But she hid it very deeply and didn't show it on her face.

Seeing the smiling face of Sonozaki Saeko, Sonozaki Wakana felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

This sister often didn't get along with her. Now that something like this happened, how could she not ridicule her.

"Sister, I heard that our research institute was destroyed. What do you think happened?

And even the very important test subjects were let go. Who should bear the consequences?"

Staring straight at Sonozaki Saeko, Sonozaki Wakana brought up the matter again.

She didn't know the specific details of what happened during the day, nor did she know that Sonozaki Ryubei had stopped pursuing the matter.

Hearing this, Sonozaki Saeko smiled coldly.

She naturally knew that her sister didn't get along with her, and now she just wanted to make trouble.

"Wakana, when did you ask about the family affairs? My affairs... do you need to take care of them?!"

At the end, her voice became cold.

She is not a person who will suffer losses.

In confronting her sister, she never gave in, let alone compromised.

Why did she have to work so hard for her father, why did she have to be blamed every time!

And her sister Wakana could do her own thing with peace of mind, regardless of the family business.

To put it bluntly, her father was too partial and doted on Sonosaki Wakana too much.

But what Sonosaki Saeko didn't know was that the reason why Sonosaki Ryubei doted on Sonosaki Wakana so much was because he needed Sonosaki Wakana to carry out his final plan.

For Sonosaki Ryubei, their family was the chosen family, and Sonosaki Wakana was the one chosen by the family.

The shrine maiden of God!

Before reaching that step, he was willing to give Sonosaki Wakana as much freedom as possible, which was also a kind of compensation.

Facing the counterattack of Sonozaki Saeko, the younger sister Sonozaki Wakana immediately stood up, put her hands on the table, and glared at Sonozaki Saeko fiercely.


When the two sisters are together, no one has ever given each other a good face.

It's true that enemies will always meet.

Lu Li, who was sitting next to Sonozaki Saeko, also felt a headache.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of ———— Niezhang Chengfo!

I feel very uncomfortable today. I have a headache all day. I am drowsy and uncomfortable after taking medicine. I won't add more tonight. I will come tomorrow. Sorry! .

Chapter 49 It's not a dream, but a cruel reality!

At this time, Sonozaki Ryubei, the head of the family, finally spoke.

"Enough, this... is not a place for quarreling, let's eat quietly.

Wakana, this matter ends here, your sister will make up for her mistakes."

There was a hint of dissatisfaction in her tone.

Since her father has said so, Sonosaki Wakana, as a good girl, will naturally not go against her father's words.

She sat back in her seat peacefully, but her eyes were always fixed on Sonosaki Saeko.

She was confused in her heart, why her father did not punish her sister this time.

Could it be... because of Lu Li?

Thinking of this, she focused her eyes on Lu Li again

Then, there was a quiet dinner.

After the dinner, Lu Li was about to return to his room as usual.

But before he walked in, he suddenly felt someone staring at him from behind.

Lu Li could tell who it was without looking back.

Sonosaki Saeko!

She was staring at Lu Li in a trance, not knowing what she was thinking.

Seeing Sonosaki Saeko standing in front of the door next to her, Lu Li asked with a smile.

"What? Is there anything you want to tell me?"

Hearing this, Sonosaki Saeko came back to her senses and shook her head quickly.

"No, I... I just want to say thank you."

The elder sister who had just confronted Sonosaki Wakana with a fierce and aggressive attitude, with her head slightly lowered, is now completely gone.

Lu Li turned and came to Sonosaki Saeko, pretending to be puzzled.

"Didn't I say thank you during the day? How come... you forgot?"

With her eyebrows raised, Sonosaki Saeko raised her head and stared at Lu Li.


For some reason, when she saw Lu Li's dark and deep eyes, she was about to get angry, but suddenly calmed down.

At this time, Lu Li suddenly reached out and gently stroked her smooth and tender cheek.

The sudden action scared Sonosaki Saeko, but she did not make any resistance.

In the past, Sonosaki Saeko was like a hedgehog with thorns all over her body, and would show her thorns in response to any threat.

But since what happened today, she has been wary of Lu Li to the lowest level.

She admired strong people very much, and Lu Li was able to confront his father head-on, which showed how strong he was.

