Although cell coins are far inferior to core coins, as long as the quantity is large enough, they can also satisfy some of their inner desires.

The greedy have an extreme desire for core coins in their hearts.

They all hope to perfect themselves and become a complete body with nine core coins.

Once the greedy collects nine core coins, they will become the final form of the greedy and become extremely powerful.

It's a pity that the whereabouts of the core coins are unknown at present, so they can only collect cell coins temporarily.

Facing Kamen Rider OOO, it is necessary to enhance their own strength, and cell coins become a quick means.

Metzl had already understood that it was meaningless to continue to consume in that city.

So she sneaked to this city called Fuuto, and after coming here, she was not hindered by Kamen Rider OOO.

Everything went very smoothly.

She has created a nest-type desire-eating monster.

As long as the corresponding host's desire can continue to be strong, the same type of desire-eating monster can be continuously created.

One squid-eating monster has matured before, and according to the time, the second one should be mature now.

In other words, she will soon receive a large amount of cell coins, and she feels happy just thinking about it.

"Kazali and Wufan are two idiots who only know how to fight in that city and don't know how to make some changes.

Isn't it better to be like me? Not only can I get more cell coins, but I don't have to be hindered by Kamen Rider OOO.

Haha! Sure enough, it is much easier to develop in another city."

Before coming to this city, Metzl naturally considered the issue of Fuuto having Kamen Rider.

After some thought, she decided to choose this place.

As long as she is concealed enough and more careful, she should not be discovered by the other party.

Just be a little careful, there is no need to hide, and even if you encounter Kamen Rider, it doesn't matter, it's not impossible to deal with it.

Metzl is still very confident in her own strength.

Metzl naturally has a certain sense of the squid-eating monster she created.

She could clearly feel that the squid-eating monster was approaching her quickly, and it would arrive soon.

After a while, Metzl finally waited for the squid-eating monster.

She seemed to have heard the sound of the cell coins colliding, which was very crisp and pleasant.

"Come on, my good child."

With a slight smile on her lips, Metzl showed a beautiful smile on her face.

This time, she should be able to get a lot of cell coins again.

At least she can barely fill the emptiness in her heart and improve her strength.

However, the next second, the beautiful smile on her face froze.

Not for anything else, just because she saw a two-color guy not far behind the squid-eating monster rushing towards this side.

She also knew some of the rumors about Fuuto. There was only one two-color person who could appear in this posture.

That was the Kamen Rider who protected Fuuto...W!

Unexpectedly, she thought she had done it very secretly, but the other party still found clues.

If Metzl knew that W just happened to pick up a cell coin and discovered the Squid Devourer, and that it was the Squid Devourer who exposed himself.

I'm afraid he would even want to kill the Squid Devourer.

W, who was chasing the Squid Devourer, was shocked to see a girl who looked like a high school student in front of him.

If he accidentally hurt an ordinary person at this time, he would be unqualified as a Kamen Rider.

"Philip! Use the Moon Goddess Memory!"

"Got it."



Switch to the Moonlight Ace form immediately.

The next second, W swung his yellow arm on the right side, and the arm suddenly stretched and extended, flying straight towards Metzl.


Seeing this arm suddenly coming straight towards him, Metzl's face changed slightly.

He now looks like a human, so he should not be exposed.

Without time to think too much, Metzl lightly stepped on his feet, jumped backwards, and retreated a long distance.

The extended arm suddenly fell into the air. W was shocked to see that Metzl's movements were completely unlike those of a human.


I thought the other party was just an ordinary human girl, but unexpectedly, she seemed to be extraordinary.

Suddenly, Philip keenly noticed that Metzl's face did not show any fear.

"Shotaro, be careful, this girl is not an ordinary person, and she may be in the same group with this squid monster."

Even without Philip's words, Shotaro himself had already noticed this.

How could an ordinary person make such an illegal move just now? It was beyond human power!

At this time, the squid monster finally stopped, drilled out from the ground, and stayed beside Metzl.

That well-behaved look was completely a master and a servant.

"Who are you? Did you create this monster?" W stopped and asked.

Facing W's questioning, Metzl showed a helpless expression on his face.

