Even if he becomes a perfect body, so what? Can he be worthy of Lu Li?

Opening his eyes slightly, Mezier showed admiration in his eyes and said in surprise

"I see, Lu Li, you are really amazing. You have thought of so many things since I was in Fengdu."

You must know that Lu Li got Kazali's core coin in Fengdu, and a lot of time has passed since then.

But Lu Li seemed to have started planning from early on and had everything included in the plan.

It was indeed incredible, and Metzl was even very curious about how Lu Li did it.

"Okay, I'm going to go there now. How about it? Do you want to come together?"

"Okay, I want to go and see it too."

Metzl grabbed Lu Li's big hand.

The reason why Lu Li chose to bring Mezier with him was because he planned to get back Mezier's core coins.

Having spent so much time with Maki Kiyoshi, Lu Li was certain that Kazali's body must have the core coins of other greedy people fused into it.

That guy is just a container now.

Unable to get back his own core coin, he tried to become stronger by fusing the power of other core coins.

at the same time.

Wufan and Gamer hurried to another place and finally found the Desire Eater.

It's a vulture eating monster.

At this time, the vultures were wreaking havoc and attacking people on the streets.

Not far from the vulture, "Anku" who had turned into a child was watching all this quietly.

All he wants is cell coins, nothing else matters.

And the person standing next to "Anku" was none other than Maki Kiyoshi.

He has completed the transformation of a greedy person. Since he has not developed any resistance, the transformation speed is naturally much faster.

Although Wu Fan saw "Anku" for the first time, Yin Jiu could still be very calm under such a ferocious attack from the Devouring Monster. There was something wrong with that.

Compared with Gamer who didn't see anything, Wufan's observation skills were indeed very good.

"I found it. Another Anku is actually here. Just snatch his core coins away."

Wu Fan twisted his wrist, as if he was preparing to attack.

"Found it? Where is it? Why didn't I see it?"

Gamer looked around in confusion, but did not see Anku.

Hearing this, Wu Fan suddenly staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Glancing at Gamer next to him, he felt very speechless at this time.

"What a fool!

"Did you see that kid over there should be Anku? As for the guy next to him, he should be in the same group."

He had never met Maki Kiyoshi before, so Wu Fan naturally didn't recognize him.

But to him, none of that mattered.

Regardless of whether he was an accomplice or not, his goal was just to grab the core coin from another Anku.

"Oh~! It's that kid! Okay! I'm going to kill him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Gamer immediately started to take action, stamping his feet fiercely, his body was covered with coins, and then he changed back to his greedy appearance.

After transforming, Gamer rushed towards "Anku" with a long stride.

Seeing Gamel rushing forward like this, Ufan was immediately speechless.

"Me...! Gamer! Your uncle!"

Wouldn't it be better to conduct a sneak attack?

If you conduct a sneak attack, you might be able to get one or two core coins first.

But now, Gamer rushed forward directly. What else could he do?

Anyway, everything has been exposed, there is no point in continuing to hide it, just rush it and it's over!

Thinking of this, Wu Fan immediately changed back to his greedy form.

The hot metal fusion memory has always been in his body. When he completed the greedy transformation, the silver-white metal heavily covered his armor and turned into

The silver look in front.

The flames on his body were billowing with extremely high temperature, burning the surrounding air crazily.

"Anku" and Maki were originally just observing the Desire Eater to see when it would grow up.

But the sudden energy naturally attracted the attention of the two people.


Maki Kiyoshi frowned slightly, pushed up his glasses slightly, and focused his eyes on Wu Fan.

When he saw that there were two greedy people, his face was still very calm, as if it was nothing.

If it were him before, he would probably be a little panicked when faced with this situation.

After all, at that time, he was only a mortal body and did not have the strong power to fight against the greedy ones.

But now he has already taken on a new look and has become a new greedy person.

Although there are only three core coins in his body, the three core coins are powerful enough for him to fight against other greedy people.

It is just a core coin, and it also has the power of nothingness. There is no need to fear the power of other core coins.

However, when Maki Qingren noticed Wu Fan, his expression changed slightly.

