Chapter 27 Skull! Maximum.Drive! Fire Bullet!

It can only be said that it is worthy of being a skull gun. Even if Maximum.Drive is not activated, the gun body is always in Maximum.Mode, and it is extremely powerful.

Here, Shotaro Zuo, who had already bought coffee beans, had just returned to the office, but found that the office was empty.

He hurried out to find someone.

Not long after running, he heard a series of explosions in the distance.

Out of curiosity, he ran straight towards this side.

When he arrived at this wasteland that was about to be developed, he saw two extremely powerful beings fighting.

The two armored men punched each other again and again. Every time they punched each other, the aftermath of the energy would blow up the surrounding gravel.

Opening his mouth in surprise, Shotaro Zuo couldn't even believe what he saw.

"Is that really an uncle? Are they... really people?!"

He couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart.

Shotaro Zuo had never thought that fighting could be so terrifying.

The familiar white hat made him realize that the warrior with dark eyes was the uncle.

As for the other person, he was probably the client he had seen before.

He didn't know why the two of them started fighting, but it was probably related to the person the uncle had just mentioned in the office.

Cautiously hiding aside and watching, Shotaro Zuo no longer dared to get closer.

The fight between the two had reached a white-hot stage, and approaching rashly might cause him to get hurt.


The attacks were ineffective again and again, making Skull feel for the first time that his opponent was so difficult.

Previous opponents had never made him feel this way.

This time's opponent... was very strong!

It could even be said that he was ridiculously strong!

Since ordinary attacks didn't work, then... let's try using the ultimate move!

The silver armor decoration on Skull's chest suddenly seemed to have turned into a living thing.

It was like some kind of tentacle slowly opened, and a ball of purple energy burst out from his chest.

Immediately after, a huge purple skull was seen, baring its teeth and rushing towards Lu Li.


The skull's roar could be heard faintly.

The skull rushed over very quickly, and Lu Li immediately took off the awakening device component on his waist and inserted it into the center of the awakening bow.


He chopped it back.

The sharp bow arm of the awakening bow instantly repelled the terrifying skull.

At this moment, Skull had already jumped high.

Seeing this, Lu Li had already guessed what the other party wanted to do.

He quickly took out two cards from the card box on his waist. These two cards were not heart cards, but diamond cards.

They were 2 of diamonds and 6 of diamonds respectively.

These two cards represented the bullet armadillo and the firefly.

He quickly swiped the two awakening cards over the awakening device component on the awakening bow.



The two awakening cards turned into phantoms and instantly merged into the awakening bow.

The next second, Lu Li instantly pulled the bow, and the arm of the awakening bow was quickly compressed.

A fiery red arrow suddenly appeared in front of the awakening bow.

Skull, who jumped high, immediately inserted the Skull memory in the Lost Drive into the extreme slot on the right belt.

Then, he slapped the button of the slot hard.

"Skull! Maximum.Drive!"

A powerful force flowed from the Skull memory into his right leg.

He turned around and kicked with all his strength, and his right leg just kicked the purple skull that was just hit back.

The purple skull that was kicked instantly burned with purple flames, and opened its mouth wide and rushed to Lu Li on the ground.


A ghost-like roar sounded.


At the moment when Skull kicked out, Lu Li released the awakening bow at the same time.

Fire Bullet! !

The arrow shining with red flames, burning with red flames, rushed straight into the sky.

Originally, this move belonged to Kamen Rider Garren, but Lu Li now has all the awakening cards, so of course he can use it.

Garren used a gun-type weapon, and the two cards shot out naturally as bullets.

And Lu Li used a bow and arrow weapon, so the arrows he shot out naturally became arrows.

The arrows burning with blazing flames and the skull burning with purple flames finally collided with each other.


A deafening explosion sounded throughout the world.

If you don't know, you might think that someone was setting off a cannon.

The purple flames and the red flames exploded and intertwined in the air and mixed together.

The powerful energy of the explosion instantly shook Skull, who had not yet fallen from the air.


The dark body fell to the ground under the impact of this powerful energy.

As for Lu Li, although he was also within the explosion range, he was not affected at all.

The smoke and dust splashed by the explosion enveloped Lu Li.


Zuo Xiangtaro, who was watching the battle, saw Skull falling and couldn't help but yelled.

He hurriedly ran towards the direction where Skull fell.

As for the situation on Lu Li's side, he didn't care at all. The only thing he cared about was his uncle's safety.

After a while, the smoke and dust that enveloped Lu Li finally became lighter.

A figure is standing there.

The black and silver body had a red light flashing under the scarlet eye armor.

It's Kamen Rider Chalice.

Everything has settled.

There was no doubt that Lu Li won this battle.

Lu Li was not surprised at all that he would win. He came here just to test Skull's power.

The current Skull has not yet reached its strongest level.

Because nothing has stimulated Narumi Shokichi's spirit.

Skull memory is an idealistic memory. As long as your willpower is strong and firm enough, you will become stronger.

Lu Li hopes that the next time he fights Skull, Skull will be stronger.

At least... I can make myself take it more seriously.

Chapter 28 Ha! Duplicitous woman

Lu Li, on the other hand, transformed back into human form.

He himself is the ancestor of mankind, so there is no need to swipe his card to change back.

"Looking forward to seeing you next time."

After saying that, Lu Li turned around and left.

As for Skull, who was knocked back and hit the ground by the energy impact, he also exited the transformation at this time.

For the first time, he felt that his opponent was so difficult.

I thought that with the power of Skull memory, I should have no problem dealing with the museum on my own.

But unexpectedly, his own strength... was not enough after all.

At this time, Zuo Shotaro finally felt Narumi Shokichi's side.

"Uncle! Uncle, how are you doing?!"

His eyes were full of anxiety, and he was really worried about what would happen to Narumi Shokichi.

Narumi Shokichi is not only the person closest to him at the moment, but also his idol in his heart.

He didn't want anything to go wrong with Narumi Shokichi.

As if he heard the call in his ear, Narumi Shokichi finally came back to his senses.

Looking at Zuo Shotaro, who had an anxious expression on his face, he struggled to hold himself up.

"Shoutaro? Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm just a little injured."

With the help of Zuo Shotaro, he barely stood up.

Looking at the figure that was gradually moving away, there was some unwillingness in his eyes.

I lost, completely.

In previous battles, Narumi Shokichi. He has also encountered difficult opponents, but never one like Lu Li.

Even in a head-to-head fist fight with him, he was able to gain an advantage, and was even able to suppress himself later.

There is a very scary guy in the museum.

As for the power Lu Li used, Narumi Shokichi had never seen it.

He planned to find Sonosaki Fumin when he went back to see if the other party knew something about the situation.

"Uncle, who was that guy just now? Why were you fighting? Isn't he our client?"

Shotaro Zuo still hasn't figured out what's going on.

He didn't know what happened after he left.

Lu Li, who was obviously supposed to be the client, why did he fight with the uncle again?

Regarding this question, Narumi Shokichi did not answer.

"Let's go, Shotaro, take me back first."

"Ah? Okay, uncle, walk slowly."

With the support of Shotaro Zuo, Narumi Shokichi dragged his injured body back toward the detective office.

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