Metzl, who was originally looking around and looking at the interesting shops on the street, looked at Lu Li in surprise when she heard this.

When they were in the abandoned bar earlier, Lu Li directly dispersed Gamel, and she thought Lu Li definitely didn't like Gamel.

Because of this, she was not very willing to have Gamel follow her when she was with Lu Li.

Mainly because she was worried that Lu Li would be angry.

But Gamel insisted on following her, and Metzl was also very troubled. She had no choice but to let him follow.

When she just started shopping, she was still a little uneasy in her heart, worried that Lu Li would be angry because of this, but now it seems that she was overthinking.

Now, Lu Li actually let Gamel follow him.

Seeing Metzl looking at him with surprise, Lu Li smiled slightly.

"What? Are you surprised? Or do you think I hate Gamel? Not really.

It's a good thing that he listens to you so much. At least we have one more cadre, right?"

Coming back to his senses, Metzl smiled

Then he looked at Gamel, who was in a state of dismay, and waved to him gently.

"Gamel, come here."

Gamel, who was lowering his head, suddenly raised his head after hearing the familiar call.

Seeing that Metzl was waving at him, Gamel immediately followed him with a face full of surprise.


He wanted to talk to Metzl from the beginning, but he was afraid of Lu Li's powerful strength, so he could only follow behind timidly.

Metzl patted Gamel's head gently and smiled.

"Gamel, you are such a good boy. Now remember that you should not only listen to me, but also listen to Lu Li in the future. Do you understand?"

While speaking, Metzl also pointed at Lu Li beside him.

Hearing this, Gamel touched his head in confusion, and looked at Lu Li carefully, and found that Lu Li's eyes didn't seem so scary.

Although he didn't understand why he had to listen to Lu Li, this matter was ordered by Metzl, so he had to listen.

Patting his chest hard, Gamel hurriedly agreed.

"No problem! Metzl, I will listen to him in the future."

With a faint smile on his face, Metzl patted Gamel's head very gently.

"What a good boy."


With an embarrassed smile on his face, Gamel liked it best when Metzl praised him.

A greedy person, so simple, really no one else.

Whether it was Kazali or Wufan, both of them had some of their own little thoughts, and their ideas would always be different from Metzl's.

Only Gamel was the most simple and obedient, which was why Lu Li was willing to keep him.

But whether it is Kazali or Wufan, for Lu Li, they are dispensable.

A week has passed in a blink of an eye.

Since everything has been laid out, Lu Li does not need to worry at all.

So he started to busy himself.

Researching how to break through the critical value of fusion of undead creatures is the top priority for him to continue to become stronger, so Lu Li is of course very concerned.

During this week, Lu Li stayed in Fengdu's research room almost all the time.

After studying and testing himself, Lu Li finally chose one of the two methods he had thought of before.

The first method is to use his own internal power to promote fusion slowly and bit by bit.

The whole process is very slow, and it is still unknown how long it will take to achieve the effect.

Another method is to break through the critical value of fusion through the powerful external energy.

Once successful, the effect is very significant, but there is a certain degree of uncertainty.

And there is also a problem, that is, where to find such a huge energy.

To help Lu Li break through his own critical value of fusion, the flow required here is very huge, and it is not something that any energy can do.

After testing multiple plans, Lu Li found a method with the highest probability of success, of course, it also has certain risks.

This method is to use the power of the earth's memory to help yourself break through the critical value.

Now the question is, if you want to use the power of the earth's memory to help yourself break through, you must first enter the earth's memory.

The first thing that comes to mind is naturally the Earth Well.

Once you enter the well, the powerful force will surge out crazily, and Lu Li is not sure that he can protect himself 100%.

Then you can only choose other ways.

But Lu Li suddenly remembered something, that is, the huge flame knight that appeared in the theater version.

The alien knight with flames wrapped all over his body, which is composed of the fusion of memory memory and the three core coins of scorpion, crab and shrimp.

Kamen Rider Core.

Remember that guy used the power of memory memory to crystallize the Earth Memory Fountain.

Let yourself connect with the Earth Memory Fountain, and you can draw endless energy from the Earth Memory Fountain.

The Earth Memory Fountain should be similar to the Earth Well.

However, according to Lu Li's analysis, the crystallized Earth Memory Spring is more stable, and it is relatively easier to draw energy from it.

As long as Lu Li can successfully guide the energy of the Earth Memory Spring into his body, it should help his body speed up the integration of the undead.

