With blue electric light wrapped around his body, the police rider held the engine sword in both hands and rushed over at a high speed.

Seeing that the police rider actually activated the extreme drive, the Triceratops doped body did not dare to be careless at all.

It was only because the police rider at this time gave her a sense of threat.

The next second, the Triceratops doped body immediately responded.


Instantly threw the metal iron rod in his hand at the police rider.

That's right, he threw it over.

She didn't intend to resist the extreme drive.

But now he has been locked by the extreme drive, and it is not easy to dodge. In this case, he will find a way to interrupt the extreme drive.

The thick metal iron rod naturally became the first choice.

The police rider was shocked when he saw the metal iron rod coming at him quickly.


He didn't expect that the Triceratops doped body would be so decisive.

Directly give up the weapon and throw it at himself.

Forcing himself to either choose to dodge or choose to resist the metal iron rod.

The engine's extreme drive has been activated. If you choose to dodge at this time, the powerful force may even hurt yourself.

Helplessly, the police responded immediately.


The engine sword in his hand instantly cut through the metal iron rod.

Lightning flashed!

The metal iron rod was instantly broken into two pieces under the power of the engine's extreme drive.

Chapter 150 Are you discussing this with me? Attack, Lu Li: She... I'll protect her

But because of this, the power of the engine's extreme drive was directly released.

The engine sword blade, which was originally shining with lightning and had been driven to the extreme, gradually dissipated at this time and returned to its original appearance.

The Triceratops hybrid body successfully avoided the fatal attack of the engine's extreme drive with its own intelligence.

The extreme drive is indeed very powerful, but once the extreme drive is activated, some uncontrollable factors must be avoided in order to accurately hit the opponent.

This is also why the extreme drive is generally not released first in battle, mainly because it may be interrupted by the opponent.

Just like now, the engine's ultimate drive was interrupted, and the police rider's ultimate move directly-missed.

Of course, the Triceratops doped body did not completely pay a price.

The metal iron rod in her hand had been completely destroyed. At least, she had no suitable weapon to use now.

"Dragon! I just told you that it is impossible to defeat me with your current state. You... are too stupid."

His physical condition was not good, but he had to use the ultimate drive.

In addition, the Triceratops doped body itself was not in a difficult state to fight, so the result of the battle was almost inevitable.

Kneeling on one knee on the ground, the police rider felt that the engine sword in his hand was very heavy and he could hardly lift it.

He was already seriously injured, and the battle made his injuries worse.

The Triceratops doped body in his sight was already blurred. The police rider still wanted to continue fighting, but his physical condition was not optimistic.

After staggering for a while, the police rider slowly fell to the ground.

Seeing the police rider who was about to fall, the Triceratops doped body seemed to see that he had completed the task.

"Don't be happy too soon!"

A loud shout suddenly came.

It turned out to be W, who took this opportunity to launch a surprise attack.

The Triceratops dopants have always been focused on the battlefield, how could they not be prepared for W's attack.

The metal iron rod burning with flames did not hit the Triceratops dopants, but was dodged by the Triceratops dopants.


The top of the metal iron rod with flames instantly hit the ground, and a pit was instantly smashed out of the hard ground.

White smoke came out of the pit, and the surrounding ground was already charred.

The power of the hot memory released extremely high temperatures.

Even the ground would be affected by this terrifying high temperature.


W was very surprised. He thought his attack could hit the opponent, but he didn't expect the Triceratops dopants to be so cautious.

Even if he didn't see himself, he was always alert to himself.

He is indeed an excellent police officer, and he is excellent in all aspects.

But it is precisely because of this that people feel very tricky.

"Shotaro, how about... let me do it?"

At this time, Philip suddenly made a suggestion.

With W's normal form, it is not very good to deal with the Triceratops hybrid in the current situation.

This guy is really difficult to deal with. If he switches to the tusk ace form, this situation should not happen.

As Philip's voice fell, a roar came.

It turned out that the huge Sprint was speeding towards this side.

A super drift, the Sprint stopped steadily behind W.

Then, the door opened from the middle, revealing Philip who was in a coma inside.


"Philip, are you sure you are discussing this with me?! I haven't said anything yet!"

When Shotaro Zuo saw the open door, he patted his forehead helplessly.

Are you making suggestions?

This is clearly prepared in advance!

Directly killing first and then reporting, it is very... speechless!

But now that he's here, does Shotaro Zuo have any choice?

After thinking about it, W quickly ran to Philip's side.

The transformation was released after closing the drive.

Philip, who was lying on the ground, also woke up due to the return of consciousness.

"Don't even think about it!"

Noticing Zuo Shotaro and Philip who had released their transformations, the Triceratops hybrid didn't know what the two wanted to do, but it felt like it wasn't a good thing.

He instantly threw a purple energy ball, trying to kill the two of them in advance.

If she could solve it while the two of them were not in a state of transformation, she would have completed the task ahead of schedule.

The purple energy ball approached quickly, and the Triceratops hybrid noticed the two people who made no movement, and felt happy.

Are you going to succeed?

But before she could be happy, a swift figure quickly passed through and directly offset the purple energy ball.


The sudden and swift figure broke the illusion of the Triceratops hybrid body.

A dinosaur-like mechanical body appeared on Philip's shoulder, which was the fang memory.

Shotaro Zuo was helpless towards the very willful Fang Memory.

"This guy only shows up at critical moments. He's such a willful guy."

Normally, you can't find him if you look for him, but whenever Phillip is in danger, this guy can always run out without a trace.

Phillip took off the fang memory from his shoulder and quickly changed it back to its memory form.

"Shoutaro, come on!"

"I know, I know."




The black and white W Fang Ace appeared in the sight of the Triceratops dopant.

Seeing the unconscious Zuo Shotaro, the Triceratops dopant did not know this situation.

"This is……?"

"I won't be as gentle as him, here you go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, W quickly rushed towards the Triceratops doped body.

During the sprint, in practice, the sharp corner of the fang memory was quickly pressed.

"Arm.Fang (Fang Arm Blade)!"

A sharp arm blade stretched out from the white right arm.

"Hmph! It's the same if it's someone else. Don't think that someone else can defeat me!"

The Triceratops hybrid snorted coldly and faced W without fear.

By thoroughly checking the bat's ultrasonic positioning, Lu Li quickly arrived at the location of their battle.

Landing smoothly on the tall building, Lu Li looked down at the battle taking place below.

The police cavalry doesn't seem to be in good shape right now, as W Fang Ace and Triceratops dopant are fighting fiercely.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the ace of the fangs, and he almost shows a crushing trend against the Triceratops doping system.

The triceratops hybrid with weapons is more threatening, but now that she has lost her weapons, she can only rely on her own defense to face W's powerful offensive.

I thought that W just switched to one form, and its combat effectiveness would not be much different from before.

But after the actual battle, the Triceratops Dopant realized the problem. He had underestimated W in the fang ace form.

Compared with the previous form, the combat effectiveness of W in this form has obviously been greatly improved. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is terrifying.


The fang arm blade instantly slashed across the chest of the Triceratops hybrid body, causing sparks to fly.

Under the powerful force, the Triceratops hybrid body was carried away by a terrifying force.


Even the Triceratops hybrid with strong defense felt obvious pain.

What's more, she was injured in the chest before.

W's attack showed no mercy at all.

Philip: I'm a ruthless warrior!

Overlooking the battle below, Lu Li nodded from time to time.

The Triceratops doped body is indeed his favorite cadre candidate, and his strength is indeed very good.

If it can be replaced with a golden advanced memory or a silver advanced memory, Kujo Ling will definitely be able to exert even more powerful power.

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