"Welcome! May I ask what the guest needs..."

But before she finished, she had already seen who the person who walked in was.

"Lu Li?!"

She thought it was another guest, but it was actually Lu Li, which was really beyond her expectations.

Seeing her surprised expression, Lu Li smiled and teased.

"What? Look at you, don't you want to see me?"

Hearing this, Quan Binai's expression was a little complicated, and then she shook her head vigorously.

"No! What do you want to eat?"

Noticed Quan Binai's complicated expression, but Lu Li saw through it but didn't say it, but pointed to the hall.

"Of course it's the theme of your restaurant. What is the theme today?"

"Today is... a cowboy-themed ring set meal."

"Okay! Then give me one."

After saying that, Lu Li walked towards the table next to him.

Looking at Lu Li's tall back, Quan Binai wanted to say something, but for a moment she hesitated.

But she sighed and then walked towards the kitchen.

At this time, Eiji Hino was busy in the kitchen. It was still early and he was still preparing ingredients.

When it was noon, he would be busy and would not have time to prepare ingredients.

"Sister Chiyoko, I want a dish for today's theme!"

"Okay! Wait a minute, I'll be there soon!"

After responding, Chiyoko Shiraishi, who was wearing a denim outfit, began to prepare immediately.

At this time, Izumi Hina glanced at Eiji Hino who was working seriously and left the kitchen carefully.

Then, she ran to Lu Li quickly and sat down on the chair opposite Lu Li.

Seeing her sit down, Lu Li asked curiously.

"What? Don't you need help?"

Shaking her head slightly, Izumi Hina looked at the attic with a nervous look.

After finding that there was no one, she turned her eyes back to Lu Li.

"Lu Li, I... I want to ask you something."

Seeing him so sneaky, Lu Li could guess that she was probably guarding against Anku.

As for why she was guarding against Anku, it was probably because she didn't want him to meet her.

From this point of view, this girl should know something.

"Ask if you have anything, but I can't guarantee that I will answer your questions." Lu Li said casually.

Izumi Hina nodded and asked again impatiently.

"Lu Li, I want to know if you and other greedy people have a cooperative relationship?"

After saying that, she looked at Lu Li nervously.

Before, she could notice the special attitude of Hino Eiji and Anku towards Lu Li, so she asked Hino Eiji afterwards and found out something.

She knew that Lu Li helped other greedy people, and it seemed that he had a cooperative relationship with other greedy people.

In Izumi Hina's opinion, even the current Anku is not very reliable.

And Lu Li cooperated with other more powerful greedy people, isn't this courting death?

What if he encountered danger?

Lu Li didn't think it was strange that both parties would ask such questions.

Nodding slightly, Lu Li answered without thinking.

"I guess so, but not entirely."

After receiving Lu Li's somewhat ambiguous answer, Quan Binai frowned for a moment.

She knew very well that the Greedy One was a very dangerous guy.

Every time a Devouring Monster was created, it could cause a lot of trouble and even cause casualties.

Lu Li was actually working with such a dangerous guy, so wouldn't he be very dangerous too?

Quan Binai clenched her jade hands on her legs slightly, and looked at Lu Li nervously.

"Lu Li, why don't you quickly separate from the Greedy One.

They are all very dangerous guys. Although I don't know what your purpose is, I'm worried that you will be in danger if you cooperate with them."

Noticing the girl's nervous expression, Lu Li couldn't help but smile.

It's probably Anku who told Quan Binai some of his situation, otherwise the girl wouldn't worry about her own safety.

Lu Li smiled as he rubbed Quan Binai's head with his hand.

"What? Are you concerned about me?"

When Izumi Hina heard this, her face turned red, and then she realized that Lu Li had changed the subject.

She looked fierce and glared at Lu Li with her beautiful eyes.

"Don't joke with me! I'm serious about what I'm saying now!"

Seeing her eyebrows raised, Lu Li smiled and shook his head.

This girl didn't know the true relationship between her and the greedy man at all. She came to persuade him to stay away from the greedy man, which was thoughtful.

Before Lu Li could say anything, someone suddenly exclaimed beside him.

"Lu Li?!"

The next second, a figure quickly appeared on the table.

The person who came was naturally Hino Eiji who had just helped in the kitchen.

He was going to ask Izumi Hina to help prepare the meal, but he didn't expect to see Lu Li and Izumi Hina together when he came out.

This was not a good thing. He knew very well in his heart that Lu Li was an extremely dangerous guy.

