotten was now in the hands of a more powerful and more difficult person.

He also felt quite a headache.

How could he have a chance to get the fear memory?

Now this became a problem that stumped him.

"Lu Li...fear memory."

Various ideas flashed through his mind, but without exception, the possibility of these ideas being implemented in the end was not great.

The main reason was that his power was not strong enough, and he had no confidence in taking down Lu Li.

If he had strong enough power, he would have already started.

How could he hesitate for so long?

Now, he could only hide in this hidden and dark place, fearing that Lu Li would find his location.

He had to find a way to make himself stronger, only in this way could he have a chance to take the fear memory.

As for how to become, he certainly knew, this was his old business.

Inject more memory data into the weather memory and find a way to make the weather memory stronger.

Not only that, he also needs to strengthen himself and make himself stronger.

He becomes stronger, and the weather memory also becomes stronger. With the combination of the two, he may not lose to Lu Li.

And now, what he has to do is to find a suitable target and obtain useful memory data.

Even if he doesn't want to go out and is worried that he will be exposed, he has no right to choose now.

If he hides here, he will be discovered sooner or later.

Although it is a bit risky to go out, it is acceptable anyway.


Here, after venting, Lu Li returned to the company with a light heart.

As soon as he arrived at the company, the employees saw Lu Li and quieted down.

They were quite surprised, mainly because Lu Li rarely came to the company and always handed things over to the president's secretary.

Because of this incident, they also laughed at the president's secretary, who worked so hard every day. As a secretary, he did what the general manager should do.

Lu Li took the elevator directly to the top floor.

In the president's office.

As Sonozaki Saeko's assistant, Sonozaki Wakana has been learning how to handle things.

Sonozaki Wakana is a top student, so learning these things is easy and does not take up too much time.

After a simple morning of learning, she can slowly start to do it.

With the addition of her sister, Sonozaki Saeko can do less work, and she feels much more relaxed.

As for Mina, she is busy in the general manager's office. Compared with Sonozaki Wakana, she learns a little slower.

This is not because Mina is not smart, but mainly because she has never been involved in this kind of thing and does not understand many things.

Once you are familiar with it, you will be able to do it well.

When he came to the president's office, Lu Li did not have the habit of knocking on the door at home, so he pushed the door open directly.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the two sisters working seriously.

"Still busy."

The two sisters immediately raised their heads and smiled when they saw Lu Li coming in from outside the door.

"My dear, why are you here suddenly? Didn't you say you had to deal with something?" Sonosaki asked with a smile.

She didn't know what exactly Lu Li was going to deal with, but she had absolute trust in Lu Li and would never ask about Lu Li's affairs.

Just because she knew that if Lu Li wanted to say something, he would tell her, and if he didn't want to say it, then don't ask.

How could Lu Li not like such a sensible and sensible woman?

Sonosaki Wakana has also come out of her sadness.

Wearing a business lady's suit, Sonosaki Wakana really makes people look bright.

I saw Sonosaki Wakana walking over happily, hugging Lu Li's arm and saying coquettishly.

"Brother-in-law, why don't you come and help me first? I've just started and my sister has given me a lot of things to do. I'm afraid I can't handle it well."

Hearing this, Lu Li shook his head regretfully and lightly tapped Sono Saki Wakana's forehead with his finger.

"You want me to help you handle things? Do you think it's possible? Don't you know that although I have been the general manager for so long, I have never handled things by myself.

My affairs are handled by your sister and your sister's secretary, so don't count on me. "

As he spoke, Lu Li spread his hands, looking like he didn't know what to do.


With her mouth flattened, Sonosaki Wakana lowered her head and whispered.

"Isn't that just a corpse meal? I didn't expect Lu Li to be a hands-off shopkeeper!"

She didn't know about this before and expected Lu Li to help her.

But now it seems that expecting Lu Li to help him is just wishful thinking.

Lu Li was not deaf at all, Wakana was actually saying bad things behind his back, and he was still there!

"Little girl, what did you say?"

Lu Li pinched Sono Saki Wakana's delicate face and rubbed it angrily a few times without hesitation.

"Don't... lock it! Release it!"

Sonosaki Wakana wanted to pry Lu Li's hand away with both hands, but she couldn't do it at all.

The power gap between the two sides was too great, and there was no way to push away Lu Li's hand.

After rubbing until he was satisfied, Lu Li let go.

The originally fair and tender face now had a blush on it.

It’s not shy, it’s rubbed out!

"Damn it! Lu Li, you actually bullied me! Be careful with me...!"

Sonosaki Wakana was about to raise her fist when she suddenly saw Lu Li turning around and looking at her.

"Why are you careful? Why didn't you say anything?"

Her head was shaking vigorously like a rattle, and Sono Saki Wakana suddenly became downcast.


Completely different from the menacing look just now, Sonosaki Wakana seemed to have lost her fighting ability at this time.

In order to prevent her face from being rubbed again, she... endured it!

So what if I can't bear it?

I can't fight and fight, and I can't talk and talk, so what else can I do?

Seeing that her sister and Lu Li got along so harmoniously and even behaved intimately, Sonosaki Saeko didn't feel anything was wrong.

She could see that the relationship between Lu Li and Mi Mi had gone beyond the relationship between brother-in-law and sister-in-law.

She does not stop this relationship.

Otherwise, I think it's pretty good. This can also help Wakana get over her sadness faster.

Moreover, there was Mina beside Lu Li, which also alerted Sono Sakiko.

An outstanding man like Lu Li could easily be attracted by others.

She must form the same front with her sister so as to ensure her status.

Kill two birds with one stone!

Nothing wrong!

After fooling around for a while, Lu Li took out a piece of paper and handed it to Sonosaki Saeko.

"Zezi, help me prepare all the things here, they will be useful."

As a result, Sonosaki Saeko saw that the things on the paper were all instruments and the like, and she was curious.

"Honey, what do you want these for?"

With the strength of the Sonosaki family, it is not difficult to obtain the things on the paper.

But he was curious about what Lu Li was going to do after getting these things.

Hearing this, Lu Li showed a mysterious smile on his face and responded with a smile.

"I won't reveal the secret to you for now, but...this thing is good for you."

"Gives us an advantage?"

Sonosaki Wakana poked her head out from behind Lu Li with a curious look on her face.

She was curious about what benefits Lu Li mentioned.

After rubbing Sono Saki Wakana's head, Lu Li said mysteriously.

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