Because of Sonozaki Ryubei, her son was gone, and she became the half-human, half-ghost she is now.

The remaining two daughters were also like that, which made her hate this family and the museum.

She must destroy the museum and bury this sinful family completely.

After closing the suitcase, Ming Hai Shouji did not agree directly, but did not refuse.

The last battle with Lu Li made him feel the gap between himself and Lu Li.

To tie or defeat Lu Li, the power of this dual drive may be indispensable.

"I know, where is the person?"

He immediately asked about the location of Sonozaki's visitor.

This kind of thing must be done quickly, no one knows whether the museum will move the person to another place later.

After that, Sonozaki Fuyin told Ming Hai Shouji the detailed address.

Next, everything was entrusted to Ming Hai Shouji, and she still trusted her childhood sweetheart.

"I know, don't worry, I will start as soon as possible."

"Okay, please."

Things have been explained almost, Sonosaki Fumion did not stay here for too long, and quickly left the office.

After a while, Shotaro Zuo finally completed the commission to find a cat this time.

"Uncle! Can you please stop assigning me useless tasks?

It's either finding a cat or a dog, or asking me to accompany the elderly. This is too much. I just want to be a detective!"

After Shotaro Zuo came back, he complained about his dissatisfaction.

He wanted to become a tough detective as good as the uncle, and this kind of task of finding cats and dogs was not suitable for him at all.

PS: I'm here again! ! Chapter 2! .

Chapter 33 No entry for idle people? Am I? (Additional update is coming!)

Hearing this, Shotaro Narumi shook his head helplessly.

"Okay, Shotaro, this time I happen to be doing a very dangerous commission, you... do you want to come with me?"

He also thought about this question for a long time.

Going to the enemy's research institute to rescue people this time may not be an easy task, and someone needs to help.

As his assistant, Shotaro Zuo is also quite clear about his work. He has taught enough in normal times, and now it is a good time to test it.

The young eagle cannot grow up under the protection of the old eagle.

When Shotaro Zuo heard that there was a major commission, his face, which was originally like a frost-bitten eggplant, instantly became energetic.

"Really? Uncle! Is there really a major commission? Are you lying to me?"

As he said, he looked at Ming Hai Shouji with some suspicion.

After all, it is a bit unlike the uncle's style to suddenly let himself participate in a major commission.

He stood up and patted Shotaro Zuo's shoulder, and Ming Hai Shouji nodded heavily.

"Of course what I said is true. This commission has a certain degree of danger, and it is also an opportunity to train you.

It just so happens that I am short of manpower, so you are naturally the best choice. You are my excellent assistant, although you are a half-baked one."

The latter sentence was directly ignored by Shotaro Zuo.

He threw a punch at the air with full energy and laughed.

"Don't worry, uncle! What else can I say about my ability? No problem!

When are we going to leave? I can't wait!"

His eager look would have confirmed that this commission would be successful.

However, what he didn't know was that this time, he would lose his most respected idol in his life, his most beloved uncle.

"Go and contact them first, find a boat, and we'll leave at night."

"I guarantee to complete the mission!"

Responding with confidence, Zuo Xiangtaro quickly rushed out of the office and went to find a boat.

Looking at the back of Zuo Xiangtaro leaving in a hurry, Ming Hai Shouji shook his head helplessly.

"This kid, he opened a store in a hurry, but he still lacks the fire."

As a detective, you must be steady when doing things, and you can't be impatient.

Turning back, his eyes were fixed on the suitcase on the table, and Ming Hai Shouji's eyes flashed with a solemnity.

He felt a vague sense of uneasiness in his heart. This trip might not be too smooth.

Before that, he was going to call his daughter, Asuko.

"Hello, is that Asuko?"

"Dad?! When will you come back? You haven't come to see me for so long!"


On an isolated island near Fuuto.

A tall building is standing on this isolated island. This island belongs to the museum.

This is a research institute of the museum, which is dedicated to studying the data and information of the memory.

After the data and information are stored, they can be sent to the factory of the museum for production to produce the corresponding memory.

