If other people in the company saw it, they would all be shocked.

Is this still the president they know?

It's unbelievable that he can have such a gentle side.

He hugged Sonosaki Saeko and came to the chair. Lu Li sat down on the chair.

As for Sonosaki Saeko, she sat on his lap.

"Is there a lot to do? Okay, tell me, what do you want me to do for you?"

Nodding slightly, Sonosaki Saeko took out a piece of information from the table.

"It's not a big deal, it's just this guy. My dear, since you're back, I'd like you to deal with it.

He has gone too far during this time. Fengdu is our territory after all. If he keeps making a big fuss, it will infringe on the rights and interests of other Gaia memory buyers. There is no way.

Gaia's memory has liberated his desire for violence, so... dear, please go and deal with him. "

Lu Li casually picked up the document on the table. The other party's identity information was clearly written on it.


When Lu Li saw this information, he knew immediately. Isn't this the one who will officially start the plot?

Counting the time, it's almost time for the plot to begin.

After reading the information just now, he threw it on the table and Lu Li nodded.

"No problem, I will take care of this guy, don't worry."

PS: If you have flowers, you can’t get them, I’ll take delivery! ^_^.

Chapter 52 I feel unhappy...I can only endure it (more updates!)

There are many buyers of memories in Fengdu, so there are naturally many people who use these supernatural powers.

Togawa Yosuke, the magma memory used is very destructive.

He has committed several crimes in succession and destroyed many constructed buildings.

Although he is a customer of the company, he has harmed the company's interests after all.

In this case, it can only be eliminated.

On the other side, Fengdu welcomed a new guest today.

Narumi Shokichi's daughter, Narumi Asukiko, found the Narumi Detective Agency run by her father.

As soon as you come to the door, you must drive Zuo Shotaro away and let him leave here as soon as possible.

So far, Narumi Asukiko doesn't even know that her father Narumi Shokichi passed away a year ago.

Faced with his uncle's daughter, Shotaro Zuo, a self-proclaimed tough guy detective, didn't know what to do.

He could only hide the matter for the time being. He couldn't tell Narumi Asukiko that his uncle had died because of saving him and Phillip.

Just when the two were talking about this topic, Zuo Shotaro's former childhood sweetheart, Tsumura Marina, came to the door, hoping that Zuo Shotaro could help find his boyfriend Togawa Yosuke.

Tsumura Marina, the owner of the Tyrannosaurus Rex memory, purchased the Gaia memory at the same time as Togawa Yosuke.

Since Togawa Yosuke has lost control and gone berserk, she is worried that her identity will be leaked and is ready to kill him with her own hands.

But unfortunately, she couldn't find the other person's location, and her childhood sweetheart, Shotarou Zuo, was a detective, so she came to ask him to help her find someone.

In the process of searching, Shotaro Zuo happened to encounter a building collapse in the tunnel.

He sneaked in with Narumi Yasuki to search for clues, and he found it, let alone him.

The building was owned by a clothing company, Winscale.

It happens that Togawa Yosuke once worked in this company.

His intuition told him that this matter might be closely related.

Then I met Chifu Hayano, a police officer from Fengdu Police Station, and learned that this was the third incident this week.

Fortunately, he was relatively familiar with Chifu Basano, and he usually helped him solve cases. The other party secretly gave him some clues.

After checking the clues, we found one thing in common, that is, the victims in these three incidents were all Winscale branches.

Clearly, none of this could be just a coincidence.

Just during the investigation, he encountered a magma dopant. If it weren't for his quick reaction, Shotaro Zuo would have almost turned into a roast chicken.

After some investigation, with the help of Philip Earth Library, the exact clues were finally found.

Night falls.

Darkness enveloped the city of Fengdu.

Tonight is the Sonosaki family's family dinner.

Lu Li just came back from outside and was able to attend the family dinner tonight.

As for Togawa Yosuke, Lu Li has not looked for him yet. He is not in a hurry anyway and will talk about it tomorrow.

In the extremely gorgeous lobby of Sonosaki's house.

Lu Li sat leisurely in his seat, enjoying the food quietly.

Sonosaki Saeko on the side looked at him with gentle eyes.

Sonosaki Ryubei, who was sitting in the main seat, looked at Lu Li and felt somewhat unhappy.

Ever since the incident a year ago, the relationship between Sonosaki Ryubei and Lu Li had become tense.

It's fine now, but it was worse before.

And with Lu Li backing her up, Sonosaki Saeko didn't take Sonosaki Ryubei into consideration even more.

This made Ryubei Sonosaki feel very unhappy, but he could not be angry at Saeko Sonosaki.

