The force of the wind swept everything, cutting off the flowers and plants on the river bank and lifting the gravel on the ground.


Kazali roared angrily, and turned back into a greedy man in the wind.

He showed the claws in his hand. At this moment, Kazali was overwhelmed by anger and had no idea of ​​the difference in power between the two.

Metzl watched quietly and had no intention of attacking. She knew that Kazali could not threaten Lu Li at all.

To be precise, Kazali was not even a threat.


The claws that could tear the target apart, when about to touch Lu Li, a strange force was like a barrier, easily blocking the claws attack.

Kazali, who did not believe in evil, attacked frantically, trying to break through this invisible defense.

"Ding Ding Ding!!"

But the truth is that Lu Li just stood in front of him motionlessly, but he could not touch Lu Li at all.

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it! I don't believe it! Ah!!"

Kazali has entered a state of madness at this moment.

He couldn't accept that his core coins were destroyed. In addition to his anger, he couldn't touch Lu Li at all.

Sparks splashed on his claws, and Lu Li's face was indifferent.

"It seems that I can only take the remaining purple core coins myself.

Kazali, your mission is over, so let's stop here. It's time to put an end to you."

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Li's eyes suddenly stern, and a terrifying sense of oppression came over him.

Kazali, who had just raised his claws, actually stopped raising his claws under this terrifying sense of oppression.

His eyes were full of horror. He felt that Lu Li in front of him was like an insurmountable mountain, towering and unseen.

"It can be regarded as a reward for you to bring back these core coins for me. I will personally... present you the finale."


The terrifying energy explosion repelled Kazali on the spot.

With a mid-air backflip, Kazali's legs plunged into the ground.

His two claws were firmly grasping the ground, but even so, he still slid out a distance.

Lu Li, who was in the center of the energy explosion, had his clothes moving without wind.

He took out a driver with his left hand that was somewhat similar to the Lost Driver, but it seemed to be somewhat different from the Lost Driver.

The color of the driver changed to black and white, and there were some subtle differences in the shape.

This was the fusion driver after Lu Li made changes.

The original Lost Driver could not match the power of the fusion memory, and it had to be modified to match the power of the fusion collective.

In order to match the power of the fusion memory, Lu Li directly made a major change to the Lost Driver.

The final result was the current fusion driver, which could withstand even stronger power.

Of course, the fusion driver also has the ability of the Lost Driver and can use the T2 memory.

You can still use the fusion driver to transform into a T2 Yongqi:

In Lu Li's right hand, there is a dark golden memory.

It was the previous Fear.Utopia fusion memory.



Lu Li inserted the Terror.Utopia fusion memory in his hand into the fusion drive.

This was the first transformation after Lu Li's fusion memory and fusion drive were completed:

Being able to witness a powerful general with his own eyes, Kazali also had a perfect ending.

The sky, which was originally clear, suddenly became overcast and thunder flashed.

The wind was howling and heavy rain fell in an instant.

Lu Li placed his right hand on the memory slot and finally opened the fusion drive.

A purple thunder fell from the sky and hit Lu Li accurately.

In the purple shining thunder, Lu Li had disappeared, and what appeared in the original place was a terrifying existence with a golden knight armor and scarlet eyes.

The knight armor on his body was mainly gold as the main color tone, and there were some black lines, and there was a red cloak behind him.

There were golden horns above the scarlet eyes, like a golden crown.

The black aura wrapped around his body gave people an extremely bad feeling.

Kamen Rider: Utopia of Fear!

When Lu Li successfully completed the transformation, the powerful energy that was inadvertently emitted from his body actually caused the earth to gradually collapse.

The closest person was Metzl. Since Lu Li did not target her, she could only feel the terrifying energy that was inadvertently revealed.

An existence that is too powerful to be faced!

This is the most real feeling in Metzl's heart.

Even if he has become a complete body, in front of Lu Li at this moment, he is like an ant, very small.

Kazali hunched his body, his eyes full of fear. It was the first time he saw such a terrifying existence.

The king eight hundred years ago, even if he grew to his final appearance, had never exerted such a powerful and terrifying power.

It was completely beyond his cognitive ability. He felt like a tiny ant standing in front of a giant.

