
After finishing the meal, Lu Li casually put the money on the table and left.

The food in the multinational restaurant cannot be said to be 100% delicious, but you can eat food from various countries here.

It is not bad, Lu Li likes it here.

Watching Lu Li leave, Hino Eiji and Anku both breathed a sigh of relief.

They were really worried that if Lu Li chose to attack here, they would not be able to resist.

If they could resist, it would be fine, but if they couldn't, it would be a big trouble.

"Humph! That guy just walked too fast, otherwise I must let him see how powerful I am!"

Anku raised his greedy arm, looking very powerful.

He didn't dare to say this just now, and he dared to say it now that Lu Li left.

As for why he didn't dare to say it in front of Lu Li, what else could it be? Of course, it was because of fear.

Having seen Lu Li's incomparable strength before, Oz's current combat power is simply not comparable.

"Anku, stop talking after the fact. You didn't say anything when the people were here.

Now that they've left, what's the point of saying these things?"

Looking at Anku with a little contempt, Hino Eiji complained mercilessly.

"Eiji! Are you so itchy that you dare to destroy my stage?!"

Anku exploded on the spot when he heard the complaint.

Rolling up his sleeves and preparing to take action, Anku said that he would teach Hino Eiji a lesson and let him know who is the boss.

At this time, Izumi Hina suddenly came out of the kitchen.

But when she came out, she saw that the food on the table had been eaten and the people had left.

Izumi Hina was like a deflated ball.

I finally mustered up the courage to come out, but I didn't expect that Lu Li would just leave.

Who can I go to for justice?

Izumi Hina, who was in a bad mood, glared at Hino Eiji and Anku with a fierce face.

"Why did he leave?"

Hearing this, Eiji Hino and Anku looked at each other and shook their heads in unison.

Both of them said nothing, as if they had already discussed it.

"Hmph! Clean up quickly, the guests will be here soon!"

With a snort, Izumi Hina returned to the kitchen unhappily.

Anku breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Izumi Hina didn't vent her anger on him.

He quickly left Eiji Hino and went back to the attic alone.

He had no interest in cleaning up the mess, so he just left it to Eiji Hino.

"Hey! Anku!"

No matter how Eiji Hino called, Anku didn't make any movement at all, so he had to clean up alone.

"Anku, this guy! He knows how to be lazy all day, and at this time he actually wants to throw everything to me alone, it's too much."


After leaving the multinational restaurant, Lu Li took out his mobile phone and dialed.

"Hey! Is there anything going on recently? Are there any signs of defection?"

Yes, the person who called Lu Li was none other than Kazali.

That guy had been taught a lesson before, and he knew that his core coin was in Lu Li's hands, so of course he could only be manipulated by Lu Li.


If he disobeyed, he would need to consider his fate. After all, the core coin was not absolutely safe, nor was it absolutely indestructible.

He dared not disobey Lu Li.

So, Kazali became Lu Li's spy inexplicably.

Although he needed to be controlled by the core coin, as long as the core coin was in Lu Li's hands, Kazali could not disobey even if he wanted to.

Kazali on the other end of the phone sighed slightly in his heart.

If it weren't for the fact that his core coin was in Lu Li's hands, he would not be so humble as he is now.

He is a dignified greedy person, and he should be a very powerful existence.

"No, but today he did a new experiment in the institute. I heard that it seems to be using cell coins to make artificial bodies, and then injecting the flexibility of desire.

A while ago, that guy has been resurrected and has fled the institute. I don't know where he is now."

Kazali reported everything in detail, and explained everything clearly.

After hearing his report, Lu Li suddenly thought of what the plot was.

Oda Nobunaga!

Originally, Lu Li thought that it was just something that happened in a parallel world, but he didn't expect it to be different from what he thought.

Oda Nobunaga was resurrected, and his artificial body made of cell coins was resurrected, and his combat power became stronger.

And as time goes by, he will learn more and more about the human world, and finally master a lot of knowledge, and even acquire a lot of shares in the Hongshang Foundation.

The means are not weak.

It's a pity that the experiment is always an experiment.

What Lu Li is really interested in is not Oda Nobunaga, but the three core coins made by Maki Kiyoto.

I didn't expect that even in modern times, there are still people who can make core coins. It's really unexpected.

