Lu Li openly admitted his purpose.

He had been after the Extreme Memory from the beginning, otherwise W would not be able to resist his power.

How could W, who could be easily dealt with, stay here until now with peace of mind?

[Sure enough! ]

After getting a positive answer, Philip said in his heart, "Sure enough."

Things were really as he imagined. Lu Li was not targeting W from the beginning, but just for the Extreme Memory.

"What's the use of you wanting the Extreme? Only we can use the Extreme Memory!"

Thinking of the form of the Extreme Memory, it is completely for adapting to the dual drive.

If the dual drive cannot be used, even if the Extreme Memory is obtained, it will not be of much use.

Hearing this, Lu Li chuckled.

"Haha! Of course I know this, but I never said I want to use your Extreme Memory.

What I want is just the data inside the Extreme Memory, especially the data after synchronization with the Earth Database."

Hearing this, Philip's pupils suddenly shrank.

He never expected that Lu Li would have such a deep research on the memory.

It is not an easy task to study the data of the memory.

And the extreme memory is very special. In addition to having a huge amount of data, it is also connected to the earth database, which is not so easy to analyze.

With a gentle wave to the sky, the controlled extreme memory slowly fell into Lu Li's hands.

Then, Lu Li turned his attention back to Philip and asked with a smile.

"Philip, do you still have time to worry about the extreme memory now? Now... shouldn't you be more worried about the safety of you and Bandang?"

Just now, Philip focused all his attention on the extreme memory, and even ignored the current safety of himself and Shotaro Zuo.

Chapter 173 Judgment of the Extreme Drive, Shrouded by Fear, the Tip of the Iceberg!

Now that Lu Li reminded him of this, Philip suddenly came back to his senses.

Yes, what they should worry about now is precisely their own safety.

If from the beginning, Lu Li's goal was to make the extreme memory complete.

Then now, his goal has been achieved, and the extreme memory is in hand.

In other words, he and Zuo Xiangtaro had completely lost their value.

For people who have lost their value, existence and death are probably meaningless in the eyes of the other party.

Philip, who reacted, felt a strong threat.

Suddenly, a fierce killing intent came.

Philip clearly felt this strong killing intent, and his heart suddenly became cold.

As for Zuo Xiangtaro, who was already very scared, he trembled after feeling this fierce killing intent.

His eyes slightly dodged, and he didn't dare to look at Lu Li at all.

It was as if the other party was a flood beast, which made him feel very scared.

"Are you... going to... kill us?"

Philip had never been so nervous before, and he felt nervous for the first time.

He was not worried that he would die, but worried that Zuo Xiangtaro, his partner, would get into trouble.

The other party was involved in this vortex because of him, but he could not guarantee the other party's safety.

This feeling of powerlessness made Philip feel very uncomfortable.

It was as if he was back in the cage again. Everything was so helpless, and he had no power to resist.

He had no right to choose and could only let the other party slaughter him.

"Don't even think about it!!"

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly came from the side.

The next second, he saw a blue figure approaching quickly.

The police rider!

That's right, it was the police rider.

The terrifying energy that just burst out injured him, but it didn't make him lose his combat effectiveness.

With his tough will, the police rider resisted it.

Fortunately, the terrifying energy didn't last long, otherwise he felt that he really couldn't bear it.

Time went back to one minute ago.

After the energy burst just ended, the police rider, who was engulfed by the bursting energy, exuded bursts of white smoke all over his body.

The red armor on his body became more bright and red at this moment, and the temperature was extremely high.

Instead of having this layer of armor protection on his body, I'm afraid he would have ascended to heaven.

"Hu! Hu!..."

Panting heavily, the police rider was full of panic at this moment.

If he hadn't relied on the energy of the extreme drive to successfully offset part of the energy impact, and then used the engine sword in his hand to block a 333-point impact, he would have been really dead.

Being able to survive this terrifying energy explosion and save his life is already a blessing in disguise.

When he looked up, he found that W had canceled his transformation, and Lu Li was approaching step by step.