Not only did he help her during the day, but he also had strong strength. For a series of reasons, Sonosaki Saeko felt safe around Lu Li.

She unconsciously let down all her defenses.

The two of them were silent for a while, Lu Li let go of her hand, and Sonosaki Saeko suddenly came back to her senses.

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, take a rest quickly. You still need to rebuild the institute."

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Li turned around and returned to his room.

As for Sonosaki Saeko, she stood there in a daze, gently stroking the cheek that Lu Li had just touched.

For some reason, she always felt a sense of pleasure in her heart.

The slight dissatisfaction from the quarrel with her sister Wakana just now also disappeared.

With a happy mood, Sonozaki Saeko returned to her room.

On the other side.

In the Minghai Detective Agency.

Shotaro Sae suddenly woke up, and when he opened his eyes, he found that it was the familiar ceiling.

A hint of doubt flashed in his eyes, and he said to himself.

"Am I dreaming just now? Everything is a dream! Uncle... is not dead?!"

Thinking of this, Shotaro Sae immediately turned over and sat up, shouting loudly.

"Uncle! Uncle, where are you? Uncle! Come out! Uncle..."

Just as he called, a person came out of the underground base door.

When he saw this person, Shotaro Sae, who was shouting, was struck by lightning and froze on the spot.

The person who came out of the underground base door was Sonozaki Lairen, of course, he should be called Philip now.

It turns out... all this is not a dream!

When he saw the other person, Shotaro Zuo had already reacted.

Everything was not a dream, it really happened!

In other words, the uncle... is really dead!

In a trance, Shotaro Zuo sat down on a chair.


Recalling everything that happened, Shotaro Zuo was full of regret and hugged his head helplessly.

At this time, he suddenly felt a hat on his head.

He quickly took off the hat, which was the white gentleman's hat left by Ming Hai Shouji.

There was also a cut left by the battle on it.


Having lost a person who was crucial to his life, the pain in his heart could no longer be endured, and Shotaro Zuo cried bitterly to the sky.

He hugged the white gentleman's hat in his hand tightly, as if it was Ming Hai Shouji.

It is conceivable how big the blow is to make a grown man cry like this.

Philip, who was standing aside, looked at Shotaro Zuo crying bitterly, not knowing how to comfort him.

He had not learned how to comfort others. Looking at Shotaro Zuo who was crying, he didn't know what to say for a while.

After a while, the crying finally subsided.

Philip couldn't understand the pain of losing important people. He didn't have important people for the time being.

However, he still remembered what Ming Hai Shouji said before he died.

He... should make a decision.

He didn't want to be locked up in that dark prison anymore, and he didn't want to be imprisoned in that place anymore.

He wanted to live outside and see and understand more of the world.

Philip asked, walking slowly in front of Shotaro Zuo.

"Shotaro, from now on... we are partners. Ming Hai Shouji wants to protect this city. Do you... have such awareness?"

He and Shotaro Zuo transformed together and became two-in-one warriors. The two of them were naturally partners.

Hearing the voice, Shotaro Zuo raised his head slightly and stared straight at Philip.

Seeing that the other's eyes were so pure, as if there was no stain, Shotaro Zuo nodded subconsciously.

He couldn't be decadent. The uncle wanted to protect the city, so he naturally did the same.

This city was where he grew up, so how could he watch these things happen.

"The organization has been active behind the scenes of this city. Only by cooperating can we defeat the conspiracy of the organization. Are you willing to work with the devil?"

After the voice fell, Philip stretched out his hand to Zuo Xiangtaro.

He asked this question again.

Before, Zuo Xiangtaro might have been forced by the situation at the time, so he chose to temporarily cooperate with him to transform.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of AA-Honghui Hotel Supplies!

I finally don't have a headache today. It was really painful yesterday.

Chapter 50 Partner, Hero of Fudo

But now it's different. Zuo Xiangtaro has plenty of time to think.

Should he cooperate with himself and become a partner who can trust each other?

Facing the question raised by Philip at this time, Zuo Xiangtaro fell into deep thought.

He knew that the uncle had been committed to fighting against the mysterious organization during his lifetime in order to protect the safety of the city.

He also hopes to protect this city, and hopes that the wind in the Wind City will always be so beautiful.

Now, the uncle is gone, and no one can stop the evil force from eroding the city.

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