This method is much less dangerous, and Lu Li doesn't have to worry about any problems with his body.

I just don't know whether the plan of Hong Shang Guangsheng has started.

Resurrect the guy who was once extremely ambitious, Oda Nobunaga.

I don't know what Hong Shang Guangsheng is thinking about every day, sometimes thinking about resurrecting this, sometimes thinking about resurrecting that.

Anyway, there are a lot of problems in the end.

But this time, Lu Li really needs Hong Shang Guangsheng's ambition.

During this week, Lu Li not only studied the problem of breaking through his own critical value.

Another thing has also been initially feasible.

This thing is memory fusion.

Before, Lu Li had already started to prepare and consider this matter.

But before, Lu Li had never found a breakthrough method and could not merge the power of the two memories.

Since replicating everything about Kara, Lu Li's way of thinking has changed so much.

It is not without reason that Kara can become the most outstanding alchemist eight hundred years ago.

Lu Li, who perfectly inherited all of Kara's wisdom, and with the help of Philip's intelligence and the Earth Library, finally achieved the initial fusion of memory power.

Of course, in such a short time, Lu Li needed to take care of two things, so he did not conduct too in-depth research.

This is just the initial fusion of memory power.

To further complete the fusion of memory power until perfect fusion, it will take time.

Before that, you can try it first and conduct experiments.

After obtaining the relevant data of the experiment, it will be more conducive to the next research.

As for this matter, Lu Li naturally handed it over to Sonosaki Saeko.

As the president of the company, Sonosaki Saeko knows the most about memory, so it's right to hand it over to her.

After a whole week of delay, Lu Li is ready to go back to the city where Oz is to see how things are developing now.

Because he has been able to skillfully use the ability of space conversion, Lu Li can easily switch from his own laboratory to the base where Metzl is.

Lu Li can already do the use of space power with ease.

But the use of time power, even for Kara at that time, was very limited.

It could only stop time, and it couldn't even accelerate its own time.

Time stop can stop the time of a surrounding space, and the larger the range, the more energy it consumes.

However, under Lu Li's development, he mastered the ability to accelerate his own time.

Time acceleration is to speed up the flow of one's own time, stagger the flow of one's own time with the flow of time of the outside world, so as to achieve a better speed.

This is a bit like Kabuto's Clock.up.

Increasing the flow of one's own time allows oneself to move quickly, while the flow of time in the real world is slow, so it naturally moves slowly.

But unlike Kabuto's Clock.up, Lu Li can use his own time acceleration ability even without transforming.


With a light snap of his fingers, Lu Li's position changed instantly.


At this time, in another city, the base where Metzl was.

Because Lu Li had previously complained that the abandoned bar base was too lame, Metzl later changed to a new base.

This base is a villa, which is a distance away from the city center. As long as it is not in the downtown area, it is not easy to find any problems.

In the center of the villa's hall, the space suddenly blurred, as if something was about to appear.

The next second, Lu Li appeared in the hall.

Gamel, who could only sit on the stairs in the hall to eat, was shocked when he saw Lu Li suddenly appear in the center of the hall.


The snacks in his hand accidentally fell to the ground.

"Lu... Lu Li Boss?!"

Obviously, Gamel did not expect that Lu Li would suddenly appear in the hall.

As for why Lu Li was called the boss, this was of course Metzler's request.

"Gamel, why didn't you see Metzler and Wufan?"

When he moved to this base before, Wufan also came with him.

Among the greedy people, Wufan was not so smart and was also a reckless guy.

He knew very well that once he left Metzler, he would probably have to face Oz alone in the subsequent actions.

It would be very difficult for him to defeat Oz with his own strength.

Therefore, Wufan would follow Metzl no matter what, and would not leave Metzl for the time being before he became a complete body.

There is strength in numbers, and he knew this in his heart.

Coming back to his senses, Gamel glanced at the snacks on the ground, and a trace of regret flashed across his face.

Touching his head, Gamel answered Lu Li's question honestly.

"Boss Lu Li, Metzl went out to find a suitable host, Wufan, I don't know where he went."

Lu Li nodded thoughtfully, but he was not surprised.

However, Wufan would never go out if he had nothing to do.

I'm afraid this guy has some crooked ideas again, although his crooked ideas will not have any good results.

He casually took out the perception memory he made this time, which Lu Li made for Gamel.

"Gamel, this thing is for you."

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