Maki Kiyoto is a very smart guy.

Unfortunately, he yearns for death and the end in his heart, trying to drag the whole world into the end.

These three coins don't mean much to Lu Li.

But he still remembered that after the three core coins were fused with Fengdu's memory, they turned into a huge fire monster, Kamen Rider Core.

It is precisely because of the existence of this guy that we can successfully find the crystallized fountain of earth's memory.

Lu Li was interested in that thing.

It can be used to help you complete what you need to further integrate undead creatures. If you want to break through the current critical value, you can rely on that thing.

Nodding, Lu Li already had his next plan.

"Okay, you did a good job. It's nothing. I won't come looking for you, but you have to remember, don't forget the agreement between us."

After speaking, Lu Li hung up the phone without hesitation.

During the next period of time, Lu Li's energy will be mainly focused on Oda Nobunaga.

This guy had to grow up first, and then Maki Kiyoshi would give him the three core coins and become a complete body.

Lu Li didn't need to do anything now, all he had to do was wait patiently.

Hongshang Institute of Biology.

Looking at the phone that had been hung up, Kazali punched the wall beside him.


He looks like a spirited yellow-haired young man, but he is not a human being, but a greedy person.

After this punch, cracks and a dented punch mark suddenly appeared on the wall next to him.

Kazali's face was gloomy.

No matter what, he didn't want to become a doll in Lu Li's hands, a lackey that could be easily summoned and then gone.

I am a greedy cat type, not a dog type! !

But he couldn't resist Lu Li.

The opponent had grasped his Achilles' heel, the core coin.

If you don't do what the other party says, the possibility of getting back the core coins is almost zero.

"Damn it! Lu Li! He threatens me again and again!

When I get the core coin back and become a complete body, I will definitely seek revenge from you! "

Kazali's eyes were full of danger, and he had deeply remembered this hatred in his heart.

This matter will never be let go so easily. He will definitely make Lu Li regret threatening him like this.

Even greedy people also have their own character.

Kazali belongs to the type who is bound to retaliate, capricious, but flexible and flexible.

Once he gains power, he will repay all grudges, or even double them.

It's a pity that the time is not ripe now, otherwise, Kazali would have been unable to hold back and take action.

Recalling that he had been beaten so badly before and was unable to fight back, Kazali felt very uncomfortable.

It was important to transform back into a perfect body, but Kazali felt that even if he did transform into a perfect body, it was hard to say whether he would be Lu Li's opponent.

If he is not his opponent, then he is not...

Thinking of this, Kazali's mood suddenly became heavier.

I can't just be satisfied with my perfect body, I have to find ways to become stronger!


At this time, the office door suddenly opened and Maki Kiyoshi walked in from the outside.

Seeing the cracks in Kazali and the wall next to him, he frowned unconsciously.

Turning to look at the doll on his arm, Maki Kiyoshi said coldly.

"Kazali, don't cause trouble here. You don't want our plans to be exposed, right?"

Hearing this, Kazali calmed down his gloomy expression and smiled easily.

"Of course, I just saw an annoying mosquito and accidentally broke the wall. I didn't control my strength. I'm really sorry."

The speed of making up lies is top-notch, but this lie is really not very good.

Recalling that Kiyoto Maki had conducted very in-depth research on cell coins and core coins, Kazali's eyes suddenly froze.

If you ask this guy to help you become stronger, it doesn't seem impossible.

"Maki, I want to know... can I become stronger after I become a complete body?

In other words, even if I don't become a complete body, it can help me become stronger.

I am no longer satisfied with the current situation, I hope... to achieve a new evolution! "

Looking at Kazali with a strange expression, Maki Kiyoto did not expect that Kazali would take the initiative to bring up this matter.

He had considered this issue before, but the time was not ripe before, so he did not mention it.

Unexpectedly, Kazali actually proposed it at this time.

Just right!

and your own thoughts!

Turning his attention back to the doll, Maki Kiyoshi slowly spoke.

"¨¨It's not that there are no other methods. All the power of you greedy people comes from the core coins.

According to my research, you greedy people should be able to absorb other different core coins, which can also provide you with power.

Even if it doesn't allow you to reach perfection, it should still make you stronger.

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