"You are such a troublemaker! You just have to create some trouble for me.

Zhao Jinglong, I'm afraid you don't know that the death of your family is not just caused by me, Shroud..."

When he wanted to continue, the police rider suddenly interrupted him.

"Enough, I know what you want to say, Shroud has told me everything.

She shouldn't have believed you, a guy, and gave you a question, but you chose to betray her and killed my family.

Even if she is the source, you are the real sin!"

Originally, the weather mixed body wanted to use his words to persuade the police rider, and the other party would be shaken in his heart, so that he could solve the other party faster.

Unexpectedly, the police rider already knew the truth of the matter and didn't give him a chance to speak.

I really didn't expect Shroud to tell all this directly to the police rider, and the weather mixed body's plan fell through.

The plan failed, and he failed to interfere with the police rider.

Since the trick didn't work, he could only rely on strength to speak.

He still didn't think that the police rider could defeat him. Now he had obtained the powerful data of many memories, which made the weather memory more powerful.

In this case, if he still lost to the police rider, wouldn't everything he did be a waste of time?

He didn't think that everything he did was a waste of time.

"You still want to seek revenge on me, right? Then let me see your strength and whether you are qualified to mention the word revenge!".

Chapter 186 Brain: You can't do anything with a shovel! It's time to end, the speed of Nazca

Too lazy to continue to talk to him so much, the police rider took action instantly.

His figure turned into a blue afterimage and quickly approached the weather mixed body.

[So fast! ]

Even the weather mixed body couldn't help but sigh in his heart at this moment.

The eyes can keep up with the police rider, but the body can't reach this level.

The typical thing is that the eyes can do it, but the brain, you can't do anything with it! The body, you can't do anything with a shovel!

Although the body can't keep up, it doesn't mean that his attack can't keep up.


He snapped his fingers again.

Thunder rolled in the sky.

The next second, many thunderbolts struck from the sky, and the lightning flashed.

"Shua shua shua!!"

The police rider, who was very fast at this time, had already expected this situation to happen.

He dodged in a Z shape quickly, and all the thunderbolts were only worthy of eating exhaust gas behind him.

The thunderbolt hit the ground, splashing bursts of fire.


The police rider was slightly shocked when he saw that the speed was so fast that even the thunderbolts could not hit him.

He thought that even if his body could not keep up with the opponent's speed, it should be no problem to catch up with the opponent by relying on the swiftness of the thunderbolts.

But who would have thought that the opponent's speed could actually avoid the bombardment of thunderbolts.


Shroud could actually expel such a powerful memory. In order to deal with him, he really took great pains!

[This is the power! ]

The police rider dodged all the thunderbolts and was not hurt at all. He was full of joy.

He had calculated this problem before, and he should be able to dodge all the thunder attacks, provided that he has enough reaction speed.

After transforming into the judgment form, he not only enhanced his speed, but also his brain's reaction speed.

Otherwise, even if he transformed into the judgment form, he would not be able to dodge the swift thunder without enough reaction speed.

The spirit that had come to the side of the weather mixed body quickly punched continuously.

As for why he did not choose to use the engine sword, it was because the speed was the strongest in the judgment form.

Holding the engine sword in his hand would drag down his speed, which would be counterproductive.

From a third-party perspective, it can be found that the fists drawn by the police rider burst out with afterimages.

It is even impossible to count how many punches he threw in this limited time.

Although the power of each punch is not particularly strong, it can still cause great damage if it is superimposed on each other and attacks one place at the same time.

Fortunately, the weather mixed body itself has extremely strong defensive power, and with the mastery of some memory data, it can completely withstand it.

However, the weather-mixed body is not used to passively taking a beating.

He is also fast.

The weather-mixed body, which was hit by so many fist shadows, was naturally very angry.

"Super high speed!!"

He suddenly shouted.


The weather-mixed body disappeared instantly, and the police rider's punch hit nothing.

"How could it be?!"

It was the first time he saw the weather-mixed body's ability to be super high in actual combat.

The speed that suddenly burst out was not inferior to his own speed of running at full speed.

Fortunately, the speed of the weather-mixed body was still within the range that the police rider could catch up.

If you want to compare speed, then compare it!

Then, the police rider also started to speed up immediately.

"Bang bang bang!!"

