It was a dark red flame that wrapped around her body and burned brightly.

In the flames, there was a dark red figure.


A dark red one poked out from the flames and slashed behind him, and the blazing flames were immediately split into two halves.

This dark red burning flame was attached to her waist at the back and condensed into a dark red skirt with a flame pattern on it.

The hot dopant finally appeared before everyone's eyes.

It looks a bit like the previous incandescent dopant, but the overall color has changed.

It used to be red, but now it has turned into dark red, and the body looks more powerful.


He clenched his fists slightly and felt the power emerging from his body, far exceeding the fiery doped body he had transformed into.

This powerful force fascinates Hahara Lai.

If he had possessed such a powerful power before, he would not have been defeated by Shotaro Zuo at that time.

He raised his right hand slightly, and a dark red flame appeared on the right hand of the blazing dopant body.

Around the dark red flame, the space seemed to be distorted.

After noticing this situation, Sonosaki Saeko couldn't help but marvel in her heart.

"What a strong flame!"

She really felt that this flame was very powerful and could actually distort the space. It was conceivable that the power was indeed very powerful.

In just a moment, under the reflection of the dark red flames, the temperature in the entire hall seemed to have increased a lot.

"Yu, that's almost it. Do you want to light this house?"

The hot dopant who was staring at the flame in his hand realized when he heard Lu Li's sudden voice.

With a wave of her hand, the flames in her hand immediately dissipated, and she also released her transformation.

"How's it going? Are you satisfied with your respective powers?"

Hearing this, all the girls nodded in unison, of course one of them had a problem.

This person is naturally Sonosaki Wakana.

After all, her memory was not enhanced, just the drive was changed.

Pouting her mouth slightly, Sonosaki Wakana sat on the chair with a depressed look.

She also wanted to become stronger, but unfortunately, Lu Li said that she was already strong enough and her memory could not continue to strengthen it for the time being.

Seeing her like this, Lu Li gently rubbed her head.

"Okay, don't be depressed, your current strength is no weaker than theirs."

At this moment, the door to the hall suddenly opened, and a figure wearing a black suit and coat walked in.

She looks very attractive with short shoulder-length hair.

That's right, the one who came here was none other than Kujo Ling.

During this period, under the operation of the Sonosaki family, she has been successfully promoted to the head of the Investigation Section 1.

Since I am a section chief, I naturally have more things to do.

When she saw Lu Li in the hall, Jiu Tiao Ling immediately came over and said respectfully.

"Lord Lu Li."

She was able to become a museum official only because of Lu Li's recommendation.

Otherwise, she might be in jail now.

How could he become the head of the Search Section 1 like he is now?

Seeing that the heroic figure of Kujo Ling was no less charming than the others, Lu Li nodded.

Then he handed her the New Gaia Drive and the Aeolian Pterosaur Titan.

Looking down at the new fusion memory in her hand, Kujo Ling couldn't wait to try the power of the fusion memory.

But just when she was about to use the drive to transform, Lu Li grabbed her hand.


Raising her neck slightly, Kujo Ling's eyes flashed with confusion. Apparently she didn't understand why Lu Li stopped her from transforming.

In fact, it wasn't just her, all the girls at the table were confused.

Previously, after they got the new drive and fused memory, they transformed directly, but why was Kujo Aya stopped when it was her turn?

Seeing everyone's confusion, Lu Li explained.

"Don't you forget, the Aeolian Pterosaur is the largest known flying animal. Now that I have merged the power of the Aeolus Pterosaur's memory with the power of the Titan bird, you should be able to imagine that now you will transform. What are the consequences?"

There is no stupid person here, and you will understand it after just a little digging.

Once Kujo Aya transforms, the consequence is likely to be that the entire Sonosaki family will be overthrown.

That's not what they want to see.

At this time, Sonosaki Saeko suddenly interrupted.

"Go outside. It's spacious enough outside. It should be fine."

Lu Li nodded.


Then everyone left the hall and came outside Sonosaki's house.

You must know that the entire surrounding land is the land of the Sonosaki family, and it has been built into a huge manor with no other buildings.

Arriving at an open place, Kujo Ling put on the drive and secretly placed the Fengshen Pterosaur Titan in her hand.

"Quetzalcoatlus.Titianis! (Wind God Pterosaur Titanis)"


A terrifying energy burst out instantly, and a pale golden light pillar rose into the sky.

Jiu Ling was shrouded in golden light, and it was almost impossible to see clearly in the golden light.

