"What do you want?"

She was not sure what Lu Li's purpose was in coming to her.

Hearing this, Lu Li shook his head slightly.

"I've said it from the beginning. I have no ill will towards you for the time being. I just saw a figure here, but I didn't expect it to be you.

No matter what, you are the mother of Saeko and Wakana. I can't do anything to you. After all... I'm not that old fox."

The old fox he was talking about was undoubtedly Sonozaki Ryuhei.

When shroud heard this, a hint of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

She thought Lu Li was a lackey promoted by Sonozaki Ryuhei himself, but now it seems that it's not what she thought.

From Lu Li's attitude and disdainful tone just now, it can be seen that his relationship with Sonozaki Ryuhei seems to be ordinary.

How can it be extraordinary?

Lu Li used to have a good relationship with Sonozaki Saeko, and the second was Sonozaki Wakana.

As for Sonozaki Ryuhei, he is nothing to Lu Li.


Shroud wanted to say something, but considering that he didn't know Lu Li's strength yet, and didn't know Lu Li's position, he stopped talking.

She wanted Lu Li to cooperate with her to get rid of Sonosaki Ryubei.

But considering that Lu Li is now a museum employee, it seems inappropriate for her to choose to cooperate rashly.

Chapter 43: The end of the institute

Although shroud wrapped himself tightly, Lu Li is still the ancestor of mankind.

He controls the power of the soul and can easily see through shroud's thoughts.

"We can't cooperate for the time being. The old fox hasn't done anything out of line with me now, so I can't just do it.

Of course, it's not inevitable that we can't cooperate. If the old fox wants to get rid of me in the future, you can't blame me for being rude."

Although Sonosaki Ryubei was a little dissatisfied with Lu Li during this period.

Because of Lu Li's existence, Sonosaki Saeko has less awe of him.

But it was just a little dissatisfaction, and there was no other action.

Lu Li didn't want to confront this old fox now, everything was fine.

Besides, Sonosaki Saeko and Sonosaki Wakana were always his daughters. Even if Sonosaki Saeko hated the old fox for being unfair, he was still her father.

For the time being, Lu Li would not do anything to make the two sisters sad.

But if the old fox wanted to do something to him, Lu Li would not be polite either.

Shroud didn't know why Lu Li could easily see her thoughts even though she was wrapped so tightly. She just thought it was Lu Li's special ability.

After a brief silence, Shroud finally accepted this reality.

"...I know."

Reality is just that reality. Ming Hai Shouji is gone now, and the dual drive has lost its best user.

At this time, she needs to find another person who can fight against Sonosaki Ryubei, but... it's easier said than done.

Before, she had also found a guy, Inosaka Shinkoro, and gave him the silver advanced memory, Weather memory.

But unexpectedly, Inosaka Shinkoro betrayed her and killed a family because of it.

This incident made her deeply regretful.

But things have already happened, and she is powerless to change it.

At this time, there were bursts of violent explosions from the research institute on the island.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The eyes of the two were attracted by the explosion of the research institute.

Lu Li frowned slightly, thinking that W would escape, but he didn't expect that it would cause so many problems.

The research institute was still bombed.

"This meeting ends here. I don't know when the next meeting will be. Goodbye."

Before the voice fell, Lu Li relied on the power of the floating dragonfly to fly back.

And shroud was still thinking about why the research institute suddenly exploded.

Suddenly, she talked about what Lu Li said just now.

Since Ming Hai Shouji is gone, the only thing that can cause such a big explosion is probably... the dual drive she made.

"Could it be...?!"

She thought of a person, the little follower behind Ming Hai Shouji, a half-baked detective.

Did he... form a W with the newcomer?

Shroud, who came to this conclusion, was a little disappointed.

In Shroud's opinion, the most suitable candidate for Philip is Ming Hai Shouji, and as for Zuo Xiangtaro, he is not within her consideration at all.

But now things have become a foregone conclusion, and she is really powerless to change it.

Helplessly, she can only control the speedboat to leave the sea.

If she doesn't leave now, it will be troublesome if she is discovered by the museum people later.

She must now think about what to do next. The combination of Philip and Zuo Xiangtaro is not within her consideration at all.

