Thinking of this, Kazali shook his head without hesitation.

"Forget it, Metzl, just tell me your phone number, and I'll contact you later."

Seeing his reaction, Metzl felt quite strange.

Judging from his appearance, a lot of things must have happened, but he himself was unwilling to say it, so Metzl naturally had no interest in delving into it.

"It's up to you. My phone number is *****. If I'm free, you can call me."

As soon as the voice fell, Metzl waved his hand casually and turned away.

After Metzl left the alley, Kazali's forced smile disappeared in an instant, and his face was gloomy.


After turning into his original body, he suddenly punched the wall next to him, splashing bursts of gravel.

"Why at this time of 1.3?!"

At this moment, he was in a very bad mood. Lu Li didn't disappear earlier or later, but disappeared at this critical node.

You know, these purple core coins are a hot potato in his hands, and they are very hot in his hands.

Moreover, more than a week has passed, and Maki Kiyoto must have completely integrated the power of the purple core coin.

If nothing unexpected happens, Maki Kiyoto must be looking for him everywhere now. He is still quite afraid of the power of the purple core coin.

After all, this is a set of unknown core lands, and the power is still unclear.

But it is not a good thing to have an enemy who is targeting you for no reason.

But as long as you can turn back to your complete form, everything will be fine.

Kazali can use the purple core coins to exchange the two core coins in Lu Li's hand.

And Anku still has his own two core coins in his hand, but Kazali still doesn't know how to get them back.

It is not a simple matter to get back the core coins that belong to you completely.

Now, he can only hope that Lu Li can come back early and return his two core coins to him.

With seven purple core coins in his hand, Kazali naturally thought about integrating them into his body at the beginning, but considering that he already had three less, if there were any less, I am afraid Lu Li would not give up.

There is no need to offend Lu Li for this core coin that does not belong to him. The final result may be more harm than good.

Under the night, Fengdu.

In the research room where Lu Li is conducting memory research.

After more than a week, Lu Li finally completed the fusion of these memories that need to be fused.

To be precise, some memories have been fused before, and the most complicated one is the memory that Lu Li will use.

The fusion of fear and utopia.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of Level 3 Big Gale! .

Chapter 251 New Gaia Driver! Taboo Diamond and Queen Sabertooth Tiger!

As the top golden memory, the power of fear and utopia is very strong, and it is not an easy task to fuse them.

The fusion progress of the two is the slowest among other fusion memories.

But fortunately, it was finally completed today.

A dark golden memory similar to the pure memory was held in Lu Li's hand.

All fusion memories look similar to the pure memory, which is completely different from the previous Gaia memory.

On the pure golden memory, the logo on the pattern is divided into two parts, one is T, which symbolizes fear, and the other is U, which symbolizes utopia.

The middle partition is a sign similar to lightning.

Just by looking at it, you can feel the surging power inside.

In order to be able to create a fusion memory, Lu Li took great pains.

The power of the memory comes from the earth data, and the memory itself is just a carrier of the earth data, used to hold the earth data.

The capacity of the previous memory is much lower than that of the fusion memory made now. In order to expand the capacity of the fusion memory, Lu Li spent a lot of effort.

But fortunately, it was finally successfully made.

If it weren't for the expansion of the memory capacity, Lu Li would not be able to create a fusion memory.

It's just that if you want to expand it more comprehensively, I'm afraid the difficulty will increase exponentially.

For the time being, Lu Li will not continue to study the memory. At present, the power of fusing two memories is already the limit.

Looking at the memory lying quietly in his hand, Lu Li has a faint smile on his face.

In the past week, Lu Li not only modified the fusion memory, but also upgraded the Gaia drive used by Sono Saeko and the others.

The Gaia drive is only applicable to the original Gaia memory. Now the power of the fusion memory is stronger, and the Gaia drive may not be able to exert its full power.

For this reason, Lu Li must upgrade the Gaia drive.

After the upgrade, the Gaia drive looks much more gorgeous and more durable than before.

It is a bit similar to the Gaia drive rex, but it looks lighter.

After the modified Gaia drive, after testing, it can almost perfectly adapt to the power of the fusion body.

There is no need to worry about the use of too much power, which will cause the drive itself to overload.

Lu Li is quite satisfied with the results of more than a week.

Noticing that it was dark outside, Sono Saeko and the others should be at home now.

22 "Click!"

With a snap of his fingers, Lu Li's figure instantly disappeared from the spot.

At the same time, at the Sonosaki family.

Sonosaki Saeko and others were sitting at a long dining table as usual, enjoying dinner.

