It would be best to let Joker fight with other undead creatures and let both sides lose.

When both sides lose, Lu Li's chance comes.

For this reason, Lu Li spent the next few days trying to find Joker's trace.

Now he can transform into category A Calis, with strong combat power, so there is no need to be afraid.

Except for the top existence of category K, which requires extra caution, there is no need to pay special attention to others.

In the first five days after coming to this world, the battles between undead creatures were very fierce.

And Lu Li chose to deliberately avoid the battle, and has been observing in secret, looking for Joker.

In the first five days, a large number of low-level undead creatures were sealed, and most of the remaining ones were high-level undead creatures, or a few low-level undead creatures with strong combat power.

On the sixth day, Lu Li finally found Joker successfully.

The first time he met Joker, he happened to encounter Joker unilaterally killing the moth undead creature of Red Heart 8.

The opponent easily won the battle and sealed it.

Lu Li, who was hiding in the dark, saw the awakening device on Joker's waist and was envious.

But he did not act immediately. Joker's current combat power was not weakened. It was not worthwhile to choose to fight him at this time.

Lu Li's idea was to lead Joker to a superior undead creature.

After that, Lu Li began to work on the next plan.

In the end, he successfully found the ghost mantis undead creature of category king, which is the category king of the red heart series and one of the highest-level undead creatures.

It is very powerful. Lu Li has witnessed the strength of the ghost mantis undead creature with his own eyes.

Even another special undead creature category a (club), the spider undead creature, was defeated by it and sealed by the awakening card.

Since Joker had already prepared an opponent for the battle, Lu Li immediately took action.

The first thing was to transform into Chalice, take the initiative to find Joker, seduce the other party to fight with him, and then pretend to be defeated and take the opportunity to escape.

Joker would never let go of any undead creature that appeared in front of him, so he naturally chased after it.

Lu Li lured Joker all the way and finally brought him to the location of the ghost mantis undead creature.

He found a very hidden place to hide and transformed back to his original human appearance.

Joker is the enemy of all the undead creatures participating in the Extreme War.

When the ghost mantis undead creature saw Joker, it did not hesitate and launched an attack at the first time.

All undead creatures know one thing.

Once Joker wins this battle, the final result will be that the world will be destroyed.

As the ancestors of various tribes, how could they watch Joker rule the world and destroy the world.

A fierce battle unfolded here.

If Joker did not seal any undead creatures, to a certain extent, his combat power might not be comparable to that of the ghost mantis undead creature.

But now Joker has sealed a large number of undead creatures.

He can use these awakening cards to enhance his combat power.

The two sides fought back and forth, and even the powerful ghost mantis could not do anything to Joker for a while.

Lu Li, who had been hiding in the dark, smiled as he watched the battle.

This was the result he wanted. Now he just had to wait for the direction of the battle.

The two guys fought for nearly a day, and both sides were almost exhausted.

Although Joker had sealed a lot of undead creatures, they were almost all low-level undead creatures, and there were no high-level undead creatures.

This also led to the fact that Joker's combat power was not terrible.

As a result, the ghost mantis undead creature was seriously injured, but it did not automatically open the belt buckle.

But Joker had almost lost his combat power, and his body was covered with green blood.

The belt buckle on his waist opened automatically, as if waiting for the seal slate to come.

The ghost mantis undead creature was almost exhausted and covered with scars.

Suddenly, a sealed slate appeared in the sky, as if it was about to seal Joker.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly jumped out and instantly pulled Joker away.

Facing the enemy that suddenly rushed out, the ghost mantis undead creature instantly felt like it was facing a great enemy, and its green eyes stared at the newcomer closely.

PS: Those who have money can vote for it. The rules for adding more chapters are in the related content of the work! .

Chapter 3 Replica Joker! Awakening Device

Although the battle just now did not completely make him lose his combat effectiveness, it was almost the same.

After all, Joker is not so easy to deal with.

At this moment, Lu Li has transformed into the form of Calis, and the scarlet compound eyes look particularly eye-catching.


The ghost mantis undead creature immediately recognized Lu Li's current form.

If it were in normal times, the ghost mantis undead creature would still be in its prime, and there would be no need to worry about encountering an opponent like Calis.

But this time was different.

He had just experienced a difficult battle and finally succeeded in defeating Joker, the biggest threat in the Extreme War.

Just when he was about to seal, Chalice suddenly broke in, which was definitely not a good thing.

"Why do you want to stop me from sealing Joker? Don't you know... he must be sealed?!"

The ghost mantis undead creature covered his right arm.

