Jumping up suddenly, Skull aimed at one of Lu Li in mid-air and used a powerful flying kick.



However, it is a pity that Skull's powerful flying kick did not hit Lu Li, but one of his clones.

Lu Li, on the other hand, hit Skull's shoulder with a flaming flying kick.



Skull screamed on the spot and was shot back to the rooftop like a cannonball.

PS: Thank you——Mo Ruoqiyu for your monthly ticket!

The third chapter is added today!

Done today! .

Chapter 40 The final commission


Skull's body came into close contact with the rooftop, and the powerful force of the flying kick even penetrated the entire rooftop.

The rooftop, which already had spider web-like cracks, could no longer withstand the impact of this force and collapsed suddenly.


During the fall, Skull was unable to maintain his transformed state.

After releasing the transformation, he fell downwards.


W noticed the situation here, but since he had just transformed for the first time, he was not proficient in fighting at all.

It's already very difficult to deal with taboo adulteration, and there's no time to spare to save Narumi Shokichi.

"Don't even think about it!"

The taboo dopant threw several more energy balls, blocking W's way to save people.

"Bang bang bang!!"

Faced with one terrifying energy ball after another, W did not choose to withdraw this time, but endured it forcefully.

Every energy ball hitting his body would cause sparks to fly.


The pain coming from his body made him couldn't help but let out a scream.

Even so, it still couldn't stop his determination to save Narumi Shokichi.

A flying jump jumped from the place where the rooftop collapsed.

Seeing the collapsed position filled with gunpowder smoke and W's figure missing, the Forbidden Doping Body became even more furious.

He immediately yelled angrily at the mixed-dress soldiers below.

"Why are you still hanging around? Why don't you hurry up and find someone for me!!"


The costumed dopers did not dare to hesitate and took action one after another.

Lu Li stood up slowly, looked at the rooftop that he had destroyed, and shrugged helplessly.

"Sorry, I seemed to have used too much force just now."

Naturally, these words are meant for taboo adulterants.

Slowly floating to Lu Li's side, the Forbidden Dope looked at the damaged rooftop, but there was no anger in his heart.

She was even happy about it.

Lu Li's power is indeed strong enough.

Even the dead skull that was on par with him could be dealt with with ease.

"It's not a big deal. Since the rooftop collapsed, let's repair it again."

Anyway, the Sonosaki family is very wealthy and doesn't care about this little money.

However, this place has been excavated, so it is necessary to consider moving the location of the institute.

No one knows if anyone else will come next time. This is a very confidential place.

"Okay, my fight is over, it's a good warm-up."

The awakening device on Lu Li's waist disappeared, and he returned to his human form.

This battle with Skull seemed to him to be a very good warm-up activity.

Of course, only for warm-up.

The current limit of the power that Skull memory can use is only that.

It is quite difficult for Narumi Shokichi to be able to perform to such an extent.

If it is a more powerful T2 memory, it may be able to allow Narumi Shokichi to exert even greater strength.

But it is a pity that the current T2 memory has not been produced, and Consortium X is probably still researching it.

Sonosaki Fumin was able to create a pure memory precisely because of the help of the consortium, otherwise she would not have been able to do it on her own.

One is a funding issue and the other is a technical support issue.

Without the support of Consortium X, it would be difficult to create pure memory or dual drives.

Obviously the X Foundation is cooperating with the museum, but it is secretly cooperating with Sonosaki Fumin.

To put it bluntly, Consortium X just wants to see who is more useful to them.

The more useful it is, the more it will naturally be valued by the consortium.

After passing through many floors of the research institute, I saw Narumi Shokichi lying limply on the ground. It was now difficult to even move.

Blood kept pouring out of his mouth, and the light in his eyes was slowly dissipating.

W finally came to Narumi Shokichi and was very anxious when he saw Narumi Shokichi who kept vomiting blood.

"Uncle! Uncle, how are you doing?! Uncle!"

With that said, he immediately helped Narumi Shokichi up.

However, Narumi Shokichi already knew that his life was not long.

The terrifying power was poured into the body, and then it crashed through so many floors.

Narumi Shokichi had already thought of what kind of fate and consequences it would be.

But he never expected that his final sure-kill kick would actually hit a clone and not actually hit Lu Li.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine, otherwise Narumi Shokichi would have chosen to kick the other side just now.

Even Narumi Shokichi, who was already dying, never thought of escaping.

Grabbing W's arm, Narumi Shokichi said with difficulty.

"Xiang...Shangtaro, I leave this commission to you to complete, and take him...out safely.

As for you...child, escape with Shotaro.

Are you... confused and don't know what decision you should make? Then make your own decision today and escape from this dark prison.

Wait until you are free... and then count your sins in detail.

I think...you don't have a name yet, so let's call you Philip...Philip Marlowe.

This is a name that I really like...the tough guy's...name, who makes his own decisions and solves...everything. "

His voice was intermittent, and you could clearly feel that his voice was getting weaker and weaker.

Sonosaki didn't object out loud, but was thinking about what Narumi Shokichi said just now.

He has been locked up in this dark place without even a name of his own.

There were times in his heart when he longed to go out, but when faced with the man named fear, he did not dare to resist.

He dare not decide anything and cannot decide anything.

But today...he was shaken.

At this time, Narumi Shokichi noticed the dusty white gentleman's hat beside him.

He picked it up with difficulty and put it on W's head tremblingly.

"Phillip...I'll leave it to you."

Zuo Shotarou, who had never been recognized before, suddenly got the recognition of his uncle, but at such a time.

He couldn't accept it no matter what.

The compound eye on the left lit up, and Shotarou Zuo's slightly trembling voice sounded.

"No! It's too early for me to wear this hat! It's too early!"

The voice was full of reluctance and fear.

He was unwilling that his uncle would die like this, and he was also afraid that his uncle would die like this.

If it hadn't been for his impulsiveness before, I'm afraid it wouldn't have resulted in such a tragic situation.

My heart was filled with deep self-blame.

A difficult smile appeared on Narumi Shokichi's face, and his face was stained red with blood.

PS: Thank you——Mo Ruoqiyu for your monthly ticket!

Thanks————The Ace of Fighting Destiny for your monthly ticket!

A new day has begun! .

Chapter 41 Fang Ace!

"Then...become a person suitable to wear it."

Before he finished speaking, Narumi Shokichi's hand that originally only held W's arm finally let go.

Lying slowly on the ground, he was no longer breathing.


W shouted in pain.

But Narumi Shokichi is now lifeless and his call can no longer be heard.

The person closest to him, the person he admired the most, died in front of him, but he was powerless.

There was nothing he could do except scream in pain.

And the Sonosaki person occupying the right side of w at this time, by the way, now has a new name, he should be called Philip.

Phillip watched the man who wanted to save him die in front of his eyes, and his heart was somewhat touched.

But now, he doesn't have many human emotions, and the touch is not too deep.

Just when W was feeling sad, the costumed dopers who were looking for their traces finally arrived.

"Found it! Here!!"

"Catch them! Never let the experimental subjects go!"

I heard the sound of pressing closer and closer, but W didn't make any move.

Zuo Shotaro is still immersed in grief and doesn't care about anything else at all.

W's body is still dominated by Zuo Shotaro, and Philip is at best a strategist.

He can control the right side of his body, but cannot completely control his body.

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