Of course he knew what Wu Fan was supposed to be like, but now such a big change suddenly occurred, something must have happened.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, the information channels he can know are much less.

After leaving the Hongshang Foundation, I no longer have the ability to look up whatever I want to know as before.

It is indeed much more difficult to get first-hand information now.

Moreover, Wufan would undergo such a big local change, and he had no idea what happened in 0.4.

"Anku" also noticed the arrival of the two people, and his eyes darkened slightly.

You can be at peace~~ You are here to cultivate the Devouring Monster, but someone wants to disturb you, which makes you really unhappy.

Instantly switching to the greedy form, the missing right arm looks like it is wrapped in a bandage, and the right part of the missing head looks naked and purple.

Maki Kiyoshi also just wanted to test his new power.

Now that the other party has already arrived at his door, he won't be polite.

A faint purple light bloomed in his eyes, and his figure rose slightly. Coins appeared on Maki Kiyoshi's body, surging wildly, and the next second he turned into a dinosaur greedy man.

It has a Tyrannosaurus rex-like head, long beaks on both sides of its shoulders that look like pterosaurs, and a triceratops-like armor on its chest.

There are pterosaur-like wings behind it, which can keep the dinosaur greedy in flight.

In the center of the belt on the waist is a golden spar.

Perhaps it is because he was transformed from a human into a greedy person. Unlike other greedy people, when the core coins are missing, the armor on the body will disappear.

Dinosaur Greed did not have such a situation. He only had three core coins in his body, but he looked like a complete body.

Of course, in terms of strength, it is definitely still far behind the complete body.

But due to the special power of the purple core coin, the power displayed by the Dinosaur Greed is not comparable to that of other Greeds.


The first time he transformed into the greedy form, Maki Kiyoshi had already fully utilized this power.

It is precisely because he does not reject the power of the dinosaur core coin in his heart that he can integrate it so quickly.

"What it is?!"

This was the first time Wu Fan saw the dinosaur Greedy, and his eyes were full of horror.

PS: thanks

A monthly ticket to travel freely in the sky!

thanks one

Feng Xie’s reminder ticket!

Chapter 256 The terrifying new greedy person, Gamel is offline

He didn't understand why new greedy people appeared. He had never heard of such greedy people.

What on earth is going on here.

It's just that another Anku appeared, but now a new greedy one has appeared.

What kind of abilities the other party has and how powerful they are are all unknown now.

It seems that it is not an easy task to get the core coins in the hands of "Anku".

Regarding the sudden appearance of the dinosaur greedy man, Wu Fan felt suspicious and had a bad feeling in his heart.

Now that he has come to this point, he can't give up the core coins in "Anku's" hands.

"Gamer, leave the guy next to you to you, and leave the other Anku to me!"

Hearing this, Gamer nodded without hesitation and rushed towards the Dinosaur Greedy Man with rapid strides.

"no problem!"

Running violently, Gamel's powerful power spread into the ground.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!...

The ground trembled for a moment.

As expected of a weight-based greedy, his power is indeed very powerful.

Gamer had no idea how terrifying the Dinosaur Greed was, so he rushed over to it.

Seeing this, Dinosaur Greed put his hands together, and an extremely terrifying force spread instantly

Bursts of purple energy overflowed crazily, with Dinosaur Greed as the center, and countless cracks appeared on the surrounding ground.

In an instant, gravel flew and the surrounding ground collapsed.

Gamel, who had already sprinted over, slammed into this purple energy.


Silver energy and purple energy collided together.

The terrifying energy impact caused the earth to tremble violently for a while.

Wherever energy collides, it explodes.

The power generated by the energy explosion caused the area where Gamer was located to rapidly collapse.

Even the ground collapsed slightly.

Wu Fan was very surprised when he saw such a terrifying burst of power.

He was able to resist the weight-based Gamer. This new greedy person was indeed very powerful.

Sure enough, it was right to let Gamer fight that guy.

Wufan has also met "Anku" here.

"Why are you interfering with me?

"Anku" doesn't know Wu Fan. After all, his consciousness was born now and not eight hundred years ago.

"Interfering with you? No! I'm not here to interfere with you 25, I'm here to seize the core coin in your hand!

Hand over your core coins..! "

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