It had been more than a week since Lu Li left the laboratory, so it was impossible for him to come back.

Sonosaki Wakana ate the delicious food on the plate, but she had no appetite at all.

"Lu Li is really something, why hasn't he come back yet?"

The younger sister's whisper naturally did not escape Sonosaki Saeko's keen hearing.

With the in-depth use of the power of memory, her physical fitness has become much stronger than that of ordinary people.

Comprehensive improvement has been made in hearing, vision and other aspects.

Of course, the memory that can cause such changes are all advanced memories, and this change will only occur after mastering the power of advanced memories.

Like ordinary sales products, no matter how well you master them, it is very difficult to achieve the effect of enhancing physical fitness.

Gently wiping her red lips, Sonosaki Saeko smiled.

"Wakana, Lu Li is busy with our affairs, and this is also for the sake of making our museum stronger, right?"

She certainly hopes that Lu Li can come back soon.

But Lu Li, the head of the family, is not here, so as the eldest sister, she must take on the responsibility of the head of the family.

As the head of the family, no matter what the situation is, you must remain calm and not panic.

If the head of the family is not calm, how can others remain calm?

"Sister, I know Lu Li is doing this for our good, but I feel empty in my heart after not seeing him for so long."

After more than a week without seeing Lu Li, Sonosaki Wakana even felt that she had lost her motivation to work.

She seemed to be in a daze all day, and she would always be absent-minded and think about other things when she was working.

Seeing Wakana's thoughtful look, Sonosaki Saeko couldn't help but laugh.

The changes in Wakana during this period of time naturally did not escape her eyes.

Once upon a time, her situation was similar to Wakana now.

Of course, it's not just Wakana, even Mina is in a similar situation.

Mina has been absent-minded during this period, and sometimes she doesn't even respond when she is called.

With a subtle look at Mina, how could Sonosaki Saeko not understand her sister's thoughts.

Mina's pretty face suddenly blushed when she was stared at by Sonosaki Saeko, and she quickly lowered her head to pick up the food on the plate.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see the nervous movement.

Although it was dinner time, Yuhara Lai did not eat anything. There was nothing on the plate in front of her.

Even though his body was active now, his body functions were not fully recovered and he could not digest the food.

Eating it would only rot in his stomach, so there was no need.

Folding his hands and leaning back on the chair, Yuhara Lai had no interest in the food at the moment.

Glancing at the other people, Yuhara Lai spoke slowly.

"Mr. Lu Li's experiment should be almost over. I heard him say that when I went to perform the body revitalization."

When they heard this, Sonozaki Wakana and Mina raised their heads at the same time, staring at Yuhara Lai with excitement.

Having someone look at him like he was shining made Yuhara Lai feel weird.

"What are you discussing? Are you discussing when I will come back?"

A familiar voice suddenly came out from the hall.

As soon as she heard this familiar voice, Sonozaki Wakana's hand movements suddenly paused, and her face was full of astonishment.

Mina's situation was not much better. She raised her head slightly, and saw the familiar figure standing opposite.

When she turned her head and saw Lu Li in person, Sonozaki Wakana jumped up with excitement.

She didn't care that she was eating now, and immediately got up and rushed over.

"Lu Li!"

With a flying pounce, Lu Li quickly caught the girl.

If he couldn't catch her, the scene would be too beautiful.

Sonosaki Wakana's movements were so fast that Sonosaki Saeko and Mina had just stood up.

Noticing that Sonosaki Wakana buried her head in Lu Li's arms, Mina's eyes flashed with deep envy.

She wanted to do the same.

But suddenly her expression darkened, and Mina felt that she was not worthy of Lu Li.

She was able to be like this now because of Lu Li's support.

From the beginning, he took her out of the experimental village, cracked Dr. Prospect's control, and then gave her the job of general manager's secretary.

Even her queen memory was given by Lu Li.

Everything now seemed to be given by Lu Li.

At this time, Mina suddenly found that she was completely taken care of by Lu Li, and she felt that she was inferior.

She was standing opposite Lu Li, and Lu Li could feel the changes in her face and her inner psychological changes.

This girl thought a lot.

Lu Li felt that it was about time. Mina had been with him for so long, and had been recognized by Sono Saeko and the others, so it was inevitable that he would accept her.

Remember the time before, when Metzl had just gained the ability to perceive the world, she immediately developed a romantic relationship with Lu Li.

Mina was depressed for a long time at that time.

After all, Sono Saeko and Sono Wakana were sisters, so it was okay. They came first, and he was just a latecomer.

But why did Metzl, who came later than herself, get there first?

This incident made Mina depressed for a long time.

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