The opponent could easily crush him to death with just one finger, and he didn't even have the power to resist.

The whole person is like a lone boat in the ocean, which may be submerged by the waves at any time.

The body couldn't help shaking, and the strong sense of oppression made Kazali's mind extremely clear at this time.

Is this existence in front of him really someone he can provoke?

Just now, because the core coin was destroyed, he lost his mind for a while, and launched a crazy attack on Lu Li like a madman.

Now, he couldn't help but regret it after reacting.

If he had known that this would happen, he would not have thought about it.

The body was shaking unconsciously, and even the cell coins in the body were surging, as if they wanted to break away from the restraints of the body at any time.

"Kazali, I thought you were still useful at first, but I didn't expect that you still like to pretend to obey and do some tricks behind the scenes.

And you like to make trouble, but I don't like people like you who are too clever, and I don't like your constant tricks.

If you didn't have so many tricks, maybe you wouldn't have come to this step now. You... It's time to say goodbye to this world."

The infinitely cold voice of the air conditioner came, causing Kazali's body to pause suddenly.

But then there was a very fierce struggle, he definitely didn't want to be killed like this.

Even if the core coin is gone, at most he can use other core coins as a substitute. Although he can't become a complete body, so be it.

This is at least... better than death!

However, Kazali didn't even have time to say this.

The golden figure appeared in front of him, staring at Kazali with scarlet eyes, and one hand pinched Kazali's neck and lifted Kazali up.

How did it move? Kazali didn't react at all, as if it appeared in an instant.

This speed is the same as teleportation.


Kazali, who was suddenly pinched by the neck, wanted to say something, but he couldn't say a word.

It's not that he didn't want to speak, but Lu Li didn't give him any chance to speak.

Since he had made the wrong choice, it was time to pay the price.

"Let...let me go...(cfah)."

Kazali grabbed Lu Li's arm tightly with both hands, trying to pull this strong arm apart, he couldn't do it at all.

"Let you go? I gave you a chance from the beginning, but you just couldn't grasp it. Who can you blame?

If you want to blame... you can only blame yourself for being too clever. I caught you. So you can only say that you are unlucky?"


Lu Li exuded an extremely strange power.

And Kazali, who was controlled, kept struggling to break free from the restraints, but it was undoubtedly a useless effort.


Then, Kazali felt whether his body strength was draining away:

A yellow energy was flowing from his body into Lu Li's body along his arm.

This power came from Utopia.

Utopia can transform the opponent's ability into its own ability. If the opponent is an undead without any hope, it will naturally be useless.

But Kazali and other greedy people are different. They have extremely strong desires.

In this case, Lu Li can of course transform his ability into his own ability.

" power?"

Feeling the power in his body was draining away crazily, Kazali's eyes revealed a deep astonishment.

He had no idea how Lu Li had managed to absorb his power.

The yellow energy was getting less and less, and Kazali's struggle was getting weaker and weaker.

"Kazali, it's time... it's time to end,

I will bring you the end.

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li exerted a little force on his right arm, and Kazali was thrown out at a very fast speed, and his target was the bridge piers on both sides of the river.

"Shua! !"

"Bang! !"

His body slammed into the bridge piers, and the powerful impact caused cracks in the bridge piers.

Then, Lu Li closed the fusion drive, removed the Terror Utopia fusion memory, and inserted it into the memory slot on the right belt.

"Terror..Utopia! Maximum.Drive! (Terror Utopia Extreme Drive)!"

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ....


A terrifying energy burst out from Lu Li, and his whole body was wrapped in a dark golden energy.

The dark golden energy was like a flame, and it looked extremely terrifying.

He took a step with his right foot, and the terrifying force caused the earth to collapse. Instantly, Lu Li's body flew into the air.

The whole person turned into a dark golden flame, rushing straight into the sky.

After reaching a certain distance, Lu Li instantly hung upside down.

At this moment, the sky gradually darkened, as if the end of the world had come again.

"Terror.Demise (Fear of the End)!"

The next second, he saw the golden figure wrapped in endless darkness, falling straight down from the sky.

Kazali barely stood up from the ground and felt an extremely dangerous breath.

He suddenly looked up and saw the golden figure carrying an extremely terrifying power falling towards him.

"Move! Move quickly!!"

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