He knew that once he targeted his eldest daughter, Lu Li would definitely not be able to stand by and watch.

There is no other way but to be out of sight and keep your mind pure.

But fortunately, there is still something to be happy about, that is, the institute has completely resumed operations.

I believe that the data and information of Gaia's memory will be further improved soon.

This is the most gratifying thing in this period of time.

At this moment, there was a sound of opening the door at the entrance of the quiet hall.

Sonosaki Wakana, dressed in a gorgeous female dress, hurried in, with her long hair curled on both sides to make a bun.

Seeing Sonosaki Wakana, who was dressed in a gorgeous dress, coming so late, Sonosaki Saeko was immediately unhappy.

Slightly cold face said.

"Wakana, if it was in my company, latecomers would be fired."

Until now, the two sisters still like to have verbal disputes.

Even if Lu Li was in the middle, it could not change the two people's disgust for each other.


Unwillingly curling her lips, Sonosaki Wakana lifted her snow-white skirt and walked towards her seat.

"I told you that we are in a traffic jam. I am so angry. There is a rare dinner tonight, but there is a traffic jam!"

It can be heard that Sonozaki Wakana is in a bad mood about the traffic jam today.

On her way back at night, she happened to encounter the collapse of the Winskell Building, which blocked the tunnel. She had to switch roads, but it was blocked for a while.

"Buildings melt and mortals die. It is very common in this city. Hahaha! These are all caused by our work."

The old man's bad mood seemed to be swept away.

The power displayed by the lava doping body was somewhat unexpected. Although it has entered a state of out of control, this is normal.

The toxicity of Gaia's memory will bring side effects. After using it for a period of time, it is easy to enter a state of rampage and out of control.

But in the eyes of Sonozaki Ryubei, this is just the most normal thing.

At this time, Lu Li, who had been eating, said calmly.

"That guy is out of control now. Since he is out of control, there is no need for him to exist."

This made Sonosaki Ryubei, who was originally in a good mood, choke.

It felt like something stuck in his throat, which was very uncomfortable.

Seeing that the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became quiet and solemn, Sonosaki Wakana quickly changed the subject.

"That is a magma impurity, right? Who sold it?"

The old man, who was originally in a bad mood, used a fork to pick up the small pieces of meat cut from the table and put them into Mick's mouth.

"Recently, I seem to have heard that there is a young man with good sales performance, and his ability seems to be quite good."

The person he was talking about was naturally Sudo Kirihiko, who had recently become famous in the sales department.

Regarding this person, Sonosaki Saeko had only met him twice, and she didn't know him very well at all.

PS: Thanks to Feng Yingluo for the monthly ticket!

Today's extra chapter begins! .

Chapter 53 Sense of Crisis (More and More!)

The situation in the sales department will be reported to her by the department manager, so she doesn't need to worry at all.

"I don't know what his ability is, if possible, let's absorb him. Even if he can't become a member of our family, we have to let him work for us."

This is the order of Sonozaki Ryubei.

Sonozaki Saeko, who received this order, did not agree to it immediately, but set her eyes on Lu Li.

It was obvious that she was waiting for Lu Li to speak.

Giving a look that said "you can do it yourself", Lu Li continued to taste the food on the table.

These things don't need Lu Li to care about them at all.

Sonozaki Saeko has strong abilities, she can make her own decisions, and Lu Li will certainly support her.

After thinking it over, Sonozaki Saeko nodded in response.

"Yes, father, I know what to do."

Seeing that Sonozaki Saeko took so long to respond to his order, the old man was very upset.


With a slight snort, the old man had no appetite for tonight's meal.

Over the past year, Sonosaki Saeko has gone from executing his orders at the beginning to executing them according to the situation now.

This has made Sonosaki Ryubei feel a sense of crisis.

If he continues like this, he will probably be sidelined soon.

Even if he has great power, the power of fear can't affect Lu Li at all.

In terms of combat level, Lu Li is above him.

Unconsciously, he also realized that Sonosaki Saeko seemed to be gradually out of his control.

She is no longer the good girl she used to be, and no longer the daughter who obeyed any of his orders.

All of this was caused by Lu Li.

Sonosaki Wakana felt that the atmosphere at the scene was a little solemn, so she took the initiative to say to Lu Li.

"Lu Li, you just said that the guy who used the magma memory has lost control. Are you going to do it yourself?"

All along, Sonosaki Wakana has never really seen Lu Li's power.

She just heard from her father and sister that Lu Li was very strong.

She was very curious, how strong was Lu Li?

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