Waves of afterimages flashed by, and only waves of fists and feet were heard.

The two kept colliding, and it was unclear who had the upper hand for a while.

Soma Taku, who was observing the battle on the side, had already been stunned by the amazing battle between the two.

His eyes couldn't keep up with the speed of the two people. He just knew that they were outrageous.

At this speed, his eyes couldn't keep up at all.

Seeing the afterimages connecting, his eyes were very tired.

Rubbing his eyes hard, Xiang Mazhuo was secretly glad.

Fortunately, the two guys fought directly, otherwise no matter which one it was, he might not be able to deal with it.

These two guys are BT!

Too fast!

Even if he has the power to make people old, if the opponent's speed is too fast, the solution he shot out can't touch the opponent, then how can he make the opponent old?

While the two guys are fighting fiercely, he should seize the time to escape.

Afterwards, Xiang Mazhuo had no interest in who would win this battle.

He only thought about one thing now, that is, to escape.

But when he just turned around, before he had time to start, he saw a person rushing towards him.

The man seemed to be standing on something, something carrying him, rushing towards this side quickly.

Why are they all so outrageous? !

Soma Taku was completely stunned.

He just wanted to make some money, why did so many big guys suddenly come? !

Da me!

That's right, the person rushing towards this side is naturally Lu Li.

With the killer whale devouring monster leading the way, it is not too easy to find Jingzaka Shenhonglang.

From a distance, Lu Li has already seen the weather admixture and the police rider fighting.

As for Soma Taku, he was completely ignored by him, just an insignificant little character.

Even if the ancient memory has a special ability to make people age, it is relatively useless.

The premise of weakening people is that the solution launched must touch the other party.

Moreover, the aging ability of the ancient memory has no effect on people with mental immunity.

In the original play, Terui Ryu successfully immuned to the influence of the power of the ancient admixture by relying on immunity to mental power.

This ability is almost meaningless to Lu Li.

If you want to get this ability, you might as well focus on other abilities.

Riding the killer whale, Lu Li passed by Xiangma Zhuo in an instant, and he didn't even look at him.

This made Xiangma Zhuo feel unbalanced. Is he so weak? He was looked down upon by others!

He wanted to shout loudly, don't leave if you have the ability!

Of course, this was just his thought, and he couldn't put it into action at all.

The other party was obviously a big boss, and it would be a suicide to get close to him at this time.

It's just to make a little money, and it's not to make himself die.

Anyway, it doesn't matter to me now, so I can just run away.

Thinking of this, Xiangma Zhuo immediately quickened his pace of escape and quickly fled the scene.

The weather mixed body and the police rider were fighting fiercely at this time, so naturally they had no time to care about Xiangma Zhuo's escape.

The two of them couldn't care about anything else now, and they were evenly matched.

Last time, the weather mixed body could completely beat the police rider.

This time, the two sides could only fight evenly. If the weather doping body had not obtained the super high speed of Nazca before, it might have been a passive punching bag at this time.

Although the super high speed was achieved, the super high speed data obtained by the weather doping body was the super high speed of Nazca's second stage, not the super high speed of the third stage.

This resulted in his super high speed not being in the most complete state. Even if he could barely keep up with the current police rider, the speed was still not enough.

Most of the time, the weather doping body was in a state of passive beating, but the existence of super high speed made him slightly less beaten.

If the battle continued, it would be difficult to tell the winner.

The weather doping body could not keep up with the speed of the police rider, even if it used super high speed.

Moreover, super high speed could not perfectly adapt to the weather memory. The more it was used, the greater the impact.

As for the police rider, although the fist could hit the weather doping body, it dodged most of the fists, making it difficult for his attack to break the defense of the weather doping body.

The two sides were at most evenly matched, and it was difficult to tell the winner.

Just when the two were fighting, Lu Li finally arrived.

Leaping off from the back of the killer whale, Lu Li landed smoothly.

Perhaps it was because it felt that Lu Li had left its back, and the killer whale, which had regained its freedom, wanted to escape first.

However, before the killer whale could escape, it felt an invisible force coming.

It blocked the area around it, making it impossible for it to escape quickly.

Poking its head out from underground, the killer whale didn't know what Lu Li was thinking at this time, and didn't dare to ask more.

"Enemies are particularly jealous when they meet, but these two guys are having a lot of fun fighting."

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