It can be clearly seen that there is green blood dripping down his right arm.

Facing the questioning of the ghost mantis undead creature, Lu Li did not say anything.

He is now more concerned about Joker.

At this time, Joker has almost lost his combat effectiveness and can't even stand up.

It takes a certain amount of time to recover, which just meets Lu Li's reproduction conditions.

Even if he is transformed into Chalice, Lu Li can still use the mental abilities of the human ancestor state.

His right hand gently reached out and pressed on the top of Joker's head.

Joker wanted to fight back, but now his body was covered with scars and it was very difficult to even move.

As for the ghost mantis undead creature, he didn't dare to act rashly.

He stared at Lu Li closely, and he was a little worried... What will Lu Li do next?

Lu Li felt something strange on the back of his right hand, and the bright red mark disappeared again, turning into a red mark.

A strange energy appeared in Lu Li's body, and he had many more abilities in his mind.

The biggest change was the belt around his waist.

The belt that belonged to the undead creature before suddenly changed strangely.

The black belt turned silver, and the belt buckle in the middle that belonged to the undead creature turned into an awakening device.

Lu Li was also changing. He was supposed to be Calis, but he was slowly changing.

Green and black armor appeared on his body, there was a skull-shaped green claw on his left knee, and there was a sharp sickle-shaped weapon on his right wrist.

The ferocious face, the green transparent mask, and two long tentacles on the top of the head.

Such a ferocious undead creature is exactly the same as the Joker lying on the ground.

The ghost mantis undead creature and the Joker lying on the ground witnessed this scene and were shocked.


The ghost mantis undead creature couldn't believe what he saw.

There was a second Joker in front of him, and this Joker was Calis before.

What abnormal situation happened in this extreme battle?

How could such a special guy appear? Could it be that... this guy just touched the Joker and was able to transform into the other party's appearance?

Then Calis before... could it be that he was not the real face? !

After thinking about countless guesses in his mind, the ghost mantis undead creature has realized that this matter is definitely not that simple.

"Who are you?!"

The ghost mantis undead creature's eyes were full of strong vigilance. He witnessed the birth of the second Joker with his own eyes.

Whether this is the real Joker or not, he can't say at the moment.

But the other party's weird ability made him deeply afraid.

At this time, Lu Li, who was in Joker form, was feeling the powerful force emerging from his body, and he didn't pay any attention to the two serious people.

Every time he copied the target, he could gain all the abilities and strength of the opponent.

The power of Calis and Joker added together is definitely not as simple as one plus one.

Lu Li can now say with certainty that if he fights against the category king in his prime, there will be no problem.

Looking at Joker, who was very excited but couldn't move on the ground, Lu Li said thank you softly.

"Thank you for your strength."

Then, he took out a blank awakening card from the card box next to the belt.

This thing, I'm afraid only Joker has it at present.

The card fell on Joker and released a mysterious energy.

Soon, Joker was sucked into the blank awakening card by this power.

Successfully sealed.

The blank awakening card, which should have no pattern, now has corresponding text and patterns.

The pattern is a green, broken-looking heart.

And the name of the card is... Joker.

After successfully sealing Joker, the awakening card automatically returned to Lu Li's hand.

At this time, Lu Li really looked at the ghost mantis undead creature.

"Thank you for successfully defeating Joker, otherwise... I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to obtain his power so easily."

Everything was Lu Li's plan.

It's just that he has been hiding in the dark and didn't let the ghost mantis undead creature find him at all.

"Who are you?! This is a sacred extreme battle!"

The voice of the ghost mantis undead creature was full of anger.

He felt that the guy in front of him must not be any of the fifty-three undead creatures.

He had never heard of any undead creature having this kind of power. Even Joker, who could transform into an undead creature of other appearances, had to rely on the power of the corresponding awakening card.

Looking at the angry ghost mantis undead creature in front of him, Lu Li switched back to his human appearance.

When he turned back to human form, the green heart on the belt around his waist, which was exactly the same as Joker's, turned red.

"No! You are wrong. I am indeed an undead creature. I am the ancestor of mankind. Now... let me test the power of Kamen Rider Kalis."

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Li took out the red heart a, which was the awakening card that sealed the awakening card.

There was a red heart drawn on the card, and in the center of the red heart was a mantis.

Turning the awakening card over, Lu Li vertically passed the awakening card across the Kalis awakening device.

Chapter 4 Transformation!! Kamen Rider Kalis!

Two words that had dreamed of saying poetry countless times came out of Lu Li's mouth.

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