In any case, he and Zuo Xiangtaro and Philip have become friends.

Although he is still very cold, it doesn't mean that he doesn't care about the other party's safety.

How could he watch someone he knows get into danger?

Whether as a friend or as a police officer, it is impossible to watch this happen in front of him.

Even though he is now covered with scars, he still doesn't intend to give up the fight.

With trembling hands, he took out the trial memory again, and decided to transform into the trial form again.

He was defeated by Lu Li in seconds before, which made him unwilling, and he must let the other party see his true power.

The power of trial!


He transformed into the police rider trial form again, and the high-temperature red armor on his body scattered and turned into a thin blue armor.

His body suddenly became lighter, and the police rider shook his body and took a starting position.

This is what happened just now.


"Don't even think about it!!"

The sudden shout instantly attracted Philip's attention.

When he looked over, he saw the police rider running over.

He saw that the police rider took out the trial memory and pressed the button on it.

On the timer of the trial memory, a ten-second countdown appeared.

The moment the trial memory was pressed, the police rider instantly threw the trial memory into the sky, and at the same time his speed suddenly increased.

This sudden burst of speed can be calculated in Mach.

Lu Li was a little surprised by the sudden arrival of the police rider.

He didn't expect that the other party could hold on and fight again after the energy burst just now. He is indeed a tough guy.

But it was just a little bit unexpected, and Lu Li didn't take it too seriously.

Judgment is strong in speed, and his speed is also good, not to mention that he has better reaction and action.

In just a moment, the police rider came to Lu Li.

Then, he quickly performed a series of kicks at the speed of Mach.

The speed of the kick was so fast that only the afterimages of the kicks could be seen.

However, even with such a fast kick, Lu Li actually blocked all of them without missing a single one.

Philip, who witnessed the battle situation at close range, widened his eyes in disbelief.

He couldn't understand at all how Lu Li could keep up with the extremely terrifying speed of the police rider.

According to his calculations, the speed of the series of kicks performed by the police rider was at least calculated according to Mach.

But even with such a fast speed, Lu Li was able to block it.


As one of the parties involved, the police rider, after performing a series of kicks, can see a T-shaped energy light appear.

The speed of ten seconds is not fast, nor is it slow.

In these ten seconds, the police rider has at least kicked hundreds of times.

When the ten-second countdown ended, a mechanical sound was heard.

"Trial! Maximum. Drive!"

The speed suddenly dropped, and the police rider's leg, which had not yet been retracted, was grabbed by a hand.


The police rider saw his right leg being grabbed, and his eyes revealed a strong sense of disbelief.

He couldn't understand why he was caught.

Just now, he was only concerned with performing a series of kicks, and didn't pay attention to all his attacks, which were all blocked without a single one.

The expected explosion did not come, but his leg that performed a series of kicks was grabbed.

"The power of Judgment is really good, it can have such a fast speed.

However, it is not enough to deal with me with this power."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li kicked the police rider in the chest.

The powerful force instantly hit the police rider, and his body was kicked out like a cannonball.


A scream could be heard faintly from a distance.


The police rider's body flew out like a cannonball and smashed into a building.

The whole world seemed to be quiet.

Philip witnessed the whole process, and he couldn't understand how Lu Li could keep up with such a fast speed.

If the battle just now was replaced by W, even W in the extreme form would be powerless in the face of such a fast speed.

"Okay, my goal has been achieved, Philip, goodbye."

Lu Li turned around and left with the extreme memory.

As for the murderous intent released earlier, it had completely dissipated at this time, and he had no intention of killing Philip at all.

Now Zuo Xiangtaro has been filled with fear in his heart. It will take more than a day to recover.

Moreover, if he sees himself, the culprit who caused him fear, again, he will probably not have much fighting power.

Whether W can continue to fight is a mystery, and it doesn't matter whether it is solved or not.

What's more, Lu Li had promised his mother-in-law before that he would not hurt Philip or put Philip in a life-and-death crisis.

In the future, Philip will still need power, and the dual drive can at least save his life.

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