As for Philip's safety, as long as Fang's memory is there, there should be no trouble.


At this moment, in the research institute with raging flames.

The research institute was severely damaged, and many equipments were destroyed in the flames, and many materials and data were also destroyed.

The forbidden doping body looked at this scene, and his heart was filled with anger.

"Go to hell!!"

He threw energy balls wildly in his hands to attack the half-black and half-white warrior.

At this time, Philip is in the dominant W Fang ace form, which has very strong combat effectiveness and now has a very fierce attack method.

He quickly dodged the attacks of these energy balls, took off the shoulder blade from his shoulder, and quickly killed a costumed dopant.

According to Philip's calculations, there is no benefit in continuing to fight, and it may even drag on longer.

There was also Lu Li who had terrifying fighting prowess. Even the Skull from before was still defeated.

For safety reasons, W immediately picked up Shotaro Zuo after killing several disguised hybrids.

Then he directly applied oil to the soles of his feet and ran outside quickly.

In the battle just now, Taboo Dope's shoulder was scratched by the sharp wrist blade.

Fortunately, now that he is in a doped body form, his body has a certain ability to heal itself.

Facing W who was trying to escape, not only the taboo dopant had nothing to do, but also the soldiers dressed as dopant, there was even less they could do.

I watched W slip away, but there was nothing I could do.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!"

There were bursts of explosions. It turned out that some equipment in the institute started to explode after encountering an open flame.

According to this trend, the research institute here cannot be saved at all.

The research institute cannot be saved, but all the researchers inside must be removed.

The Taboo Dopant does not want the scientists under him to die.

If the research institute is gone, it can be rebuilt, and if the data and data are gone, we can find a way to regenerate it.

If there are no people, it will be really difficult.

The prerequisite for protecting data equipment is to prioritize the safety of talents.

"Rescue people immediately! Rescue all the researchers. If there is one missing, I will question you!"


The costumed dopers did not dare to delay at all, and quickly rushed forward to look for the researchers.


Sonosaki Saeko roared in frustration.

Seeing the other party carrying out the most critical experiment, one can imagine the anger in her heart.

Without the existence of the test subject, the memory data will not be updated.

At the same time, new memory cannot be produced, which is the worst case scenario.

And this matter happened in her hands. She could already imagine how angry her father would be after learning about this matter.

Chapter 44 Angry Old Fox

If she could, she wouldn't even want to face Sonosaki Ryubei.

After experiencing the power of fear memory once, you will never want to experience it a second time.


At some point, Lu Li had arrived beside the forbidden dopant.

"Lu Li, but here..."

The Taboo Dopant also wanted to say that maybe something can be saved here.

It doesn't matter if the test subjects escape, but even the organization's research institute is going to be destroyed. The trouble is really big.

"Quickly leave! This place will collapse soon. Do you plan to stay here to be buried? Why don't you leave quickly!"

Lu Li grabbed her arm with a serious look on his face and used a little strength to drag the taboo adulterated body away.

Even though he hadn't transformed, Lu Li was still not an ordinary person, and of course he couldn't be seen from ordinary people's eyes.

He quickly flew out of the research institute with the forbidden dopant.

"Boom! Boom!"

There are still explosions happening below, and it can be vaguely seen, and the entire building of the institute seems to be pouring down.

It's obvious that it will collapse soon.

Lu Li and Taboo Dopant, who were parked in mid-air, could vaguely see a large number of staff outside the entrance of the research institute, who were taking measurements one after another.

"Do you think... this institute can still be saved?"

Lu Li's voice rang in her ears.

The taboo adulterants were also understood at this time.

Fortunately, she had listened to Lu Li's words just now, otherwise she might have been buried alive.

"It's over...the research institute was actually destroyed, and even the test subjects...were not taken away."

The voice was slightly unwilling and hollow.

She really doesn't know what to do now.

Seeing her devastated look, Lu Li comforted her.

"Since the research institute has been destroyed, just build a new one, and this place has been exposed. Do you think it is still suitable for use as a research institute?"

The research institute was originally very hidden on the island and would not be discovered at all.

Now that it has been discovered, we must consider choosing a new place as the research institute.

The taboo dopant nodded slightly and agreed with Lu Li's statement.

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