"Originally, I just wanted to keep silent and didn't want to alert anyone, but I didn't expect that you would find out like this. It's such a pity."

I thought I could hide it for longer, but it seems I can only do this for the time being.

The Desire Monster she creates is a nest type. As long as the location of the nest is not discovered, she can continue to create Desire Monsters.

Judging from the other party's appearance, he probably hasn't discovered the nest he created yet.

What Metzl has to do now is to divert W's attention and prevent the other party from finding the nest he created.

After getting Mezier's answer, W secretly thought that it was true.

Although it’s not clear who the girl in front of me who looks like a high school student is, it’s certain that she must be a weirdo or something.

Moreover...the other party is different from the dopant.

W has no knowledge at all about monsters other than adulterants.

Since the other party is a weirdo with impure intentions for this city, he should be eliminated.

W immediately took out the trigger memory.



He instantly switched to the Luna trigger form and took off the trigger merlin gun on his chest.

"Bang bang bang!"

Bullets shot out one after another, the muzzle of the gun spitting flames.

Metzl didn't want to expose himself at this time, so he could just leave everything to the Squid Devourer.

As for her, of course she should run away now.

There is no need to fight with the other party, as long as the other party does not discover the lair, there will be no big problem.

Then, Metzl jumped directly into the water.

"She's running away!"

W immediately noticed that Metzler had chosen to escape.

But at this distance, with the Squid Eater Monster in the middle, it was really difficult to chase.

There was no way he would let the Squid Eater Monster go and let it continue to endanger the safety of the people of Fengdu.

The Squid Devourer knows exactly what he should do now.

He stopped W and sprayed streams of water from his mouth, blocking the bullets.

Then, black smoke was sprayed out, quickly blocking all surrounding vision.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the first reaction of the Squid Devourer was to escape.

However, just when it was about to turn around and escape, a yellow arm wrapped around its body.

Struggling hard, the Squid Eater found that he had no way to break free from the entanglement of this strange arm.

"Phillip, it's exactly what you thought. This guy wanted to escape from the beginning."

A figure stepped out of the black smoke.

With a little force, the Squid Devourer was thrown to the ground.

After retracting his arm, W slowly closed the dual driver on his waist and pulled out the trigger memory.

Insert the trigger memory into the trigger gun and immediately activate the trigger for extreme actuation.

"Trigger! Maximum.Drive!"

He instantly pulled the trigger in his hand, and dozens of yellow and blue energy light bullets shot out from the muzzle.

Energy light bombs of two colors freely change their trajectories in the air.


The Squid Eater had just gotten up from the ground. When he saw the two-color energy light bomb, his first reaction was to run away.

But before it could escape, just as it turned around, the energy light bullet unexpectedly changed its direction and hit the Squid Devourer from the front.


The Squid Devourer was instantly engulfed in flames under the trigger's extremely terrifying energy explosion.

Under the explosion, many silver cell coins exploded out of its body.

The cell coins were blown up into the sky, and then fell to the ground, as if there was a rain of coins.

W slowly squatted down, picked up one of the cell coins, and fell into thought.

After the Squid Eater Monster was eliminated, no one appeared, and no memory appeared.

This means that the other party is probably not the owner of the memory, and at the same time, it is probably not a human being.

After death, so many strange coins appeared, as if the other person's body was made of these strange coins.

"Philip, do you recognize this coin?"

Shotaro Zuo swore that he had never seen such a coin.

It looks like there are animal patterns on it, does it mean something?

Hearing this, Phillip was silent for a while and replied.

"I don't know what this coin is, but I am sure that there is an inevitable connection between this coin and this monster. I will check the information when I get back.

As long as the other party is recorded in the Earth Library, it should be possible to find it out. "

The first time he encountered this situation, even Phillip didn't understand what was going on.

I can only go back and check the Earth Library first to find information, maybe I can get something unexpected.

"Then... what to do with so many coins? It's impossible to keep them all here."

His keen intuition told Zuo Shotaro that these coins could not just stay here.

These coins might be useful to the guy who just escaped.

Stay here, what if the other party comes back and takes you away?

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