Although Izumi Hina was a weird girl, she was still just an ordinary person who was a little special.

No matter what, Hino Eiji couldn't just watch Izumi Hina get into trouble.

So he ran over and looked at Lu Li with a vigilant look on his face.

Before, when he mentioned Lu Li to Izumi Hina, Hino Eiji didn't tell Izumi Hina everything.

After all, she said that Lu Li was her friend.

The kind-hearted Eiji Hino couldn't possibly say that her friend was a bad person in front of Izumi Hina.

Even though Lu Li didn't seem to do anything to hurt others, his cooperation with the Greedy Man was enough to show that he was not a good person.

Izumi Hina had already prepared to listen to Lu Li's reply, but she didn't expect to be interrupted suddenly.

Noticing that Lu Li was just smiling and drinking water there, and had no intention of talking, Izumi Hina thought that Eiji Hino had interrupted their important conversation.

She knew that Eiji Hino was worried about her safety, so she was not angry with him, but she was a little depressed.

"Lu Li! Then what is your purpose in coming here? What do you want to do?"

With a vigilant look on his face, Eiji Hino stared at Lu Li, with a strong sense of vigilance in his eyes.

He knew very well how strong the guy in front of him was, and he might find it difficult to deal with him.

In the attic, Anku was eating popsicles again.

When he was halfway through eating, he suddenly heard a loud shout from outside.

It vaguely seemed to be Lu Li's name.

When he heard this name, Anku instantly became alert.

He ate the popsicle in his hand in one bite, jumped off the chair, and walked out of the attic quickly.

When he came to the hall of the restaurant, he saw the situation at the first time.

When he noticed Lu Li, Anku's pupils shrank suddenly.

He just thought he had heard it wrong, but he didn't expect it.

It was really Lu Li!

"Lu Li, why did you suddenly come here, what do you want to do?

Are you here to steal the core coins from us again?!"

Anku looked alert and didn't dare to relax at all.

After all, the core coins had been stolen once, and there were not many forms that Oz could use now.

If some core coins were stolen again, it would be really finished.

He would never allow Lu Li to continue to rob the existing core coins.

He just came here to eat a meal, why did he suddenly become so angry?

Sensing the tense atmosphere, Izumi Hina immediately stood in the middle to act as a peacemaker.

"Eiji, Anku, don't get me wrong, Lu Li just came to eat with us..."

She didn't want the two sides to fight, otherwise... let alone whether the restaurant would be closed down, what if someone on both sides got hurt?

"Eat? Are you stupid? You actually believe such a reason?!"

Anku looked at Izumi Hina with an idiotic look, he didn't believe that Lu Li would honestly come here to eat.

Absolutely impossible!

And Hino Eiji still didn't believe it in his heart, but seeing that Lu Li didn't seem to have any other actions, his vigilance was slightly lower.

"Hey! Anku! I'm not stupid, I can tell for myself!

Lu Li and I are friends, what's wrong with him coming here to eat?"

Facing her rebuttal, Anku widened his eyes in surprise and opened his mouth, really not knowing what to say.

This girl... why is she so stupid?

I have already told him that Lu Li is not a good person, and it is best not to have too much contact with him.

How long have we been talking, now she has already done everything to us.

Izumi Hina wanted to explain something, but Lu Li suddenly raised his hand to interrupt what Izumi Hina wanted to say next.

"Okay, I came here to eat, and I have no other thoughts.

Otherwise, can the power of you two stop me?"

There is a lot to say, and there is nothing wrong with what he said. If Lu Li really had any action, it would be impossible for him not to do it until now.

Maybe, it's just overthinking, and there is no other purpose.

Although he was a little unhappy, Anku thought about it and it seemed to be true.

If Lu Li really wanted to attack them, he and Oz's current power would not be able to stop him at all.

So... this guy really just came here to eat breakfast.

For a moment, Hino Eiji suddenly fell silent.

It seemed to be true at this moment. Although he felt a little despised, it at least proved that the other party should have no ill intentions.

Since there was no ill intention, there should be no problem. It is possible that he really just came to eat.

Hino Eiji, who was originally alert, immediately relaxed some of his vigilance. Of course, he could not face Lu Li without any guard.

When he was in Fengdu before, he had already experienced Lu Li's terrifying and powerful strength.

In this case, if he really fought with him, he was afraid that the restaurant where he worked part-time would be destroyed.

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