When he boarded the island, Lu Li looked at the building in front of him and had to admire that the Sonozaki family was really powerful. They could actually build a research institute on an island.

This was mainly done to avoid the surveillance of the government or other forces.

"Saiko, how long has the research institute here been built?"

"It's been a few years. This island belongs to our family. We spent a lot of money to buy this island."

It really deserves to be the Sonozaki family. It is also rich and powerful.

As soon as I stepped onto the island, I saw someone waiting ahead.

A middle-aged man stepped forward and asked respectfully.

"Ms. Saeko, are you going to the data room directly or take a short break first?"

Hearing this, Sonosaki Saeko did not make a decision immediately, but looked at Lu Li.

It seemed that she wanted to hear what Lu Li thought.

Being looked at by Sonosaki Saeko, Lu Li shrugged indifferently.

"It's all up to me. You can go anywhere you want. I don't have anything to do anyway. Do you mind if I walk around the institute?"

When he said walk around, he certainly wanted to find out where Sonosaki was.

If possible, just use the curse seal to replicate.

Sonosaki Saeko thought about it carefully. Lu Li almost left everything to her. He was just a nominal general manager.

"Okay, then you can walk around the institute by yourself. When you are almost done, you can come to the data room to find me."

Then, Sonosaki Saeko led a group of people to the data room of the institute.

As for Lu Li, he started to stroll around leisurely.

The buildings here are made of high-standard materials as much as possible to prevent unexpected situations.

Wandering around the institute, Lu Li saw many people working hard.

These people belong to the museum and can use the memory of the costume.

Although the power is not very strong, it is common.

There is no problem with the costume doping body to deal with the invasion of ordinary people.

Since Lu Li has joined the company for a while, many people know this general manager who is a hands-off shopkeeper.

No one thinks it is strange, and no one cares where Lu Li should go.

After walking around for a while, Lu Li passed by a room.

When passing by this room, Lu Li had a vague feeling of strangeness.

He didn't know why he had this feeling, but he believed that his feeling was not wrong.

So he turned around and came to the front of this room again.

There were four words written on the room, no idle people allowed.

Idle people?

Lu Li didn't think he was an idle person.

He walked in with his hands behind his back. This was a room that looked dim.

In the room, there was a bed that looked special, and on it lay a boy in white pajamas.

The moment he saw the boy, Lu Li knew who he was.

Wasn't he Yuansaki Lairen?

But after searching for a long time, he finally found him.

I didn't expect that I would find Yuansaki Lairen just by strolling around. It was a pleasant surprise.

Even Lu Li felt that his luck was a bit too good.

He slowly came to Yuansaki Lairen, but he had some kind of instrument on his head and his eyes were slightly closed.

There were many pipes connected to the instrument, and it seemed that something was being extracted.

If nothing unexpected happened, it should be the memory of the earth.

Chapter 34 Earth Library

It's just the right time to replicate Yuansaki Lairen.

I can only say that the best time is now.

When he came to Yuansaki Lairen, Lu Li immediately put his hand on his forehead.

A blood-colored mark on the back of his right hand gradually disappeared, and two blood-colored marks remained.

A strange power merged into Lu Li's hands.

Then, Lu Li felt that there seemed to be something more in his consciousness.

The next second, his consciousness entered a trance.


In the Earth Library.

Sonosaki Raito was looking for the knowledge he was interested in.

Suddenly, he felt an unknown force invading.

It was just a momentary feeling, and Sonosaki Raito even thought that he was too focused and had an illusion.

What he didn't know was that the Earth Library, which should only be used by him, had now been completely copied by Lu Li.

From now on, Sonosaki Raito will no longer be the only one who can use the Earth Library.

The process of copying the ability does not take too long.

After a while, Lu Li came back to his senses.

When he opened his eyes again, the surrounding situation was still the same as before.

Sonosaki Raito did not wake up, and no one entered the room.

Lu Li felt that his spiritual power seemed to have become much stronger.

As long as he thought about it, he could enter the Earth Library anytime and anywhere.

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