At this time, on the golden light pillar rising into the sky, an extremely huge figure appeared in the sky.

The huge figure covered the sky and the sun, and looked very scary.

The people who witnessed this scene, including Sonozaki Saeko, had their eyes wide open and their mouths slightly opened.

They felt a terrifying sense of oppression, a strong sense of oppression.

Fortunately, they had experienced the power of other fusion memories before, otherwise they would feel more oppressive after feeling this extremely terrifying power.

In the sky, a pair of extremely huge wings covered the clouds and the moon. The wings were at least nearly 20 meters long when spread out, and looked extremely terrifying.

Unlike other fusion memories, the fusion memories in the hands of Sonozaki Saeko and others were dominated by their original memories.

The Titan Bird memory used by Kujo Aya before was not the dominant one for this fusion, but the Quetzalcoatl memory was the dominant one.

The main reason was that the powerful power of the Quetzalcoatl memory mainly came from its size. If the Titan Bird memory was used as the dominant one, the overall power would not be greatly improved.

This was a decision made by Lu Li after many considerations.

Fortunately, it is night now, and the Quetzinus Titanbird appears in the sky, and almost no one will notice this situation.

If it is during the day, it may not work, and it will be easily discovered.

"Is it this big?"

Even though Sonozaki Wakana knew the basic information about the Quetzinus, she did not expect that even if it was made into a memory, it would still be very large.

Soon, the huge figure in the sky disappeared, and Jiujiao Ling reappeared in everyone's sight.

It can be clearly seen that Jiujiao Ling's pupils dilated slightly, and it can be seen at a glance that she is also in shock.

The main thing is that she never thought that she could become so huge.

After coming to her senses, Jiujiao Ling hurried to Lu Li, holding the memory in her hand, and said uncertainly.

"Lord Lu Li, are you really going to give me such a powerful memory...?"

When she used the Titanbird memory before, she already felt that the power was very strong, but she did not expect that this time it would become such a terrifying memory.

She was not even sure whether she could take it, the power of this memory was too terrifying.

Hearing this, Lu Li reached out and gently lifted her short hair that was scattered on her forehead.

"Of course, since I have given you the things, they are naturally yours. Don't have any doubts. As long as I give it to you, accept it with gratitude."

Nodding hesitantly, Jiujiao Ling no longer had any doubts at this moment.

Since Lu Li believed in her so much and was willing to give her such a powerful memory, Jiujiao Ling would naturally not let him down.

After this matter was settled, Lu Li had been busy all this time and had hardly eaten anything. His mouth was almost dry.

He must treat himself well for this dinner tonight.

Late at night.

Inside Sonosaki Saeko's room.

Leaning on Lu Li's shoulder, Sonosaki Saeko drew circles on Lu Li's chest with a ruddy face.

"Dear, I heard that the neighboring city seems to be a bit fierce recently.

It seems to be caused by the Amazon we caught before. It is said that Nozama Pharmaceutical Company has already arranged to set up an extermination team to secretly deal with these guys.

It has some effect, but it still caused a lot of trouble."

Listening to Sonozaki Saeko's words quietly, Lu Li recalled the Amazon who tried to attack him before.

Speaking of which, the grass on that guy's grave is three feet high.

Amazon cells, Lu Li is quite interested in this kind of cells.

The extremely small artificial life form secretly developed by Nozama Pharmaceutical has extremely strong activity.

It has the instinct to like protein, especially human flesh, even at the cellular level.

The most important thing is that Amazon cells... can revive the dead.

Although the person who is resurrected is an Amazon, it is undeniable that it is indeed a resurrection.

"¨¨Then...Have you heard of a Kamen Rider-like existence somewhere?"

This question made Sonozaki Saeko silent for a while.

Then she shook her head slightly. Sonozaki Saeko had not heard of such an existence.

But perhaps the news was blocked by the authorities and could not be spread.

In that city, the museum did not cultivate any power.

It was not easy to know some of the information, and it was difficult to know more specific details.

"It's okay, I'll go and see it when I have time, Amazon..."


The next day.

The villa where Maki Kiyoto is.

After this period of time, he has perfectly merged with the core coin.

His world has lost its color, and he has no taste when eating.

This means that Maki Kiyoto has become closer to a greedy person. Even if he has not completely become a greedy person, it will probably not take long.

As a researcher, he is calm enough.

Even if he gradually loses his perception of this world, he is not manic because of it.

The one who really makes him feel uncomfortable is Kazali.

That guy stole the remaining purple core coins, making it impossible for him to continue to merge the core coins.

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